import os import subprocess from subprocess import Popen import time import shutil import gettext import stat import commands import sys import parted from configobj import ConfigObj gettext.install("live-installer", "/usr/share/locale") class InstallerEngine: ''' This is central to the live installer ''' def __init__(self): self.conf_file = '/etc/live-installer/install.conf' configuration = ConfigObj(self.conf_file) self.distribution_name = configuration['distribution']['DISTRIBUTION_NAME'] self.distribution_version = configuration['distribution']['DISTRIBUTION_VERSION'] self.live_user = configuration['install']['LIVE_USER_NAME'] = configuration['install']['LIVE_MEDIA_SOURCE'] self.media_type = configuration['install']['LIVE_MEDIA_TYPE'] def set_progress_hook(self, progresshook): ''' Set a callback to be called on progress updates ''' ''' i.e. def my_callback(progress_type, message, current_progress, total) ''' ''' Where progress_type is any off PROGRESS_START, PROGRESS_UPDATE, PROGRESS_COMPLETE, PROGRESS_ERROR ''' self.update_progress = progresshook def set_error_hook(self, errorhook): ''' Set a callback to be called on errors ''' self.error_message = errorhook def get_distribution_name(self): return self.distribution_name def get_distribution_version(self): return self.distribution_version def step_format_partitions(self, setup): for partition in setup.partitions: if(partition.format_as is not None and partition.format_as != ""): # report it. should grab the total count of filesystems to be formatted .. self.update_progress(total=4, current=1, pulse=True, message=_("Formatting %(partition)s as %(format)s..." % {'partition':partition.partition.path, 'format':partition.format_as})) #Format it if partition.format_as == "swap": cmd = "mkswap %s" % partition.partition.path else: cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s" % (partition.format_as, partition.partition.path) print "EXECUTING: '%s'" % cmd p = Popen(cmd, shell=True) p.wait() # this blocks partition.type = partition.format_as def step_mount_partitions(self, setup): # Mount the installation media print " --> Mounting partitions" self.update_progress(total=4, current=2, message=_("Mounting %(partition)s on %(mountpoint)s") % {'partition', 'mountpoint':"/source/"}) print " ------ Mounting %s on %s" % (, "/source/") self.do_mount(, "/source/", self.media_type, options="loop") # Mount the target partition for partition in setup.partitions: if(partition.mount_as is not None and partition.mount_as != ""): if partition.mount_as == "/": self.update_progress(total=4, current=3, message=_("Mounting %(partition)s on %(mountpoint)s") % {'partition':partition.partition.path, 'mountpoint':"/target/"}) print " ------ Mounting %s on %s" % (partition.partition.path, "/target/") self.do_mount(partition.partition.path, "/target", partition.type, None) break # Mount the other partitions for partition in setup.partitions: if(partition.mount_as is not None and partition.mount_as != "" and partition.mount_as != "/" and partition.mount_as != "swap"): print " ------ Mounting %s on %s" % (partition.partition.path, "/target" + partition.mount_as) os.system("mkdir -p /target" + partition.mount_as) self.do_mount(partition.partition.path, "/target" + partition.mount_as, partition.type, None) def install(self, setup): # mount the media location. print " --> Installation started" try: if(not os.path.exists("/target")): os.mkdir("/target") if(not os.path.exists("/source")): os.mkdir("/source") # find the squashfs.. if(not os.path.exists( print "Base filesystem does not exist! Critical error (exiting)." sys.exit(1) # change to report self.step_format_partitions(setup) self.step_mount_partitions(setup) # walk root filesystem SOURCE = "/source/" DEST = "/target/" directory_times = [] our_total = 0 our_current = -1 os.chdir(SOURCE) # index the files print " --> Indexing files" for top,dirs,files in os.walk(SOURCE, topdown=False): our_total += len(dirs) + len(files) self.update_progress(pulse=True, message=_("Indexing files to be copied..")) our_total += 1 # safenessness print " --> Copying files" for top,dirs,files in os.walk(SOURCE): # Sanity check. Python is a bit schitzo dirpath = top if(dirpath.startswith(SOURCE)): dirpath = dirpath[len(SOURCE):] for name in dirs + files: # following is hacked/copied from Ubiquity rpath = os.path.join(dirpath, name) sourcepath = os.path.join(SOURCE, rpath) targetpath = os.path.join(DEST, rpath) st = os.lstat(sourcepath) mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) # now show the world what we're doing our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Copying %s" % rpath)) if os.path.exists(targetpath): if not os.path.isdir(targetpath): os.remove(targetpath) if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): if os.path.lexists(targetpath): os.unlink(targetpath) linkto = os.readlink(sourcepath) os.symlink(linkto, targetpath) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if not os.path.isdir(targetpath): os.mkdir(targetpath, mode) elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFCHR | mode, st.st_rdev) elif stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFBLK | mode, st.st_rdev) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFIFO | mode) elif stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFSOCK | mode) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): # we don't do blacklisting yet.. try: os.unlink(targetpath) except: pass self.do_copy_file(sourcepath, targetpath) os.lchown(targetpath, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) if not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): os.chmod(targetpath, mode) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): directory_times.append((targetpath, st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) # os.utime() sets timestamp of target, not link elif not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): os.utime(targetpath, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) # Apply timestamps to all directories now that the items within them # have been copied. print " --> Restoring meta-info" for dirtime in directory_times: (directory, atime, mtime) = dirtime try: self.update_progress(pulse=True, message=_("Restoring meta-information on %s" % directory)) os.utime(directory, (atime, mtime)) except OSError: pass # Steps: our_total = 10 our_current = 0 # chroot print " --> Chrooting" self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Entering new system..")) os.system("mount --bind /dev/ /target/dev/") os.system("mount --bind /dev/shm /target/dev/shm") os.system("mount --bind /dev/pts /target/dev/pts") os.system("mount --bind /sys/ /target/sys/") os.system("mount --bind /proc/ /target/proc/") os.system("cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf") # remove live user print " --> Removing live user" live_user = self.live_user our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Removing live configuration (user)")) self.do_run_in_chroot("deluser %s" % live_user) # can happen if(os.path.exists("/target/home/%s" % live_user)): self.do_run_in_chroot("rm -rf /home/%s" % live_user) # remove live-initramfs (or w/e) print " --> Removing live-initramfs" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Removing live configuration (packages)")) self.do_run_in_chroot("apt-get remove --purge --yes --force-yes live-boot live-boot-initramfs-tools live-initramfs live-installer live-config live-config-sysvinit") # add new user print " --> Adding new user" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Adding user to system")) self.do_run_in_chroot("useradd -s %s -c \'%s\' -G sudo -m %s" % ("/bin/bash", setup.real_name, setup.username)) newusers = open("/target/tmp/newusers.conf", "w") newusers.write("%s:%s\n" % (setup.username, setup.password1)) newusers.write("root:%s\n" % setup.password1) newusers.close() self.do_run_in_chroot("cat /tmp/newusers.conf | chpasswd") self.do_run_in_chroot("rm -rf /tmp/newusers.conf") # write the /etc/fstab print " --> Writing fstab" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Writing filesystem mount information")) # make sure fstab has default /proc and /sys entries if(not os.path.exists("/target/etc/fstab")): os.system("echo \"#### Static Filesystem Table File\" > /target/etc/fstab") fstab = open("/target/etc/fstab", "a") fstab.write("proc\t/proc\tproc\tdefaults\t0\t0\n") for partition in setup.partitions: partition_uuid = partition.partition.path # If we can't find the UUID we use the path try: blkid = commands.getoutput('blkid').split('\n') for blkid_line in blkid: blkid_elements = blkid_line.split(':') if blkid_elements[0] == partition.partition.path: blkid_mini_elements = blkid_line.split() for blkid_mini_element in blkid_mini_elements: if "UUID=" in blkid_mini_element: partition_uuid = blkid_mini_element.replace('"', '').strip() break break except Exception, detail: print detail fstab.write("# %s\n" % (partition.partition.path)) if(partition.type == "swap"): fstab.write("%s\tswap\tswap\tsw\t0\t0\n" % partition_uuid) else: fstab.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (partition_uuid, partition.mount_as, partition.type, "rw,errors=remount-ro", "0", "0")) fstab.close() # write host+hostname infos print " --> Writing hostname" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting hostname")) hostnamefh = open("/target/etc/hostname", "w") hostnamefh.write("%s\n" % setup.hostname) hostnamefh.close() hostsfh = open("/target/etc/hosts", "w") hostsfh.write("\tlocalhost\n") hostsfh.write("\t%s\n" % setup.hostname) hostsfh.write("# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts\n") hostsfh.write("::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback\n") hostsfh.write("fe00::0 ip6-localnet\n") hostsfh.write("ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::1 ip6-allnodes\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::2 ip6-allrouters\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::3 ip6-allhosts\n") hostsfh.close() # gdm overwrite (specific to Debian/live-initramfs) print " --> Configuring GDM" gdmconffh = open("/target/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf", "w") # gdmconffh.write("# GDM configuration storage\n") gdmconffh.write("\n[daemon]\n") gdmconffh.write("\n[security]\n") gdmconffh.write("\n[xdmcp]\n") gdmconffh.write("\n[greeter]\n") gdmconffh.write("\n[chooser]\n") gdmconffh.write("\n[debug]\n") gdmconffh.close() # set the locale print " --> Setting the locale" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting locale")) os.system("echo \"%s.UTF-8 UTF-8\" >> /target/etc/locale.gen" % setup.language) self.do_run_in_chroot("locale-gen") os.system("echo \"\" > /target/etc/default/locale") self.do_run_in_chroot("update-locale LANG=\"%s.UTF-8\"" % setup.language) self.do_run_in_chroot("update-locale LANG=%s.UTF-8" % setup.language) # set the timezone print " --> Setting the timezone" os.system("echo \"%s\" > /target/etc/timezone" % setup.timezone_code) os.system("cp /target/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s /target/etc/localtime" % setup.timezone) # localize Firefox and Thunderbird print " --> Localizing Firefox and Thunderbird" self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Localizing Firefox and Thunderbird")) if setup.language != "en_US": os.system("apt-get update") self.do_run_in_chroot("apt-get update") locale = setup.language.replace("_", "-") num_res = commands.getoutput("aptitude search firefox-l10n-%s | grep firefox-l10n-%s | wc -l" % (locale, locale)) if num_res != "0": self.do_run_in_chroot("apt-get install --yes --force-yes firefox-l10n-" + locale) else: if "_" in setup.language: language_code = setup.language.split("_")[0] num_res = commands.getoutput("aptitude search firefox-l10n-%s | grep firefox-l10n-%s | wc -l" % (language_code, language_code)) if num_res != "0": self.do_run_in_chroot("apt-get install --yes --force-yes firefox-l10n-" + language_code) num_res = commands.getoutput("aptitude search thunderbird-l10n-%s | grep thunderbird-l10n-%s | wc -l" % (locale, locale)) if num_res != "0": self.do_run_in_chroot("apt-get install --yes --force-yes thunderbird-l10n-" + locale) else: if "_" in setup.language: language_code = setup.language.split("_")[0] num_res = commands.getoutput("aptitude search thunderbird-l10n-%s | grep thunderbird-l10n-%s | wc -l" % (language_code, language_code)) if num_res != "0": self.do_run_in_chroot("apt-get install --yes --force-yes thunderbird-l10n-" + language_code) # set the keyboard options.. print " --> Setting the keyboard" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting keyboard options")) consolefh = open("/target/etc/default/console-setup", "r") newconsolefh = open("/target/etc/default/", "w") for line in consolefh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if(line.startswith("XKBMODEL=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBMODEL=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_model) elif(line.startswith("XKBLAYOUT=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBLAYOUT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_layout) elif(line.startswith("XKBVARIANT=") and setup.keyboard_variant is not None): newconsolefh.write("XKBVARIANT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_variant) else: newconsolefh.write("%s\n" % line) consolefh.close() newconsolefh.close() self.do_run_in_chroot("rm /etc/default/console-setup") self.do_run_in_chroot("mv /etc/default/ /etc/default/console-setup") consolefh = open("/target/etc/default/keyboard", "r") newconsolefh = open("/target/etc/default/", "w") for line in consolefh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if(line.startswith("XKBMODEL=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBMODEL=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_model) elif(line.startswith("XKBLAYOUT=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBLAYOUT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_layout) elif(line.startswith("XKBVARIANT=") and setup.keyboard_variant is not None): newconsolefh.write("XKBVARIANT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_variant) else: newconsolefh.write("%s\n" % line) consolefh.close() newconsolefh.close() self.do_run_in_chroot("rm /etc/default/keyboard") self.do_run_in_chroot("mv /etc/default/ /etc/default/keyboard") # write MBR (grub) print " --> Configuring Grub" our_current += 1 if(setup.grub_device is not None): self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Installing bootloader")) print " --> Running grub-install" self.do_run_in_chroot("grub-install --force %s" % setup.grub_device) self.do_configure_grub(our_total, our_current) grub_retries = 0 # while (not self.do_check_grub(our_total, our_current)): # self.do_configure_grub(our_total, our_current) # grub_retries = grub_retries + 1 # if grub_retries >= 5: # self.error_message(critical=True, message=_("WARNING: The grub bootloader was not configured properly! You need to configure it manually.")) # break # Clean APT print " --> Cleaning APT" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Cleaning APT")) os.system("chroot /target/ /bin/sh -c \"dpkg --configure -a\"") # now unmount it print " --> Unmounting partitions" try: os.system("umount --force /target/dev/shm") os.system("umount --force /target/dev/pts") os.system("umount --force /target/dev/") os.system("umount --force /target/sys/") os.system("umount --force /target/proc/") os.system("rm -rf /target/etc/resolv.conf") for partition in setup.partitions: if(partition.mount_as is not None and partition.mount_as != "" and partition.mount_as != "/" and partition.mount_as != "swap"): self.do_unmount("/target" + partition.mount_as) self.do_unmount("/target") self.do_unmount("/source") except Exception, detail: #best effort, no big deal if we can't umount something print detail self.update_progress(done=True, message=_("Installation finished")) print " --> All done" except Exception: import traceback exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout) def do_run_in_chroot(self, command): os.system("chroot /target/ /bin/sh -c \"%s\"" % command) def do_configure_grub(self, our_total, our_current): self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Configuring bootloader")) print " --> Running grub-mkconfig" self.do_run_in_chroot("grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg") grub_output = commands.getoutput("chroot /target/ /bin/sh -c \"grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg\"") grubfh = open("/var/log/live-installer-grub-output.log", "w") grubfh.writelines(grub_output) grubfh.close() def do_check_grub(self, our_total, our_current): self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Checking bootloader")) print " --> Checking Grub configuration" time.sleep(5) found_theme = False found_entry = False if os.path.exists("/target/boot/grub/grub.cfg"): grubfh = open("/target/boot/grub/grub.cfg", "r") for line in grubfh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if("linuxmint.png" in line): found_theme = True print " --> Found Grub theme: %s " % line if ("menuentry" in line and "Mint" in line): found_entry = True print " --> Found Grub entry: %s " % line grubfh.close() return (found_entry) else: print "!No /target/boot/grub/grub.cfg file found!" return False def do_mount(self, device, dest, type, options=None): ''' Mount a filesystem ''' p = None if(options is not None): cmd = "mount -o %s -t %s %s %s" % (options, type, device, dest) else: cmd = "mount -t %s %s %s" % (type, device, dest) print "EXECUTING: '%s'" % cmd p = Popen(cmd ,shell=True) p.wait() return p.returncode def do_unmount(self, mountpoint): ''' Unmount a filesystem ''' cmd = "umount %s" % mountpoint print "EXECUTING: '%s'" % cmd p = Popen(cmd, shell=True) p.wait() return p.returncode def do_copy_file(self, source, dest): # TODO: Add md5 checks. BADLY needed.. BUF_SIZE = 16 * 1024 input = open(source, "rb") dst = open(dest, "wb") while(True): read = if not read: break dst.write(read) input.close() dst.close() # Represents the choices made by the user class Setup(object): language = None timezone = None timezone_code = None keyboard_model = None keyboard_layout = None keyboard_variant = None partitions = [] #Array of PartitionSetup objects username = None hostname = None password1 = None password2 = None real_name = None grub_device = None disks = [] target_disk = None #Descriptions (used by the summary screen) keyboard_model_description = None keyboard_layout_description = None keyboard_variant_description = None def print_setup(self): if "--debug" in sys.argv: print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" print "language: %s" % self.language print "timezone: %s (%s)" % (self.timezone, self.timezone_code) print "keyboard: %s - %s (%s) - %s - %s (%s)" % (self.keyboard_model, self.keyboard_layout, self.keyboard_variant, self.keyboard_model_description, self.keyboard_layout_description, self.keyboard_variant_description) print "user: %s (%s)" % (self.username, self.real_name) print "hostname: %s " % self.hostname print "passwords: %s - %s" % (self.password1, self.password2) print "grub_device: %s " % self.grub_device print "target_disk: %s " % self.target_disk print "disks: %s " % self.disks print "partitions:" for partition in self.partitions: partition.print_partition() print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" class PartitionSetup(object): name = "" type = "" format_as = None mount_as = None partition = None aggregatedPartitions = [] def __init__(self, partition): self.partition = partition self.size = partition.getSize() self.start = partition.geometry.start self.end = partition.geometry.end self.description = "" self.used_space = "" self.free_space = "" if partition.number != -1: = partition.path if partition.fileSystem is None: # no filesystem, check flags if partition.type == parted.PARTITION_SWAP: self.type = ("Linux swap") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_RAID: self.type = ("RAID") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_LVM: self.type = ("Linux LVM") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_HPSERVICE: self.type = ("HP Service") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_PALO: self.type = ("PALO") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_PREP: self.type = ("PReP") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_MSFT_RESERVED: self.type = ("MSFT Reserved") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: self.type = ("Extended Partition") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL: self.type = ("Logical Partition") elif partition.type == parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: self.type = ("Free Space") else: self.type =("Unknown") else: self.type = partition.fileSystem.type else: self.type = "" = _("unallocated") def add_partition(self, partition): self.aggregatedPartitions.append(partition) self.size = self.size + partition.getSize() self.end = partition.geometry.end def print_partition(self): print "Device: %s, format as: %s, mount as: %s" % (self.partition.path, self.format_as, self.mount_as)