#include #include "10TEAM.h" #define export extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) export double Message(char* caption, char* text, double icon, double buttons) { /* Icon of message */ int icon_no = int(icon); // Changing type of variable to INT. GM operate double, now it's converted to INT. UINT icon_name; // Value of this variable is a name of icon. switch (icon_no) { case 1: icon_name = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; break; // If icon_no is equal 1, then icon is "EXCLAMATION" case 2: icon_name = MB_ICONINFORMATION; break; // If icon_no is equal 2, then icon is "INFORMATION" case 3: icon_name = MB_ICONQUESTION; break; // If icon_no is equal 3, then icon is "QUESTION" case 4: icon_name = MB_ICONSTOP; break; // If icon_no is equal 4, then icon is "STOP" default: icon_name = MB_ICONINFORMATION; // Default icon name is "INFORMATION" } /* --------------- */ /* Buttons of message */ int buttons_no = int(buttons); // Changing type of variable to INT. GM operate double, now it's converted to INT. UINT buttons_name; // Value of this variable is a name of buttons. switch (buttons_no) { case 1: buttons_name = MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE; break; // If buttons_no is equal 1, then buttons are "Abort, Retry, Ignore" case 2: buttons_name = MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE; break; // If buttons_no is equal 2, then buttons are "Cancel, Try again, Continue" case 3: buttons_name = MB_OK; break; // If buttons_no is equal 4, then button is "Ok" case 4: buttons_name = MB_OKCANCEL; break; // If buttons_no is equal 5, then buttons are "Ok, Cancel" case 5: buttons_name = MB_RETRYCANCEL; break; // If buttons_no is equal 6, then buttons are "Retry, Cancel" case 6: buttons_name = MB_YESNO; break; // If buttons_no is equal 7, then buttons are "Yes, No" case 7: buttons_name = MB_YESNOCANCEL; break; // If buttons_no is equal 8, then buttons are "Yes, No, Cancel default: buttons_name = MB_OK; } /* ------------------- */ /* Show message */ int msg = MessageBox(0, text, caption, icon_name | buttons_name); // Show message switch (msg) { case 1: return 1; break; // OK case 2: return 2; break; // CANCEL case 3: return 3; break; // ABORT case 4: return 4; break; // RETRY case 5: return 5; break; // IGNORE case 6: return 6; break; // YES case 7: return 7; break; // NO case 10: return 8; break; // TRY AGAIN case 11: return 9; break; // COUNTINUE default: return 0; } /* ----------- */ }