Null itemki: Fist of reaperman (#2324) - it looks like a two-handed styche - no req to use it, massive damage and life bonus, extra range. (null) item on ID #2947 - a burning sword that gives very high fire resistance (null) item on ID #3176 - a sword looking item that gives 200 armour class. (null) item on ID 3220 - uber only for a staring character - a hammer without any requirement that gives nice bonuses (null) item on ID #3249 - a freezing sword that gives very high ice resistance (null) item on ID #3250 - a shield giving 50 resistance agains each magic (null) item on ID #3251 - a hammer that gives 150 resistance against black magic (null) item on ID #3252 - an axe that gives 150 resistance against black magic (null) item on ID #3310 - armour that gives 400 armour class (null) item on ID #3320 - armour that gives 350 armour class (null) item on ID #3324 - armour that gives 380 armour class (null) item on ID #3327 - armour that gives 300 armour class (null) item on ID #3332 - armour that gives 280 armour class (null) item on ID #3335 - armour that gives 300 armour class (null) item on ID #3343 - armour that gives 400 armour class (null) item on ID #3382 - armour that gives 350 armour class (null) item on ID #3386 - armour that gives 280 armour class - makes Your character look funny (null) item on ID #3388 - armour that gives 250 armour class (null) item on ID #3390 - armour that gives 250 armour class (null) item on ID #3392 - armour that gives 240 armour class (null) item on ID #3425 - nice 2handed sword Amra's chestplate ID#3507 Nice chestplate Amra's greaves ID#3508 Nice leggings Shadowpulse armor ID#3511 Nice armor, lotsa bonuses, takes legging slot as well though. Gleaming chain armor ID#3681 Nice armor, lotsa bonuses, takes legging slot as well though. (null) item on ID #3808 - a one-handed spear with high speed and damage. (null) item on ID #4211 - a bow with very high damage and freeze effect. (null) item on ID #4281 - a dragon-head looking hammer with nice damage. (null) item on ID #4426 - a dagger with nice damage and death effect. (null) item on ID #4510 - a legging with nice protection and very low requirements. Tool human fishnet on ID #2332 - a fish net. Hehe. Not good for fighting though… (null) item on ID #2956 - a huge club. Not much damage, but it looks funny… (null) item on ID #3575 - a huge burning hammer. Average damage, looks big… (null) item on ID #4106 - a huge one-handed sword(?), nice damage, too. (null) item on ID #4171 - a huge one-handed burning sword(?), nice damage, too. (null) item on ID #4172 - a huge weapon. Average damage, looks big… I po kolei.. Zakon Świtu i Oddech zimy (może kawałek cienia feniksa): Code Item Slot Req (Level) Req (Magic) Req (Light) Req (Heavy) Req (Ranged) Damage Min Damage Max Range Min Range Max Two-handed Effect#1 Effect#2 Effect#3 Speed (%) Set name Armourclass Strength Stamina Agility Dexterity Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Resist Fire Resist Ice Resist Black Resist Mind 0 [This marks an empty slot.] N/A 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A 6 N/A N/A 7 N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A 9 N/A N/A 10 N/A N/A 11 N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A 13 N/A N/A 14 N/A N/A 15 N/A N/A 16 N/A N/A 17 N/A N/A 18 N/A N/A 19 N/A N/A 20 N/A N/A 21 N/A N/A 22 N/A N/A 23 N/A N/A 24 N/A N/A 25 N/A N/A 26 N/A N/A 27 Flameblade dagger Hand Piercing 6 8 12 1 1 120 28 Flameblade sword Hand Blade 8 9 12 1 1 100 29 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 Lifetap Inflexibility Manadrain 100 30 N/A N/A 31 Moonshade Hand Blade 7 7 12 1 1 105 32 Fireburst Scroll Fire 3 33 Healing Scroll Life 1 34 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 2 35 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 4 36 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 5 37 Aura of slow walking Scroll Curse 6 38 Cure poison Scroll Nature 8 39 Distract Scroll Enchantment 10 40 Chill resistance Scroll Ice 11 41 Fog Scroll Ice 9 42 Fireburst Spell Fire 3 43 Healing Spell Life 1 44 Aura of weakness Spell Death 2 45 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 8 46 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 5 47 Aura of slow walking Spell Curse 6 48 Cure poison Spell Nature 8 49 Distract Spell Enchantment 10 50 Chill resistance Spell Ice 11 51 Fog Spell Ice 9 52 (null) Unusable 53 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 8 54 N/A N/A 55 N/A N/A 56 N/A N/A 57 N/A N/A 58 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 59 N/A N/A 60 (null) Unusable 61 (null) Unusable 62 N/A N/A 63 N/A N/A 64 N/A N/A 65 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 66 N/A N/A 67 N/A N/A 68 N/A N/A 69 (null) Unusable 10 14 1 1 Yes 100 70 N/A N/A 71 (null) Unusable 8 12 1 1 Yes 110 72 (null) Unusable 65 73 (null) Unusable 55 74 (null) Unusable 60 75 N/A N/A 76 N/A N/A 77 N/A N/A 78 N/A N/A 79 N/A N/A 80 Bone trousers Legs 17 44 2 2 2 81 N/A N/A 82 N/A N/A 83 N/A N/A 84 N/A N/A 85 N/A N/A 86 N/A N/A 87 N/A N/A 88 N/A N/A 89 N/A N/A 90 N/A N/A 91 N/A N/A 92 N/A N/A 93 N/A N/A 94 N/A N/A 95 N/A N/A 96 N/A N/A 97 N/A N/A 98 N/A N/A 99 N/A N/A 100 N/A N/A 101 Fireburst Scroll Fire 1 102 Fireburst Spell Fire 1 103 Chill resistance Scroll Ice 12 104 Chill resistance Spell Ice 12 105 Illuminate Scroll Fire 7 106 Illuminate Spell Fire 7 107 Conservation Scroll Earth 3 108 Conservation Spell Earth 3 109 Conservation Scroll Earth 4 110 Conservation Spell Earth 4 111 Iceburst Scroll Ice 1 112 Iceburst Spell Ice 1 113 Detect metal Scroll Earth 4 114 Detect metal Spell Earth 4 115 Decay Scroll Earth 4 116 Decay Spell Earth 4 117 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 2 118 Shockwave Spell Offensive 11 119 Pain Scroll Death 9 120 Pain Spell Death 9 121 Lifetap Scroll Necromancy 7 122 Lifetap Spell Necromancy 7 123 Undead goblin Scroll Necromancy 7 124 Undead goblin Spell Necromancy 7 125 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 9 126 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 9 127 Iceburst Scroll Ice 2 128 Iceburst Spell Ice 2 129 Fireburst Scroll Fire 2 130 Fireburst Spell Fire 2 131 Fist of human military unit Unusable 4 9 1 1 120 132 Fist of elven military unit Unusable 4 9 1 1 120 133 Fist of gargoyle Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 134 Fist of stonegolem Unusable 5 11 1 1 100 135 Fist of icegolem Unusable 4 10 1 1 100 136 N/A N/A 137 N/A N/A 138 N/A N/A 139 N/A N/A 140 N/A N/A 141 N/A N/A 142 N/A N/A 143 N/A N/A 144 N/A N/A 145 N/A N/A 146 N/A N/A 147 N/A N/A 148 N/A N/A 149 N/A N/A 150 N/A N/A 151 N/A N/A 152 N/A N/A 153 N/A N/A 154 N/A N/A 155 N/A N/A 156 N/A N/A 157 N/A N/A 158 N/A N/A 159 N/A N/A 160 N/A N/A 161 N/A N/A 162 N/A N/A 163 N/A N/A 164 N/A N/A 165 N/A N/A 166 Hunting lodge Building 167 N/A N/A 168 Fisher's hut Building 169 N/A N/A 170 Cattle breeding Building 171 N/A N/A 172 N/A N/A 173 N/A N/A 174 N/A N/A 175 N/A N/A 176 N/A N/A 177 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 7 178 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 11 179 Wolf Scroll Nature 4 180 Wolf Spell Nature 4 181 Distract Scroll Enchantment 5 182 Distract Spell Enchantment 5 183 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 10 184 Aura of weakness Spell Death 7 185 Melt resistance Scroll Fire 12 186 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 4 187 Dark banishing Scroll Curse 8 188 Dark banishing Spell Curse 8 189 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 12 190 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 3 191 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 1 192 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 1 193 Raise dead Scroll Necromancy 11 194 Raise dead Spell Necromancy 11 195 Aura of lifetap Scroll Necromancy 5 196 Aura of weakness Spell Death 5 197 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 3 198 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 3 199 Distract Scroll Enchantment 6 200 Distract Spell Enchantment 6 201 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 3 202 Aura of weakness Spell Death 3 203 N/A N/A 204 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 5 205 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 3 206 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 3 207 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 4 208 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 4 209 N/A N/A 210 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 8 211 N/A N/A 212 Wolf Scroll Nature 11 213 Wolf Spell Nature 11 214 Cure disease Scroll Nature 2 215 Cure disease Spell Nature 2 216 Area healing Scroll Life 9 217 Area healing Spell Life 9 218 Sentinel healing Scroll Life 10 219 Sentinel healing Spell Life 10 220 Greater healing Scroll Life 9 221 Greater healing Spell Life 9 222 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 4 223 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 4 224 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 1 225 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 1 226 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 2 227 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 2 228 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 5 229 Dominate Spell Enchantment 5 230 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 3 231 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 3 232 Aura of endurance Scroll Life 8 233 Aura of endurance Spell Life 8 234 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 3 235 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 3 236 Melt resistance Scroll Fire 11 237 Melt resistance Spell Fire 11 238 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 7 239 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 3 240 N/A N/A 241 Detect metal Scroll Earth 3 242 Detect metal Spell Earth 3 243 Hallow Scroll Boons 7 244 Hallow Spell Boons 7 245 N/A N/A 246 N/A N/A 247 Grainfarm Building 248 N/A N/A 249 Fishing guild Building 250 N/A N/A 251 Academy Building 252 N/A N/A 253 Large headquarters Building 254 N/A N/A 255 Temple of light Building 256 N/A N/A 257 Medium headquarters Building 258 N/A N/A 259 Food store Building 260 N/A N/A 261 Crossbow tower Building 262 N/A N/A 263 Quarry Building 264 N/A N/A 265 Sawmill Building 266 N/A N/A 267 Ariashrine Building 268 N/A N/A 269 Small headquarters Building 270 N/A N/A 271 Mine Building 272 N/A N/A 273 Master armory Building 274 N/A N/A 275 Forge Building 276 N/A N/A 277 Smelting works Building 278 N/A N/A 279 Woodcutter's hut Building 280 N/A N/A 281 N/A N/A 282 N/A N/A 283 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 11 284 Ice elemental Spell Ice 11 285 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 1 286 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 1 287 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 6 288 Rock bullet Spell Earth 6 289 Enlightement Scroll Defensive 9 290 Enlightement Spell Defensive 9 291 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 9 292 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 9 293 Manatap Scroll Defensive 9 294 Manatap Spell Defensive 9 295 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 1 296 Manadrain Spell Defensive 1 297 Shock Scroll Offensive 9 298 Shock Spell Offensive 9 299 Wave of ice Scroll Ice 8 300 Wave of ice Spell Ice 8 301 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 6 302 Dominate Spell Enchantment 6 303 Confuse Scroll Offensive 2 304 Confuse Spell Offensive 2 305 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 4 306 Manadrain Spell Defensive 4 307 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 4 308 Rock bullet Spell Earth 4 309 N/A N/A 310 N/A N/A 311 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 12 312 Shockwave Spell Offensive 12 313 Chill resistance Scroll Ice 10 314 Chill resistance Spell Ice 10 315 Bear Scroll Nature 10 316 Bear Spell Nature 10 317 Meditation Scroll Defensive 12 318 Meditation Spell Defensive 12 319 N/A N/A 320 (null) Unusable 7 11 1 1 100 321 (null) Unusable 10 14 1 1 95 322 N/A N/A 323 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 95 324 N/A N/A 325 (null) Unusable 9 12 1 1 105 326 N/A N/A 327 N/A N/A 328 (null) Unusable 7 10 1 1 90 329 (null) Unusable 7 11 1 1 100 330 N/A N/A 331 N/A N/A 332 N/A N/A 333 N/A N/A 334 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 100 335 N/A N/A 336 (null) Unusable 4 10 1 1 100 337 (null) Unusable 10 12 1 1 100 338 (null) Unusable 9 11 1 1 100 339 N/A N/A 340 N/A N/A 341 (null) Unusable 342 N/A N/A 343 Cap of the terrible dreams Head 13 25 7 -10 344 N/A N/A 345 N/A N/A 346 N/A N/A 347 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 100 348 N/A N/A 349 N/A N/A 350 (null) Unusable 8 11 1 1 100 351 N/A N/A 352 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 150 353 N/A N/A 354 N/A N/A 355 N/A N/A 356 N/A N/A 357 (null) Unusable 7 11 1 1 100 358 N/A N/A 359 N/A N/A 360 N/A N/A 361 N/A N/A 362 N/A N/A 363 N/A N/A 364 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 100 365 (null) Unusable 6 11 1 1 100 366 N/A N/A 367 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 100 368 (null) Unusable 9 13 1 1 110 369 N/A N/A 370 N/A N/A 371 N/A N/A 372 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 100 373 N/A N/A 374 (null) Unusable 9 14 1 1 Yes 100 375 (null) Unusable 9 15 1 2 Yes 100 376 (null) Unusable 11 16 1 1 Yes 100 377 N/A N/A 378 N/A N/A 379 N/A N/A 380 N/A N/A 381 N/A N/A 382 N/A N/A 383 N/A N/A 384 N/A N/A 385 Chest of MainChar Body 75 386 N/A N/A 387 N/A N/A 388 Fist of lavagolem Unusable 4 12 1 1 Fireburst 100 389 Fist of green goblin Unusable 4 6 1 1 100 390 Fist of brown goblin Unusable 4 6 1 1 100 391 Fist of undead goblin Unusable 4 6 1 1 100 392 Fist of big goblin Unusable 4 8 1 1 100 393 Fist of orc military unit Unusable 4 9 1 1 120 394 Fist of darkelf military unit Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 395 Fist of skeleton Unusable 4 7 1 1 100 396 Fist of bonecrusher Unusable 10 15 1 1 100 397 Fang of wolf Unusable 4 10 1 1 100 398 N/A N/A 399 N/A N/A 400 N/A N/A 401 N/A N/A 402 N/A N/A 403 N/A N/A 404 N/A N/A 405 N/A N/A 406 N/A N/A 407 N/A N/A 408 N/A N/A 409 N/A N/A 410 N/A N/A 411 N/A N/A 412 N/A N/A 413 N/A N/A 414 N/A N/A 415 N/A N/A 416 N/A N/A 417 N/A N/A 418 N/A N/A 419 N/A N/A 420 N/A N/A 421 N/A N/A 422 N/A N/A 423 N/A N/A 424 N/A N/A 425 N/A N/A 426 N/A N/A 427 N/A N/A 428 N/A N/A 429 N/A N/A 430 N/A N/A 431 N/A N/A 432 N/A N/A 433 N/A N/A 434 N/A N/A 435 N/A N/A 436 N/A N/A 437 N/A N/A 438 N/A N/A 439 N/A N/A 440 N/A N/A 441 N/A N/A 442 N/A N/A 443 N/A N/A 50 444 N/A N/A 30 445 N/A N/A 446 N/A N/A 447 N/A N/A 448 N/A N/A 449 N/A N/A 450 N/A N/A 451 N/A N/A 452 N/A N/A 453 N/A N/A 454 N/A N/A 455 N/A N/A 456 N/A N/A 457 N/A N/A 458 N/A N/A 459 N/A N/A 460 N/A N/A 461 N/A N/A 462 N/A N/A 463 N/A N/A 464 N/A N/A 465 N/A N/A 466 N/A N/A 467 N/A N/A 468 N/A N/A 469 N/A N/A 470 N/A N/A 471 N/A N/A 472 N/A N/A 473 N/A N/A 474 N/A N/A 475 (null) Unusable 8 12 1 1 Fireburst 100 476 N/A N/A 477 N/A N/A 478 N/A N/A 479 N/A N/A 480 N/A N/A 481 N/A N/A 482 N/A N/A 483 N/A N/A 484 N/A N/A 485 N/A N/A 486 N/A N/A 487 N/A N/A 488 N/A N/A 489 N/A N/A 490 N/A N/A 491 N/A N/A 492 N/A N/A 493 N/A N/A 494 N/A N/A 495 N/A N/A 496 N/A N/A 497 N/A N/A 4 10 1 1 Poison 100 498 Fist of ghoul Unusable 499 N/A N/A 500 N/A N/A 501 Fist of giant Unusable 8 16 1 2 100 502 Fist of ogre Unusable 4 10 1 1 100 503 Fist of minotaur Unusable 4 12 1 1 100 504 Fist of beastman Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 505 Fang of manticore Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 506 Horn of buffalo Unusable 10 15 1 1 100 507 Fist of medusa Unusable 4 10 1 10 150 508 N/A N/A 509 N/A N/A 510 N/A N/A 511 N/A N/A 512 N/A N/A 513 N/A N/A 514 N/A N/A 515 N/A N/A 516 N/A N/A 517 N/A N/A 518 N/A N/A 519 N/A N/A 520 N/A N/A 521 N/A N/A 522 N/A N/A 523 N/A N/A 524 N/A N/A 525 N/A N/A 526 N/A N/A 527 Practice helmet Head Any 1 Any 1 5 2 528 Suede trousers Legs Any 1 Any 1 13 5 529 Leather pants Legs Armour 1 15 2 530 Snakeskin greaves Legs 3 Combat 1 Combat 1 12 2 2 531 Soulguard Finger White 2 1 5 532 Ruby ring of the mages Finger Any 1 1 2 2 2 533 Fine cloth pants Legs 1 10 534 Windsteel greaves Legs Any 4 Any 4 30 5 535 Reinforced leather greaves Legs Armour 4 22 4 4 536 Chain greaves Legs 7 Combat 3 Combat 2 19 5 5 -2 -2 537 Antique ring Finger White 4 2 10 538 Apprentice ring Finger Any 4 3 6 6 6 539 Redsilk trousers Legs 6 25 5 10 540 Dawn greaves Legs Armour 7 Armour 7 50 5 5 5 -3 541 Reinforced leather geaves Legs Armour 7 40 4 4 4 4 542 Iridian greaves Legs 13 Combat 5 Combat 4 35 5 5 543 Iron band Finger White 8 9 9 3 544 Ring of sorcery Finger Any 7 10 10 545 Dark leather pants Legs 11 32 5 546 Knight's greaves Legs Armour 9 Armour 8 65 10 -5 5 5 5 5 547 Shadowforged greaves Legs Armour 8 50 10 10 548 Reinforced leather greaves Legs 17 Combat 7 Combat 6 42 5 5 5 5 549 Winterstar Finger White 9 15 5 5 5 15 550 Ring of the warlocks Finger Any 9 12 6 6 6 10 551 Chain greaves Legs 15 42 4 4 552 Fine steelclad greaves Legs Combat 12 Combat 11 90 10 10 15 15 553 Ranger leggings Legs Armour 11 Run +10 75 10 10 10 10 554 Stormrunner Legs 25 Combat 10 Combat 8 Run +10 55 5 5 5 5 5 555 Ring of dawn and dusk Finger White 12 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 556 Emerald ring of Nor Finger Any 12 Cast +5 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 557 Dragonscale greaves Legs 23 35 5 10 10 10 10 558 Reinforced leather doublet Body Any 1 Any 1 12 3 559 Windsteel plate Body Any 4 Any 4 50 5 560 Windsteel breastplate Body Armour 8 Armour 7 Fight +5 80 10 10 10 561 Shadowforged breastplate Body Armour 10 Armour 8 100 10 10 10 10 562 Adamantinum breastplate Body Armour 11 Fight +5 140 20 10 25 25 563 Light leather doublet Body Armour 1 14 4 564 Archer's armour Body Armour 4 40 5 5 565 Runeplate Body Armour 7 65 8 8 566 Stonegrey platemail Body Armour 8 90 10 10 567 Imperial armor Body Armour 11 Fight +5 120 10 20 10 10 568 Reinforced ringmail Body 3 Combat 1 Combat 1 16 2 2 569 Ancient chain mail Body 7 Combat 3 Combat 2 45 3 3 3 570 Iridian chestplate Body 13 Combat 5 Combat 4 60 8 4 4 571 Steelclad plate Body 17 Combat 7 Combat 6 80 5 5 5 5 5 5 572 Dragonscale armor Body 25 Combat 10 Combat 8 Fight +10 100 10 10 10 15 573 Velvet robe Body White 2 14 5 574 Spellweaver robe Body White 4 40 10 575 Shadow robe Body White 7 70 5 10 10 576 Robe of spheres Body White 8 80 15 15 5 10 577 Robe of the spirit claw Body White 11 95 25 25 25 25 578 Apprentice robe Body Any 1 12 5 579 Green robe Body Any 3 35 5 5 5 580 Spidersilk robe Body Any 6 60 10 10 10 581 Robe of the outer Circle Body Any 8 Cast +10 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 582 Robe of the archmagi Body Any 11 100 25 25 25 25 25 583 Cloth gambeson Body 1 12 2 584 Reinforced leather jacket Body 6 28 4 585 Northland doublet Body 11 35 4 4 586 Armor of Aeons Body 15 55 10 587 Shining noble armor Body 23 75 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 588 N/A N/A 589 N/A N/A 590 Militia helmet Head Armour 1 7 4 591 N/A N/A 592 N/A N/A 593 N/A N/A 594 N/A N/A 595 N/A N/A 596 N/A N/A 597 N/A N/A 598 N/A N/A 599 N/A N/A 600 Windsteel helmet Head Armour 4 18 5 601 Damaged warrior helmet Head Any 4 Any 4 14 -5 602 Helm of the Elite Head Armour 7 30 10 5 603 Steelclad warhelm Head Armour 8 40 5 5 5 5 5 5 604 Helm of battle Head Armour 11 50 20 10 10 10 10 605 Commoner's cup Head Armour 1 6 4 606 Burglar's cap Head Armour 4 10 3 3 607 Thieves cap Head Armour 7 18 5 5 608 Dawn helmet Head Armour 8 32 5 10 10 5 5 609 Guild helm Head Combat 11 42 10 10 20 10 610 Unfinished obsidian mask Head 3 Combat 1 Combat 1 5 1 611 Wolfguard helmet Head 7 Combat 3 Combat 2 11 3 3 612 Demon skull Head 13 Combat 5 Combat 4 20 10 10 613 Elven steel helmet Head 17 Combat 7 Combat 6 25 5 5 5 5 5 614 Helmet of the guard Head 25 Combat 10 Combat 8 42 5 5 5 10 20 20 615 Helm of the believers Head White 2 4 4 616 Apprentice cap Head White 4 10 3 5 617 Ravencap Head White 7 10 8 8 5 618 Monk cap Head White 8 22 5 10 10 619 Helm of the true faith Head White 11 40 10 20 30 620 Simple obsidian mask Head Any 1 2 2 621 Runemask Head Any 3 8 5 622 Obsidian mask of the mages Head Any 6 12 5 5 5 623 Obsidian mask of the archmage Head Any 8 Cast +5 20 10 10 5 5 624 Ceraa's obsidian mask Head Any 11 Cast +10 25 10 10 20 10 10 20 625 Iron helm Head 1 3 626 Simple steel cap Head 6 8 627 Leather cap Head 11 16 3 628 Red mask Head 15 24 3 5 629 Icehelm Head 23 30 20 630 Ring of battle fury Finger Any 1 Any 1 3 2 631 Common ring of thieves Finger Armour 1 2 2 632 Ordinary mana ring Finger 3 Combat 1 Combat 1 2 2 2 633 Ring of thougts Finger White 2 2 2 2 634 Ring of voices Finger Any 1 2 4 635 Lemurian eye Finger 1 3 636 Ring of the seven winds Finger Armour 4 6 2 2 637 Ring lowend rouge Finger Armour 4 5 5 638 Wyrm eye Finger 7 Combat 3 Combat 2 4 4 4 639 Ring of Galeritus Finger White 4 4 4 4 640 Simple ring of sorcery Finger Any 3 4 3 5 641 Star ring Finger 6 5 3 3 642 Ring of the red horde Finger Armour 7 12 12 643 Ring of stealth Finger Armour 7 8 8 8 644 Ring of the acolytes Finger 13 Combat 5 Combat 4 8 5 5 645 Ruby ring of the guardians Finger White 7 13 13 646 Bone ring Finger Any 6 7 7 7 7 647 Grey ring Finger 11 10 5 5 648 Battle ring Finger Armour 9 20 7 7 649 Ring of the master rouges Finger Armour 8 Run +5 14 4 4 4 4 650 Blazing band Finger 17 Combat 7 Combat 6 15 5 5 5 10 651 Ring of pure belief Finger White 8 17 17 20 652 Ring of the archmages Finger Any 8 12 12 12 653 Silversnake Finger 15 15 15 5 654 Legendary ring of the Northmen Finger Armour 11 Fight +5 25 12 12 655 Ring of many Finger Armour 11 20 7 6 5 4 656 Ring of the worlds Finger 25 Combat 10 Combat 8 22 7 7 7 7 657 Ring of the nightshadow Finger White 11 20 15 20 658 Ring of master sorcery Finger Any 11 19 5 5 3 3 10 10 10 10 659 Ring of solitude Finger 23 18 8 8 660 Thundersword Hand Blade 1 3 5 1 1 100 661 Firesteel-scimitar Hand Blade 3 4 8 1 1 100 662 Ashwind Hand Blade 5 6 10 1 1 100 663 Northern flame Hand Blade 8 Blade 6 8 14 1 1 95 664 Dark styche Hand Blade 9 10 14 1 1 100 665 Blade of the master assassin Hand Blade 11 12 21 1 1 110 666 Spiked club Hand 1 3 6 1 1 90 667 Small mace Hand Blunt 3 5 7 1 1 100 668 Windsteel-mace Hand Blunt 6 9 12 1 1 90 669 Steelbiter mace Hand Blunt 9 13 15 1 1 90 670 Firesteel mace Hand Blunt 1 5 7 1 1 80 671 Dark wind Hand Blunt 5 Blunt 4 5 10 1 1 85 672 Warhammer Hand Any 6 Any 6 8 12 1 1 90 673 Dwarven wallbreaker Hand Blunt 9 12 16 1 1 90 674 Firesteel axe Hand Blade 2 4 6 1 1 100 675 Orc cleaver Hand Any 5 Any 5 7 9 1 1 100 676 Fine scimitar Hand Blade 5 8 10 1 1 100 677 Ancient dwarven axe Hand Blade 8 Blade 9 13 14 1 1 110 678 Birchwood staff Hand 1 2 5 1 1 100 679 Common shaman staff Hand Blunt 3 3 7 1 1 100 680 Ornate battle staff Hand Blunt 5 5 10 1 1 100 681 Adorned battle staff Hand Blunt 6 7 12 1 1 100 682 Staff of the five circles Hand Blunt 7 10 15 1 1 100 683 Cera's staff Hand Blunt 8 13 16 1 1 100 684 Iron dagger Hand 1 2 4 1 1 130 685 Light fencing dagger Hand Piercing 3 5 7 1 1 130 686 Windsteel-dagger Hand Piercing 5 8 10 1 1 130 687 Dragon tooth Hand Any 7 Any 7 8 12 1 1 115 688 Fine combat dagger Hand Piercing 10 10 14 1 1 120 689 Orb of the Thaumathurg Hand Any 2 5 5 690 Orb of resistance Hand Any 5 Cast +5 10 691 Flaming eye Hand Any 8 Cast +7 5 5 5 5 10 692 Orb of mastery Hand Any 10 Cast +10 12 14 12 20 693 Hornbow Offhand Bows 1 3 5 2 13 100 694 Practice bow Offhand Bows 2 5 6 2 11 85 695 Silverbow Offhand Bows 3 4 7 2 14 100 696 Marksman's bow Offhand Bows 4 6 7 2 13 85 697 Whisperyew bow Offhand Bows 5 6 10 2 16 100 698 Redwood bow Offhand Bows 7 8 10 2 16 90 699 Elven silverbow Offhand Bows 9 9 15 2 18 100 700 Shield of runes Offhand Any 1 10 5 701 Lemurian shield Offhand Any 2 15 5 702 Firesteel-shield Offhand Shields 1 20 703 Moonshield Offhand Any 3 20 5 5 -5 704 Shield of Galeritus Offhand Any 5 25 10 10 705 Bone shield Offhand 10 35 5 706 Spikeshield Offhand Any 6 35 10 5 5 5 707 Lavastone mageshield Offhand Any 8 40 5 5 20 708 Utranershield Offhand Shields 5 45 10 10 709 Winterguard Offhand Any 9 45 10 10 20 710 Crystal mageshield Offhand Any 10 50 5 10 15 20 711 Firesteel warshield Offhand Shields 9 60 10 10 20 712 Cryptshield Offhand Any 12 60 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 713 N/A N/A 714 Stormbreaker Offhand Shields 12 Fight +5 80 15 15 5 5 715 Elfwood bow Offhand Bows 10 12 15 2 16 90 716 Bow of noblity Offhand Bows 11 14 20 2 20 100 717 Elmwood crossbow Offhand Bows 12 16 22 2 18 100 718 Moonsilver warhammer Hand Blunt 12 18 26 1 1 Yes 95 719 Militia crossbow Offhand Crossbow 1 3 7 2 14 80 720 Elfwood crossbow Offhand Crossbow 3 5 10 2 18 80 721 Scorpion Offhand Crossbow 6 8 15 2 18 80 722 Utran master crossbow Offhand Crossbow 9 10 17 2 18 80 723 Malin's hunting crossbow Offhand Crossbow 12 16 23 2 22 80 724 Barbarian sword Hand Blade 2 5 9 1 1 Yes 90 725 Nightstrike Hand Blade 3 8 12 1 1 Yes 95 726 Windsteel-twohandsword Hand Blade 6 12 18 1 1 Yes 100 727 Heavy sword of slaughter Hand Blade 9 15 22 1 1 Yes 90 728 Stormblade Hand Blade 12 22 26 1 1 Yes 90 729 Spiked practice club Hand Blunt 1 4 7 1 1 Yes 100 730 Simple thornmace Hand Blunt 3 8 11 1 1 Yes 100 731 Thunderstrike Hand Blunt 6 11 16 1 1 Yes 100 732 Warclub of the Northmen Hand Blunt 9 16 24 1 1 Yes 100 733 Firesteel warhammer Hand Blunt 2 5 9 1 1 Yes 100 734 Windsteel hammer Hand Blunt 4 7 10 1 1 Yes 100 735 War mattock Hand Blunt 6 9 14 1 1 Yes 100 736 Nordic war mattock Hand Blunt 10 13 19 1 1 Yes 80 737 Cleaver Hand Blade 1 6 8 1 1 Yes 90 738 Windsteel twohandaxe Hand Blade 3 8 12 1 1 Yes 90 739 Dwarven bonebreaker Hand Blade 6 13 19 1 1 Yes 85 740 Chaos axe Hand Blade 8 14 22 1 1 Yes 85 741 Executioner Hand Blade 11 20 24 1 1 Yes 80 742 Urmacht Hand Blade 7 11 21 1 1 Yes 70 743 Practice staff Hand Combat 2 Combat 2 6 8 1 1 Yes 90 744 Staff of the elf priests Hand Blunt 3 7 12 1 1 Yes 90 745 Shaman war staff Hand Blunt 5 9 13 1 1 Yes 85 746 Heavy warclaw Hand Blunt 7 10 15 1 1 Yes 80 747 Heavy war staff Hand Blunt 9 16 26 1 1 Yes 80 748 Blackblade's warclaw Hand Blunt 11 18 28 1 1 Yes 70 749 N/A N/A 750 Rune priest Marticus Hero 8 751 Rune warrior Karia Hero 16 752 Rune mage Shindar Hero 22 753 Rune mage Antarus Hero 8 754 Rune fighter Garreth Hero 23 755 Rune fighter Tilleth Hero 14 756 Rune warlock Antius Hero 21 757 Rune mentalist Iolan Hero 9 758 Rune archer Shalir Hero 18 759 Rune priest Adhira Hero 21 760 Rune mentalist Lyen Hero 24 761 Rune priest Thalia Hero 3 762 Rune mentalist Faerin Hero 20 763 Rune warrior Rodgar Hero 12 764 Rune warrior Ishtar Hero 24 765 Rune priest Tehr Hero 16 766 Rune archer Caitlyn Hero 6 767 Rune fighter Ivor Hero 17 768 Rune mage Shaidar Hero 23 769 Rune fighter Istvan Hero 6 770 Rune fighter Malvaren Hero 10 771 N/A N/A 772 N/A N/A 773 Rune warlock Shirak Hero 3 774 Rune archer Jawhel Hero 12 775 Rune warlock Tonya Hero 10 776 Rune warrior Cord Hero 1 777 Rune warlock Dragis Hero 18 778 Rune warrior Bael Hero 17 779 Rune fighter Alrius Hero 20 780 Rune warrior Rahira Hero 9 781 Rune for Human Workers Worker 1 782 Rune for Human Workers Worker 2 783 Rune for Human Workers Worker 4 784 Rune for Human Workers Worker 6 785 Rune for Human Workers Worker 7 786 Rune for Human Workers Worker 9 787 Rune for Human Workers Worker 11 788 Rune for Human Workers Worker 12 789 Rune for Human Workers Worker 14 790 Rune for Human Workers Worker 16 791 Rune for Human Workers Worker 17 792 Rune for Human Workers Worker 19 793 Rune for Human Workers Worker 21 794 Rune for Human Workers Worker 22 795 Rune for Human Workers Worker 24 796 N/A N/A 797 N/A N/A 798 N/A N/A 799 N/A N/A 800 N/A N/A 801 N/A N/A 802 N/A N/A 803 N/A N/A 804 N/A N/A 805 N/A N/A 806 N/A N/A 807 N/A N/A 808 N/A N/A 809 N/A N/A 810 N/A N/A 811 N/A N/A 812 N/A N/A 813 N/A N/A 814 N/A N/A 815 N/A N/A 816 N/A N/A 817 N/A N/A 818 N/A N/A 819 N/A N/A 820 N/A N/A 821 N/A N/A 822 N/A N/A 823 N/A N/A 824 N/A N/A 825 N/A N/A 826 N/A N/A 827 N/A N/A 828 N/A N/A 829 N/A N/A 830 N/A N/A 831 N/A N/A 832 N/A N/A 833 N/A N/A 834 N/A N/A 835 N/A N/A 836 N/A N/A 837 N/A N/A 838 N/A N/A 839 N/A N/A 840 N/A N/A 841 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 10 842 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 12 843 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 14 844 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 16 845 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 17 846 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 19 847 N/A N/A 848 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 21 849 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 22 850 Rune for Dwarf Workers Worker 24 851 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 10 852 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 12 853 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 14 854 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 16 855 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 17 856 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 19 857 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 21 858 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 22 859 Rune for Troll Workers Worker 24 860 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 10 861 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 12 862 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 14 863 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 16 864 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 17 865 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 19 866 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 21 867 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 22 868 Rune for Darkelf Slaves Worker 24 869 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 6 870 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 7 871 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 9 872 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 11 873 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 12 874 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 14 875 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 16 876 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 17 877 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 19 878 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 21 879 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 22 880 Rune for Elf Workers Worker 24 881 N/A N/A 882 N/A N/A 883 N/A N/A 884 N/A N/A 885 N/A N/A 886 N/A N/A 887 N/A N/A 888 N/A N/A 889 N/A N/A 890 N/A N/A 891 N/A N/A 892 N/A N/A 893 N/A N/A 894 N/A N/A 895 N/A N/A 896 N/A N/A 897 N/A N/A 898 N/A N/A 899 N/A N/A 900 N/A N/A 901 N/A N/A 902 N/A N/A 903 N/A N/A 904 N/A N/A 905 N/A N/A 906 N/A N/A 907 N/A N/A 908 N/A N/A 909 N/A N/A 910 N/A N/A 911 N/A N/A 912 N/A N/A 913 N/A N/A 914 N/A N/A 915 N/A N/A 916 N/A N/A 917 N/A N/A 918 N/A N/A 919 N/A N/A 920 N/A N/A 921 N/A N/A 922 N/A N/A 923 N/A N/A 924 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 12 925 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 14 926 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 16 927 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 17 928 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 19 929 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 21 930 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 22 931 Rune for Orc Workers Worker 24 932 N/A N/A 933 N/A N/A 934 N/A N/A 935 N/A N/A 936 N/A N/A 937 N/A N/A 938 N/A N/A 939 N/A N/A 940 N/A N/A 941 N/A N/A 942 N/A N/A 943 N/A N/A 944 (null) Unusable 4 12 1 1 945 Fist of wraith Unusable 4 10 1 1 946 Fang of spider Unusable 4 8 1 1 947 Fang of beetle Unusable 4 9 1 1 948 N/A N/A 949 White hand Building 950 N/A N/A 951 Small headquarters Building 952 N/A N/A 953 Medium headquarters Building 954 N/A N/A 955 Large headquarters Building 956 N/A N/A 957 Forester Building 958 N/A N/A 959 Master woodcutter Building 960 N/A N/A 961 Hall of the ancients Building 962 N/A N/A 963 Food store Building 964 N/A N/A 965 Lenyagatherer Building 966 N/A N/A 967 Woodcutter's hut Building 968 N/A N/A 969 Hunting lodge Building 970 N/A N/A 971 Iron armory Building 972 N/A N/A 973 Hunters guild Building 974 N/A N/A 975 Gathererhut Building 976 N/A N/A 977 Armory Building 978 N/A N/A 979 Unusable 980 N/A N/A 981 Ailantery Building 982 N/A N/A 983 N/A N/A 984 N/A N/A 985 Archer Tower Building 986 N/A N/A 987 Frostbringer Building 988 N/A N/A 989 Archery Hall Building 990 N/A N/A 991 Sawmill Building 992 N/A N/A 993 Small headquarters Building 994 N/A N/A 995 Medium headquarters Building 996 N/A N/A 997 Large headquarters Building 998 N/A N/A 999 Quarry Building 1000 N/A N/A 1001 Great armory Building 1002 N/A N/A 1003 Stonemason's hut Building 1004 N/A N/A 1005 Food store Building 1006 N/A N/A 1007 Pigfarm Building 1008 N/A N/A 1009 Mine Building 1010 N/A N/A 1011 Moonsilver mine Building 1012 N/A N/A 1013 Smelting works Building 1014 N/A N/A 1015 Forge Building 1016 N/A N/A 1017 Sanctuary Building 1018 N/A N/A 1019 Hall of glory Building 1020 N/A N/A 1021 Small headquarters Building 1022 N/A N/A 1023 Medium headquarters Building 1024 N/A N/A 1025 Large headquarters Building 1026 N/A N/A 1027 Woodcutter's hut Building 1028 N/A N/A 1029 Smelting works Building 1030 N/A N/A 1031 Food store Building 1032 N/A N/A 1033 Hunting lodge Building 1034 N/A N/A 1035 Fisher's hut Building 1036 N/A N/A 1037 Boar breeding Building 1038 N/A N/A 1039 Mine Building 1040 N/A N/A 1041 Forge Building 1042 N/A N/A 1043 Croptent Building 1044 N/A N/A 1045 Shaman's hut Building 1046 N/A N/A 1047 Firestarter Building 1048 N/A N/A 1049 Blood shrine Building 1050 N/A N/A 1051 Small headquarters Building 1052 N/A N/A 1053 Medium headquarters Building 1054 N/A N/A 1055 Large headquarters Building 1056 N/A N/A 1057 Woodcutter's hut Building 1058 N/A N/A 1059 Quarry Building 1060 N/A N/A 1061 Food store Building 1062 N/A N/A 1063 Hunting lodge Building 1064 N/A N/A 1065 Stonecutter Building 1066 N/A N/A 1067 Corpse collector Building 1068 N/A N/A 1069 Mace carver Building 1070 N/A N/A 1071 Stone thrower Building 1072 N/A N/A 1073 Moonsilver armory Building 1074 N/A N/A 1075 Small headquarters Building 1076 N/A N/A 1077 Medium headquarters Building 1078 N/A N/A 1079 Large headquarters Building 1080 N/A N/A 1081 Quarry Building 1082 N/A N/A 1083 Moonsilver mine Building 1084 N/A N/A 1085 Stonemason Building 1086 N/A N/A 1087 Food store Building 1088 N/A N/A 1089 Fungus farm Building 1090 N/A N/A 1091 Breeder Building 1092 N/A N/A 1093 Smelting works Building 1094 N/A N/A 1095 Mine Building 1096 N/A N/A 1097 Forge Building 1098 N/A N/A 1099 N/A N/A 1100 N/A N/A 1101 Arkanum Building 1102 N/A N/A 1103 Shadowforge Building 1104 N/A N/A 1105 Onyxshrine Building 1106 N/A N/A 1107 Onyx tower Building 1108 N/A N/A 1109 Tower of sorcery Building 1110 N/A N/A 1111 Mindbreaker Building 1112 N/A N/A 1113 Dark academy Building 1114 (null) Unusable 45 1115 (null) Unusable 7 12 2 14 100 1116 (null) Unusable 6 10 2 10 100 1117 N/A N/A 1118 (null) Unusable 9 15 2 15 100 1119 N/A N/A 1120 N/A N/A 1121 (null) Unusable 11 14 1 1 Yes 100 1122 (null) Unusable 9 15 1 1 Yes 100 1123 (null) Unusable 9 13 1 1 Yes 100 1124 NPC-Weapon Orc NPC027 Speer Unusable 10 14 1 1 Yes 100 1125 (null) Unusable 9 13 1 1 Yes 100 1126 N/A N/A 1127 (null) Unusable 9 14 1 1 Yes 100 1128 (null) Unusable 5 8 1 1 100 1129 (null) Unusable 7 10 1130 N/A N/A 1131 N/A N/A 1132 N/A N/A 1133 N/A N/A 1134 (null) Unusable 7 10 1 1 100 1135 N/A N/A 1136 N/A N/A 1137 (null) Unusable 7 11 1 1 95 1138 N/A N/A 1139 NPC-Weapon Medusa P043 Recurvebogen Unusable 7 10 2 15 100 1140 N/A N/A 1141 (null) Unusable 8 14 1 1 Yes 100 1142 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 100 1143 N/A N/A 1144 (null) Unusable 14 20 1 1 Yes 100 1145 (null) Unusable 10 13 1 1 100 1146 (null) Unusable 9 12 1 1 100 1147 N/A N/A 1148 N/A N/A 1149 (null) Unusable 7 13 1 1 100 1150 N/A N/A 1151 N/A N/A 1152 N/A N/A 1153 N/A N/A 1154 N/A N/A 1155 N/A N/A 1156 N/A N/A 1157 (null) Unusable 8 13 1 1 Yes 100 1158 N/A N/A 1159 (null) Unusable 8 11 1 1 110 1160 (null) Unusable 4 9 1 1 100 1161 N/A N/A 1162 N/A N/A 1163 N/A N/A 1164 N/A N/A 1165 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 95 1166 (null) Unusable 7 10 1 1 100 1167 N/A N/A 1168 (null) Unusable 7 13 1 1 Yes 95 1169 N/A N/A 1170 (null) Unusable 9 11 1 1 100 1171 (null) Unusable 8 10 1 1 100 1172 (null) Unusable 9 13 1 1 100 1173 N/A N/A 1174 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 Yes 95 1175 N/A N/A 1176 (null) Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 1177 (null) Unusable 12 17 1 1 Yes 100 1178 (null) Unusable 10 17 1 1 Yes 100 1179 N/A N/A 1180 N/A N/A 1181 N/A N/A 1182 N/A N/A 1183 N/A N/A 1184 (null) Unusable 25 1185 N/A N/A 1186 N/A N/A 1187 (null) Unusable 9 12 1 1 120 1188 NPC-Weapon Dark Elf P049 Mithrilshield Unusable 80 1189 N/A N/A 1190 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 100 1191 (null) Unusable 9 13 1 1 Yes 100 1192 N/A N/A 1193 N/A N/A 1194 N/A N/A 1195 N/A N/A 1196 N/A N/A 1197 N/A N/A 1198 N/A N/A 1199 (null) Unusable 38 1200 N/A N/A 1201 N/A N/A 1202 N/A N/A 1203 N/A N/A 1204 N/A N/A 1205 (null) Unusable 9 15 1 1 Yes 100 1206 N/A N/A 1207 N/A N/A 1208 (null) Unusable 8 12 1 1 100 1209 (null) Unusable 50 1210 N/A N/A 1211 N/A N/A 1212 N/A N/A 1213 N/A N/A 1214 N/A N/A 1215 (null) Unusable 6 11 2 9 100 1216 N/A N/A 1217 (null) Unusable 8 11 2 11 105 1218 (null) Unusable 8 11 1 1 100 1219 (null) Unusable 9 15 1 1 Yes 100 1220 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 100 1221 N/A N/A 1222 (null) Unusable Mana +30 1223 N/A N/A 1224 N/A N/A 1225 N/A N/A 1226 (null) Unusable 6 8 1 1 100 1227 (null) Unusable 8 16 2 12 80 1228 (null) Unusable 15 20 1 1 Yes 100 1229 (null) Unusable 9 14 1 1 Yes 100 1230 (null) Unusable 8 13 1 1 Yes 100 1231 (null) Unusable 45 1232 (null) Unusable 35 1233 (null) Unusable 50 1234 N/A N/A 1235 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 100 1236 N/A N/A 1237 N/A N/A 1238 N/A N/A 1239 N/A N/A 1240 N/A N/A 1241 N/A N/A 1242 (null) Unusable 4 9 1 1 105 1243 (null) Unusable 8 14 1 1 Yes 100 1244 (null) Unusable Mana +30 1245 N/A N/A 1246 (null) Unusable 12 16 1 1 Yes 100 1247 (null) Unusable 8 13 1 1 Yes 100 1248 (null) Unusable 9 13 1 1 Yes 100 1249 N/A N/A 1250 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 115 1251 (null) Unusable 9 15 1 1 Yes 100 1252 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 Yes 100 1253 N/A N/A 1254 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 100 1255 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 100 1256 N/A N/A 1257 (null) Unusable 8 12 1 1 100 1258 N/A N/A 1259 Armsman Unit 1260 N/A N/A 1261 Cleric Unit 1262 N/A N/A 1263 Enchanter Unit 1264 N/A N/A 1265 Marksman Unit 1266 N/A N/A 1267 Mentalist Unit 1268 N/A N/A 1269 Paladin Unit 1270 N/A N/A 1271 Recruit Unit 1272 N/A N/A 1273 Scout Unit 1274 N/A N/A 1275 Windarcher Unit 1276 N/A N/A 1277 Druid Unit 1278 N/A N/A 1279 Healer Unit 1280 N/A N/A 1281 Wintermage Unit 1282 N/A N/A 1283 Protector Unit 1284 N/A N/A 1285 Ranger Unit 1286 N/A N/A 1287 Wanderer Unit 1288 N/A N/A 1289 Warder Unit 1290 N/A N/A 1291 Drummer Unit 1292 N/A N/A 1293 Fighter Unit 1294 N/A N/A 1295 Firemaster Unit 1296 N/A N/A 1297 Spearman Unit 1298 N/A N/A 1299 Thug Unit 1300 N/A N/A 1301 Totem Unit 1302 N/A N/A 1303 Veteran Unit 1304 N/A N/A 1305 Hornblower Unit 1306 N/A N/A 1307 Assassin Unit 1308 N/A N/A 1309 Battlemaster Unit 1310 N/A N/A 1311 Darkblade Unit 1312 N/A N/A 1313 Deathknight Unit 1314 N/A N/A 1315 Havoc Unit 1316 N/A N/A 1317 Necromancer Unit 1318 N/A N/A 1319 Sorcerer Unit 1320 N/A N/A 1321 Warlock Unit 1322 N/A N/A 1323 Battlepriest Unit 1324 N/A N/A 1325 Defender Unit 1326 N/A N/A 1327 Demolisher Unit 1328 N/A N/A 1329 Elder Unit 1330 N/A N/A 1331 Elite Unit 1332 N/A N/A 1333 Militia Unit 1334 N/A N/A 1335 Warrior Unit 1336 N/A N/A 1337 Watchman Unit 1338 N/A N/A 1339 Bouncer Unit 1340 N/A N/A 1341 Champion Unit 1342 N/A N/A 1343 Destroyer Unit 1344 N/A N/A 1345 Devastator Unit 1346 N/A N/A 1347 Hurler Unit 1348 N/A N/A 1349 Rowdy Unit 1350 N/A N/A 1351 Smasher Unit 1352 N/A N/A 1353 Thrower Unit 1354 N/A N/A 1355 N/A N/A 1356 N/A N/A 1357 N/A N/A 1358 N/A N/A 1359 (null) Unusable 1360 N/A N/A 1361 N/A N/A 1362 N/A N/A 1363 N/A N/A 1364 N/A N/A 1365 N/A N/A 1366 N/A N/A 1367 N/A N/A 1368 Mouth of Basilisk Unusable 7 15 1 2 Petrify 100 1369 Unit-Weapon Human Recruit 1HShortsword Unusable 7 11 1 1 110 1370 Unit-Weapon Human Scout Crossbow Unusable 10 14 2 13 75 1371 Unit-Weapon Human Cleric 1HMetalmace Unusable 6 10 1 1 90 1372 Unit-Weapon Human Cleric/Paladin shield Unusable 1373 Unit-Weapon Human Enchanter 2HStaff Unusable 9 14 1 1 Yes 80 1374 Unit-Weapon Human Armsman Halberd Unusable 13 23 1 1 Yes 75 1375 Unit-Weapon Human Marksman Crossbow Unusable 12 17 2 13 75 1376 Unit-Weapon Human Paladin 1HLongsword Unusable 12 18 1 1 100 1377 Unit-Weapon Human Mentalist 2HStaff Unusable 11 19 1 1 Yes 80 1378 Unit-Weapon Elf Ranger Bow Unusable 9 14 2 12 75 1379 Unit-Weapon Elf Healer 2HStaff Unusable 4 8 1 1 Yes 110 1380 Unit-Weapon Elf Warder 2HFightingStaff Unusable 5 12 1 1 Yes 110 1381 Unit-Weapon Elf Windarcher TrueshotBow Unusable 6 12 2 15 80 1382 Unit-Weapon Elf Magician 1HStaff Unusable 3 7 1 1 100 1383 Unit-Weapon Elf Protector 1HLongsword Unusable 11 18 1 1 100 1384 Unit-Weapon Elf Protector Shield Unusable 1385 Unit-Weapon Elf Wanderer Longbow Unusable 10 19 2 15 85 1386 Unit-Weapon Elf Druid 1HStaff Unusable 4 7 1 1 110 1387 Unit-Weapon Orc Thug 1HWoodenClub Unusable 5 10 1 1 100 1388 (null) Unusable 2 6 1 1 Yes 100 1389 Unit-Weapon Orc Swordsman 2HSpear Unusable 7 13 1 1 Yes 85 1390 Unit-Weapon Orc Drummer 1OrcishWoodenCl Unusable 3 6 1 1 120 1391 Unit-Weapon Orc Drummer/Warsinger Orcis Unusable 1392 Unit-Weapon Orc Fighter 1HSword Unusable 6 13 1 1 110 1393 Unit-Weapon Orc Fighter 1HWoodenClub Unusable 7 15 1 1 85 1394 (null) Unusable 3 5 1 1 Yes 90 1395 Unit-Weapon Orc Veteran 2HOrchishMace Unusable 15 26 1 1 Yes 60 1396 Unit-Weapon Warsinger 1HOrcishMetalClub Unusable 2 7 1 1 115 1397 Fist of blade Unusable 8 11 1 1 100 1398 Fist of elemental Unusable 6 10 1 1 Freeze 100 1399 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 1400 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 1401 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 1402 (null) Unusable 10 20 2 10 100 1403 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 1404 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 1405 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 1406 Mouth of SmallDragon fire Unusable 8 16 1 1 Fireburst 100 1407 N/A N/A 1408 N/A N/A 1409 N/A N/A 1410 N/A N/A 1411 N/A N/A 1412 (null) Unusable 1413 N/A N/A 1414 N/A N/A 1415 N/A N/A 1416 N/A N/A 1417 N/A N/A 1418 N/A N/A 1419 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 7 1420 Extinct Scroll Death 9 1421 Extinct Spell Death 9 1422 Thorn shield Spell Nature 7 1423 Mouth of SmallDragon forest Unusable 8 16 1 1 Poison 100 1424 Mouth of SmallDragon sun Unusable 8 16 1 1 Lifetap 100 1425 NPC-Weapon Medusa InvisibleBow Unusable 5 12 1 17 70 1426 N/A N/A 1427 N/A N/A 1428 N/A N/A 1429 N/A N/A 1430 N/A N/A 1431 N/A N/A 1432 N/A N/A 1433 N/A N/A 1434 N/A N/A 1435 N/A N/A 1436 N/A N/A 1437 N/A N/A 1438 N/A N/A 1439 N/A N/A 1440 N/A N/A 1441 N/A N/A 1442 Shock Spell Offensive 1 1443 Shock Scroll Offensive 1 1444 Fireshield Spell Fire 9 1445 Fireshield Scroll Fire 9 1446 N/A N/A 1447 Pestilence Scroll Death 9 1448 Pestilence Spell Death 9 1449 Aura of suffocation Spell Death 10 1450 Aura of suffocation Scroll Death 10 1451 Aura of suffocation Spell Death 11 1452 Aura of suffocation Scroll Death 11 1453 Aura of suffocation Spell Death 12 1454 Aura of suffocation Scroll Death 12 1455 Spectre Spell Necromancy 10 1456 Suicide death Scroll Death 12 1457 N/A N/A 1458 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 4 1459 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 3 1460 N/A N/A 1461 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 7 1462 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 6 1463 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 10 1464 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 5 1465 Extinct Spell Death 3 1466 Extinct Scroll Death 3 1467 Extinct Spell Death 4 1468 Extinct Scroll Death 4 1469 Extinct Spell Death 5 1470 Extinct Scroll Death 5 1471 Extinct Spell Death 6 1472 Extinct Scroll Death 6 1473 Healing Spell Life 2 1474 Healing Scroll Life 2 1475 Healing Spell Life 3 1476 Healing Scroll Life 3 1477 Healing Spell Life 4 1478 Healing Scroll Life 4 1479 Healing Spell Life 5 1480 Healing Scroll Life 5 1481 Healing Spell Life 6 1482 Healing Scroll Life 6 1483 Healing Spell Life 7 1484 Healing Scroll Life 7 1485 Ice shield Spell Ice 2 1486 Ice shield Scroll Ice 2 1487 Ice shield Spell Ice 3 1488 Ice shield Scroll Ice 3 1489 Ice shield Spell Ice 4 1490 Ice shield Scroll Ice 4 1491 Ice shield Spell Ice 5 1492 Ice shield Scroll Ice 5 1493 Ice shield Spell Ice 6 1494 Ice shield Scroll Ice 6 1495 Ice shield Spell Ice 7 1496 Ice shield Scroll Ice 7 1497 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 5 1498 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 5 1499 Lifetap Spell Necromancy 2 1500 Lifetap Scroll Necromancy 2 1501 Lifetap Spell Necromancy 3 1502 Lifetap Scroll Necromancy 3 1503 Lifetap Spell Necromancy 4 1504 Lifetap Scroll Necromancy 4 1505 Lifetap Spell Necromancy 5 1506 Lifetap Scroll Necromancy 5 1507 Lifetap Spell Necromancy 6 1508 Lifetap Scroll Necromancy 6 1509 Aura of lifetap Spell Necromancy 9 1510 Suicide heal Spell Life 12 1511 Aura of healing Spell Life 6 1512 Greater healing Spell Life 4 1513 Greater healing Spell Life 5 1514 Greater healing Spell Life 6 1515 Greater healing Spell Life 7 1516 Aura of lifetap Scroll Necromancy 9 1517 Suicide heal Scroll Life 12 1518 Aura of healing Scroll Life 6 1519 Greater healing Scroll Life 4 1520 Greater healing Scroll Life 5 1521 Greater healing Scroll Life 6 1522 Greater healing Scroll Life 7 1523 Aura of hypnotization Spell Offensive 10 1524 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 6 1525 Aura of manatap Spell Defensive 10 1526 Manatap Spell Defensive 4 1527 Manatap Spell Defensive 5 1528 Manatap Spell Defensive 6 1529 Manatap Spell Defensive 7 1530 Aura of hypnotization Scroll Offensive 10 1531 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 6 1532 Aura of manatap Scroll Defensive 10 1533 Manatap Scroll Defensive 4 1534 Manatap Scroll Defensive 5 1535 Manatap Scroll Defensive 6 1536 Manatap Scroll Defensive 7 1537 Aura of light Spell Boons 8 1538 Suicide death Spell Death 12 1539 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 4 1540 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 8 1541 Sentinel healing Spell Life 11 1542 Sentinel healing Spell Life 12 1543 Aura of dexterity Spell Boons 10 1544 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 9 1545 Aura of light Scroll Boons 8 1546 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 5 1547 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 4 1548 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 8 1549 Sentinel healing Scroll Life 11 1550 Sentinel healing Scroll Life 12 1551 Aura of dexterity Scroll Boons 10 1552 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 9 1553 Poison Spell Curse 2 1554 Poison Spell Curse 3 1555 Poison Spell Curse 4 1556 Poison Spell Curse 5 1557 Poison Spell Curse 6 1558 Poison Spell Curse 7 1559 Poison Scroll Curse 2 1560 Poison Scroll Curse 3 1561 Poison Scroll Curse 4 1562 Poison Scroll Curse 5 1563 Poison Scroll Curse 6 1564 Poison Scroll Curse 7 1565 Thorn shield Spell Nature 1 1566 N/A N/A 1567 Thorn shield Spell Nature 2 1568 Thorn shield Spell Nature 3 1569 Thorn shield Spell Nature 4 1570 Thorn shield Spell Nature 5 1571 Thorn shield Spell Nature 6 1572 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 1 1573 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 2 1574 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 3 1575 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 4 1576 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 5 1577 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 6 1578 Pain Spell Death 1 1579 Pain Spell Death 2 1580 Pain Spell Death 3 1581 Pain Spell Death 4 1582 Pain Spell Death 5 1583 Pain Spell Death 6 1584 Pain Spell Death 7 1585 Pain Scroll Death 1 1586 Pain Scroll Death 2 1587 Pain Scroll Death 3 1588 Pain Scroll Death 4 1589 Pain Scroll Death 5 1590 Pain Scroll Death 6 1591 Pain Scroll Death 7 1592 Shockwave Spell Offensive 6 1593 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 2 1594 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 3 1595 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 4 1596 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 5 1597 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 6 1598 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 7 1599 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 6 1600 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 2 1601 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 3 1602 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 4 1603 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 5 1604 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 6 1605 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 7 1606 Distract Spell Enchantment 2 1607 Wave of rocks Spell Earth 8 1608 Ice elemental Spell Ice 6 1609 Illuminate Spell Fire 4 1610 Illuminate Spell Fire 5 1611 Illuminate Spell Fire 6 1612 Distract Scroll Enchantment 2 1613 Wave of rocks Scroll Earth 8 1614 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 6 1615 Illuminate Scroll Fire 4 1616 Illuminate Scroll Fire 5 1617 Illuminate Scroll Fire 6 1618 Aura of inability Spell Curse 10 1619 Hallow Spell Boons 2 1620 Hallow Spell Boons 3 1621 Hallow Spell Boons 4 1622 Hallow Spell Boons 5 1623 Hallow Spell Boons 6 1624 Aura of inability Scroll Curse 10 1625 Hallow Scroll Boons 2 1626 N/A N/A 1627 Hallow Scroll Boons 3 1628 Hallow Scroll Boons 4 1629 Hallow Scroll Boons 5 1630 Hallow Scroll Boons 6 1631 Shockwave Spell Offensive 8 1632 Shockwave Spell Offensive 9 1633 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 3 1634 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 4 1635 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 5 1636 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 6 1637 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 7 1638 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 8 1639 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 9 1640 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 3 1641 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 4 1642 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 5 1643 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 6 1644 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 7 1645 Iceshield Spell Ice 8 1646 Iceshield Spell Ice 9 1647 Iceshield Spell Ice 10 1648 Iceshield Spell Ice 11 1649 Iceshield Spell Ice 12 1650 Iceshield Scroll Ice 8 1651 Iceshield Scroll Ice 9 1652 Iceshield Scroll Ice 10 1653 Iceshield Scroll Ice 11 1654 Iceshield Scroll Ice 12 1655 Hallow Spell Boons 8 1656 Hallow Spell Boons 9 1657 Hallow Spell Boons 10 1658 Hallow Spell Boons 11 1659 Hallow Spell Boons 12 1660 Hallow Scroll Boons 8 1661 Hallow Scroll Boons 9 1662 Hallow Scroll Boons 10 1663 Hallow Scroll Boons 11 1664 Hallow Scroll Boons 12 1665 Area Pain Spell Death 8 1666 Area Pain Spell Death 9 1667 Area Pain Spell Death 10 1668 Area Pain Spell Death 11 1669 Area Pain Spell Death 12 1670 Area Pain Scroll Death 8 1671 Area Pain Scroll Death 9 1672 Area Pain Scroll Death 10 1673 Area Pain Scroll Death 11 1674 Area Pain Scroll Death 12 1675 Healing Spell Life 8 1676 Healing Spell Life 9 1677 Healing Spell Life 10 1678 Healing Spell Life 11 1679 Healing Spell Life 12 1680 Healing Scroll Life 8 1681 Healing Scroll Life 9 1682 Healing Scroll Life 10 1683 Healing Scroll Life 11 1684 Healing Scroll Life 12 1685 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 8 1686 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 10 1687 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 11 1688 Sacrifice mana Spell Defensive 12 1689 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 8 1690 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 10 1691 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 11 1692 Sacrifice mana Scroll Defensive 12 1693 N/A N/A 1694 N/A N/A 1695 Manatap Spell Defensive 8 1696 Manatap Spell Defensive 10 1697 Manatap Spell Defensive 11 1698 Manatap Spell Defensive 12 1699 Manatap Scroll Defensive 8 1700 Manatap Scroll Defensive 10 1701 Manatap Scroll Defensive 11 1702 Manatap Scroll Defensive 12 1703 Shock Spell Offensive 2 1704 Shock Spell Offensive 3 1705 Shock Spell Offensive 4 1706 Shock Spell Offensive 5 1707 Shock Spell Offensive 6 1708 Shock Spell Offensive 7 1709 Shock Spell Offensive 8 1710 Shock Spell Offensive 10 1711 Shock Spell Offensive 11 1712 Shock Spell Offensive 12 1713 Shock Scroll Offensive 2 1714 Shock Scroll Offensive 3 1715 Shock Scroll Offensive 4 1716 Shock Scroll Offensive 5 1717 Shock Scroll Offensive 6 1718 Shock Scroll Offensive 7 1719 Shock Scroll Offensive 8 1720 Shock Scroll Offensive 10 1721 Shock Scroll Offensive 11 1722 Shock Scroll Offensive 12 1723 Extinct Spell Death 7 1724 Extinct Spell Death 8 1725 Extinct Spell Death 10 1726 Extinct Spell Death 11 1727 Extinct Spell Death 12 1728 Extinct Scroll Death 7 1729 Extinct Scroll Death 8 1730 Extinct Scroll Death 10 1731 Extinct Scroll Death 11 1732 Extinct Scroll Death 12 1733 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 12 1734 Melt resistance Spell Fire 12 1735 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 4 1736 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 4 1737 Pestilence Spell Death 6 1738 Pestilence Spell Death 7 1739 Pestilence Spell Death 8 1740 Pestilence Spell Death 10 1741 Pestilence Spell Death 11 1742 Pestilence Spell Death 12 1743 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 8 1744 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 9 1745 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 10 1746 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 11 1747 Pestilence Scroll Death 6 1748 Pestilence Scroll Death 7 1749 Pestilence Scroll Death 8 1750 Pestilence Scroll Death 10 1751 Pestilence Scroll Death 11 1752 Pestilence Scroll Death 12 1753 Illuminate Spell Fire 8 1754 Illuminate Spell Fire 9 1755 Illuminate Spell Fire 10 1756 Illuminate Spell Fire 11 1757 Illuminate Spell Fire 12 1758 Illuminate Scroll Fire 8 1759 Illuminate Scroll Fire 9 1760 Illuminate Scroll Fire 10 1761 Illuminate Scroll Fire 11 1762 Illuminate Scroll Fire 12 1763 Lifetap Spell Death 8 1764 Lifetap Spell Death 9 1765 Lifetap Spell Death 10 1766 Lifetap Spell Death 11 1767 Lifetap Spell Death 12 1768 Lifetap Scroll Death 8 1769 Lifetap Scroll Death 9 1770 Lifetap Scroll Death 10 1771 Lifetap Scroll Death 11 1772 Lifetap Scroll Death 12 1773 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 1 1774 Rock bullet Spell Earth 1 1775 Detect magic Spell Defensive 3 1776 Aura of lifetap Spell Necromancy 8 1777 Manadrain Spell Defensive 2 1778 Manadrain Spell Defensive 3 1779 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 4 1780 N/A N/A 1781 Manadrain Spell Defensive 12 1782 Rock bullet Spell Earth 5 1783 Rain of fire Spell Fire 12 1784 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 1 1785 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 1 1786 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 3 1787 N/A N/A 1788 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 2 1789 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 3 1790 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 4 1791 N/A N/A 1792 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 12 1793 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 5 1794 Rain of fire Scroll Fire 12 1795 Aura of light Spell Boons 9 1796 Aura of light Spell Boons 10 1797 Invulnerability Spell Boons 12 1798 Aura of light Scroll Boons 9 1799 Aura of light Scroll Boons 10 1800 Invulnerability Scroll Boons 12 1801 Poison Spell Curse 8 1802 Poison Spell Curse 9 1803 Poison Spell Curse 10 1804 Poison Spell Curse 11 1805 Poison Spell Curse 12 1806 Poison Scroll Curse 8 1807 Poison Scroll Curse 9 1808 Poison Scroll Curse 10 1809 Poison Scroll Curse 11 1810 Poison Scroll Curse 12 1811 Distract Spell Enchantment 3 1812 Distract Spell Enchantment 4 1813 Confuse Spell Offensive 3 1814 Confuse Spell Offensive 4 1815 Detect magic Spell Defensive 4 1816 Dominate Spell Enchantment 3 1817 Dominate Spell Enchantment 4 1818 Wolf Spell Nature 3 1819 Petrify Spell Earth 10 1820 Petrify Spell Earth 11 1821 Petrify Spell Earth 12 1822 Distract Scroll Enchantment 3 1823 Distract Scroll Enchantment 4 1824 Confuse Scroll Offensive 3 1825 Confuse Scroll Offensive 4 1826 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 4 1827 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 3 1828 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 4 1829 Wolf Scroll Nature 3 1830 Petrify Scroll Earth 10 1831 Petrify Scroll Earth 11 1832 Petrify Scroll Earth 12 1833 Thorn shield Spell Nature 8 1834 Thorn shield Spell Nature 9 1835 Thorn shield Spell Nature 10 1836 Thorn shield Spell Nature 11 1837 Thorn shield Spell Nature 12 1838 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 8 1839 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 9 1840 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 10 1841 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 11 1842 Thorn shield Scroll Nature 12 1843 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 5 1844 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 5 1845 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 10 1846 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 10 1847 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 2 1848 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 3 1849 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 4 1850 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 6 1851 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 7 1852 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 8 1853 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 9 1854 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 11 1855 Skeleton Spell Necromancy 12 1856 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 2 1857 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 3 1858 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 4 1859 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 6 1860 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 7 1861 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 8 1862 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 9 1863 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 11 1864 Skeleton Scroll Necromancy 12 1865 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 10 1866 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 11 1867 Hypnotize Spell Offensive 12 1868 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 10 1869 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 11 1870 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 12 1871 Greater healing Spell Life 8 1872 Greater healing Spell Life 10 1873 Greater healing Spell Life 11 1874 Greater healing Spell Life 12 1875 Greater healing Scroll Life 8 1876 Greater healing Scroll Life 10 1877 Greater healing Scroll Life 11 1878 Greater healing Scroll Life 12 1879 Pain Spell Death 8 1880 Pain Spell Death 10 1881 Pain Spell Death 11 1882 Pain Spell Death 12 1883 Pain Scroll Death 8 1884 Pain Scroll Death 10 1885 Pain Scroll Death 11 1886 Pain Scroll Death 12 1887 Fireshield Spell Fire 2 1888 Fireshield Spell Fire 3 1889 Fireshield Spell Fire 4 1890 Fireshield Spell Fire 5 1891 Fireshield Spell Fire 6 1892 Fireshield Spell Fire 7 1893 Fireshield Spell Fire 8 1894 Fireshield Spell Fire 10 1895 Fireshield Spell Fire 11 1896 Fireshield Spell Fire 12 1897 Fireshield Scroll Fire 2 1898 Fireshield Scroll Fire 3 1899 Fireshield Scroll Fire 4 1900 Fireshield Scroll Fire 5 1901 Fireshield Scroll Fire 6 1902 Fireshield Scroll Fire 7 1903 Fireshield Scroll Fire 8 1904 Fireshield Scroll Fire 10 1905 Fireshield Scroll Fire 11 1906 Fireshield Scroll Fire 12 1907 Iceburst Spell Ice 3 1908 Iceburst Spell Ice 4 1909 Iceburst Spell Ice 5 1910 Iceburst Spell Ice 6 1911 Iceburst Spell Ice 7 1912 Iceburst Spell Ice 8 1913 Iceburst Spell Ice 9 1914 Iceburst Spell Ice 10 1915 Iceburst Spell Ice 11 1916 Iceburst Spell Ice 12 1917 Iceburst Scroll Ice 3 1918 Iceburst Scroll Ice 4 1919 Iceburst Scroll Ice 5 1920 Iceburst Scroll Ice 6 1921 Iceburst Scroll Ice 7 1922 Iceburst Scroll Ice 8 1923 Iceburst Scroll Ice 9 1924 Iceburst Scroll Ice 10 1925 Iceburst Scroll Ice 11 1926 Iceburst Scroll Ice 12 1927 Spectre Spell Necromancy 12 1928 Earth elemental Spell Earth 6 1929 Death Spell Death 4 1930 Death Spell Death 5 1931 Death Spell Death 6 1932 Death Spell Death 7 1933 Death Spell Death 8 1934 Death Spell Death 9 1935 Death Spell Death 10 1936 Death Spell Death 11 1937 Death Spell Death 12 1938 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 3 1939 Aura of weakness Scroll Death 4 1940 Death Scroll Death 4 1941 Death Scroll Death 5 1942 Death Scroll Death 6 1943 Death Scroll Death 7 1944 Death Scroll Death 8 1945 Death Scroll Death 9 1946 Death Scroll Death 10 1947 Death Scroll Death 11 1948 Death Scroll Death 12 1949 Cure disease Spell Nature 3 1950 Cure disease Spell Nature 4 1951 Aura of strength Spell Life 4 1952 Fog Spell Ice 4 1953 Fog Spell Ice 5 1954 Fog Spell Ice 6 1955 Fog Spell Ice 7 1956 Fog Spell Ice 8 1957 Fog Spell Ice 10 1958 Fog Spell Ice 11 1959 Fog Spell Ice 12 1960 Cure disease Scroll Nature 3 1961 Cure disease Scroll Nature 4 1962 Aura of strength Scroll Life 4 1963 Fog Scroll Ice 4 1964 Fog Scroll Ice 5 1965 Fog Scroll Ice 6 1966 Fog Scroll Ice 7 1967 Fog Scroll Ice 8 1968 Fog Scroll Ice 10 1969 Fog Scroll Ice 11 1970 Fog Scroll Ice 12 1971 N/A N/A 1972 Conservation Spell Earth 5 1973 Fireball Spell Fire 3 1974 Fireball Spell Fire 4 1975 Fireball Spell Fire 5 1976 Fireball Spell Fire 6 1977 Fireball Spell Fire 7 1978 Fireball Spell Fire 8 1979 Fireball Spell Fire 9 1980 Fireball Spell Fire 10 1981 Fireball Spell Fire 11 1982 Fireball Spell Fire 12 1983 Conservation Scroll Earth 5 1984 Fireball Scroll Fire 3 1985 Fireball Scroll Fire 4 1986 Fireball Scroll Fire 5 1987 Fireball Scroll Fire 6 1988 Fireball Scroll Fire 7 1989 Fireball Scroll Fire 8 1990 Fireball Scroll Fire 9 1991 Fireball Scroll Fire 10 1992 Fireball Scroll Fire 11 1993 Fireball Scroll Fire 12 1994 Klingzog's leggings Quest 1995 Ring of the warrior Quest 1996 Ring of the scribe Quest 1997 Ring of the scout Quest 1998 Old Sword Quest 1999 Burgle's dagger Hand Piercing 3 5 9 1 1 Poison 115 2000 Old ink vial Quest 2001 Glowing quill Quest 2002 Broken blackyewbow Quest 2003 Udwin's runebook Quest 2004 Wanted poster for Celen Quest 2005 Old dwarven axe for Sunder Quest 2006 Udwin's ring Finger 12 15 8 8 14 8 20 2007 Freeze Spell Ice 3 2008 Freeze Spell Ice 4 2009 Freeze Spell Ice 5 2010 Freeze Spell Ice 6 2011 Freeze Spell Ice 7 2012 Freeze Spell Ice 8 2013 Freeze Spell Ice 9 2014 Freeze Spell Ice 10 2015 Freeze Spell Ice 11 2016 Freeze Spell Ice 12 2017 Freeze Scroll Ice 3 2018 Freeze Scroll Ice 4 2019 Freeze Scroll Ice 5 2020 Freeze Scroll Ice 6 2021 Freeze Scroll Ice 7 2022 Freeze Scroll Ice 8 2023 Freeze Scroll Ice 9 2024 Freeze Scroll Ice 10 2025 Freeze Scroll Ice 11 2026 Freeze Scroll Ice 12 2027 Fireburst Spell Fire 4 2028 Fireburst Spell Fire 5 2029 Fireburst Spell Fire 6 2030 Fireburst Spell Fire 7 2031 Fireburst Spell Fire 8 2032 Fireburst Spell Fire 9 2033 Fireburst Spell Fire 10 2034 Fireburst Spell Fire 11 2035 Fireburst Spell Fire 12 2036 Fireburst Scroll Fire 4 2037 Fireburst Scroll Fire 5 2038 Fireburst Scroll Fire 6 2039 Fireburst Scroll Fire 7 2040 Fireburst Scroll Fire 8 2041 Fireburst Scroll Fire 9 2042 Fireburst Scroll Fire 10 2043 Fireburst Scroll Fire 11 2044 Fireburst Scroll Fire 12 2045 Fulgrot's poison-dagger Hand Piercing 7 8 14 1 1 Poison 110 2046 Fulgrot's pestilence-dagger Hand Piercing 4 5 12 1 1 Pestilence 110 2047 Melt resistance Spell Fire 10 2048 Conservation Spell Earth 9 2049 Fire elemental Spell Fire 9 2050 Aura of healing Spell Life 7 2051 Aura of strength Spell Life 6 2052 Cure disease Spell Nature 8 2053 Melt resistance Scroll Fire 10 2054 Conservation Scroll Earth 9 2055 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 9 2056 Aura of healing Scroll Life 7 2057 Aura of strength Scroll Life 6 2058 Cure disease Scroll Nature 8 2059 Orb of endurance Quest 2060 Mask of the beast Quest 2061 Rough stone key Quest 2062 Bataya Hand Blade 11 Blade 9 12 23 1 1 Yes Shock 100 2063 Zarathai's totem Hand Any 10 10 16 1 1 Manatap Decay 100 2064 Steelbow Offhand Bows 5 7 12 2 18 80 2065 Old coin Quest 2066 N/A N/A 2067 Essence of silence Quest 2068 Spectre Spell Necromacy 11 2069 Death grasp Spell Necromacy 8 2070 Death grasp Spell Necromacy 9 2071 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 4 2072 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 5 2073 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 6 2074 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 8 2075 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 9 2076 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 10 2077 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 11 2078 Undead goblin Spell Necromacy 12 2079 Death grasp Scroll Necromacy 7 2080 Death grasp Scroll Necromacy 8 2081 Death grasp Scroll Necromacy 9 2082 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 4 2083 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 5 2084 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 6 2085 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 8 2086 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 9 2087 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 10 2088 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 11 2089 Undead goblin Scroll Necromacy 12 2090 Aura of strength Spell Life 3 2091 Area healing Spell Life 2 2092 Area healing Spell Life 3 2093 Area healing Spell Life 4 2094 Area healing Spell Life 5 2095 Area healing Spell Life 6 2096 Area healing Spell Life 7 2097 Area healing Spell Life 8 2098 Area healing Spell Life 10 2099 Area healing Spell Life 11 2100 Area healing Spell Life 12 2101 Aura of strength Scroll Life 3 2102 Area healing Scroll Life 2 2103 Area healing Scroll Life 3 2104 Area healing Scroll Life 4 2105 Area healing Scroll Life 5 2106 Area healing Scroll Life 6 2107 Area healing Scroll Life 7 2108 Area healing Scroll Life 8 2109 Area healing Scroll Life 10 2110 Area healing Scroll Life 11 2111 Area healing Scroll Life 12 2112 Disrupt Spell Offensive 8 2113 Disrupt Spell Offensive 9 2114 Disrupt Spell Offensive 10 2115 Disrupt Spell Offensive 11 2116 Disrupt Spell Offensive 12 2117 Disrupt Scroll Offensive 8 2118 Disrupt Scroll Offensive 9 2119 Disrupt Scroll Offensive 10 2120 Disrupt Scroll Offensive 11 2121 Disrupt Scroll Offensive 12 2122 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 5 2123 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 6 2124 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 7 2125 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 8 2126 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 6 2127 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 12 2128 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 11 2129 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 10 2130 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 9 2131 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 10 2132 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 9 2133 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 8 2134 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 11 2135 Dispel white aura Spell Curse 12 2136 Aura of weakness Spell Death 12 2137 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 7 2138 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 6 2139 Dispel white aura Scroll Curse 5 2140 Spectre Scroll Necromacy 12 2141 Charm animal Spell Nature 12 2142 Charm Scroll Enchantment 6 2143 Charm animal Scroll Nature 12 2144 (null) Unusable 10 20 2 10 100 2145 (null) Unusable 2146 Gronn's fireaxe Hand Blade 5 8 10 1 1 Fireburst 100 2147 Club of the ten Hand Blunt 5 10 13 1 1 Decay 100 2148 Orb of the ten minotaurs Hand Life +200 3 2 2149 Bloodthief Hand Blade 12 15 22 1 1 Lifetap 80 2150 Shard of the seal Quest 2151 Windfall Hand Blade 9 9 18 1 1 110 15 2152 Aryns tear Quest 2153 Frozen time Finger Any 8 Any 8 Fight +10 15 10 10 10 2154 Eye of the storm Quest 2155 Ariafrost Quest 2156 Glowing staff Hand Blunt 6 12 19 1 1 95 10 10 2157 Crusher Hand Blunt 8 10 17 1 1 100 2158 Blood of the destroyer Quest 2159 Iridian ore Quest 2160 Thunderblade Hand Blade 8 14 24 1 1 Yes Fireburst 90 2161 Firefist Hand Mana +100 25 15 2162 Flamestarter Hand Blunt 9 9 14 1 1 Fireburst 100 2163 Essence of flame Quest 2164 Twilight Finger Any 8 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2165 Souldwinter Hand Blunt 6 8 13 1 1 Manatap 100 2166 Humming obsidian Quest 2167 Conservation Spell Earth 2 2168 Shockwave Spell Offensive 7 2169 Amok Spell Offensive 4 2170 Amok Spell Offensive 5 2171 Amok Spell Offensive 6 2172 Amok Spell Offensive 7 2173 Amok Spell Offensive 8 2174 Amok Spell Offensive 9 2175 Amok Spell Offensive 10 2176 Amok Spell Offensive 11 2177 Amok Spell Offensive 12 2178 Conservation Scroll Earth 2 2179 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 7 2180 Amok Scroll Offensive 4 2181 Amok Scroll Offensive 5 2182 Amok Scroll Offensive 6 2183 Amok Scroll Offensive 7 2184 Amok Scroll Offensive 8 2185 Amok Scroll Offensive 9 2186 Amok Scroll Offensive 10 2187 Amok Scroll Offensive 11 2188 Amok Scroll Offensive 12 2189 NPC-Weapon Beastman Poisoncleaver Unusable 6 12 1 1 Poison 100 2190 NPC-Weapon Orc ManaOrb Unusable Mana +50 2191 Dark Quartz Quest 2192 Symbol of the initiated Hand Blunt 2 4 8 1 1 100 10 2193 Silvermoon Quest 2194 Starfire Quest 2195 Steelfall Hand Blade 8 10 20 1 1 105 2196 Heroslayer Hand Piercing 3 5 9 1 1 Poison 120 2197 Essence of biteroot Quest 2198 N/A N/A 2199 Flaming wrath Offhand Bows 3 7 11 2 16 Fireburst 95 2200 The stone of eternal fire Quest 2201 Blood of the crawler Quest 2202 Fist of bear Unusable 5 10 1 1 100 2203 Electrum helmet Head 7 12 6 6 6 2204 Stonestrike Hand Blunt 3 8 15 1 1 90 2205 Troll skull Quest 2206 N/A N/A 2207 N/A N/A 2208 N/A N/A 2209 N/A N/A 2210 N/A N/A 2211 N/A N/A 2212 N/A N/A 2213 Shockwave Spell Offensive 10 2214 N/A N/A 2215 N/A N/A 2216 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 5 2217 N/A N/A 2218 N/A N/A 2219 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 8 2220 N/A N/A 2221 Aura of strength Spell Life 10 2222 Aura of strength Spell Life 11 2223 N/A N/A 2224 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 10 2225 N/A N/A 2226 N/A N/A 2227 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 5 2228 N/A N/A 2229 N/A N/A 2230 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 8 2231 N/A N/A 2232 Aura of strength Scroll Life 10 2233 Aura of strength Scroll Life 11 2234 N/A N/A 2235 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 6 2236 Fire elemental Spell Fire 6 2237 Spectre Scroll Necromancy 11 2238 N/A N/A 2239 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 2 2240 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 2 2241 Spectre Scroll Necromancy 10 2242 Aura of weakness Spell Death 9 2243 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 6 2244 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 6 2245 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 3 2246 Rock bullet Spell Earth 3 2247 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 9 2248 Rock bullet Spell Earth 9 2249 Raise dead Scroll Necromancy 6 11 18 2 10 Poison 100 2250 Raise dead Spell Necromancy 6 Blade 8 10 16 1 1 Fireburst 100 3 1 20 2251 NPC-Weapon Skeleton Poisoned Bow Unusable Blade 7 12 22 1 1 Yes Fireburst 100 3 20 2252 Everflame Hand 2253 Crimson wrath Hand 2254 Raise dead Scroll Necromancy 7 2255 Raise dead Spell Necromancy 7 2256 N/A N/A 4 10 1 1 Poison 100 2257 N/A N/A 2258 Fist of zombie Unusable 2259 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 11 2260 Aura of weakness Spell Death 10 2261 Remediless Scroll Curse 12 2262 Remediless Spell Curse 12 2263 Raise dead Scroll Necromancy 12 2264 Raise dead Spell Necromancy 12 2265 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 12 2266 Aura of weakness Spell Death 8 2267 Raise dead Scroll Necromancy 10 2268 Raise dead Spell Necromancy 6 2269 Bear Scroll Nature 11 2270 Bear Spell Nature 11 2271 Bear Scroll Nature 12 2272 Bear Spell Nature 12 2273 Rock bullet Spell Earth 2 2274 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 2 2275 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 5 2276 Manadrain Spell Defensive 5 2277 Manadrain Scroll Defensive 10 2278 Manadrain Spell Defensive 10 2279 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 7 2280 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 7 2281 Stone rain Scroll Earth 12 2282 Stone rain Spell Earth 12 2283 Shockwave Scroll Offensive 11 2284 Aura of weakness Spell Death 4 2285 Raise dead Scroll Necromancy 8 2286 Raise dead Spell Necromancy 8 2287 Blizzard Scroll Ice 12 2288 Blizzard Spell Ice 12 2289 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 8 2290 Dominate animal Spell Nature 8 2291 Death grasp Scroll Necromancy 6 2292 Death grasp Spell Necromancy 6 2293 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 4 2294 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 4 2295 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 11 2296 Fire elemental Spell Fire 11 2297 NPC-Weapon NOWEAPON (Defenseless!) Unusable 2298 Mouth of wilboar Unusable 4 8 1 1 100 2299 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 9 2300 Earth elemental Spell Earth 9 2301 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 4 2302 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 4 2303 Wave of fire Scroll Fire 9 2304 Wave of fire Spell Fire 9 2305 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 4 2306 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 4 2307 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 7 2308 Fire elemental Spell Fire 7 2309 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 10 2310 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 10 2311 Charisma Scroll Enchantment 12 2312 Charisma Spell Enchantment 12 2313 Cure disease Scroll Nature 10 2314 Cure disease Spell Nature 10 2315 Cure poison Scroll Nature 10 2316 Cure poison Spell Nature 10 2317 N/A N/A 2318 Aura of weakness Spell Death 6 2319 NPC-Weapon Orc Big Hammer Unusable 8 15 1 1 90 2320 Beastman manes Quest 2321 N/A N/A 2322 Unusable 2323 N/A N/A 2324 Fist of reaperman Unusable 66 99 1 3 Yes Life +6496 100 2325 Filthy orc blade Hand Piercing 1 3 6 1 1 110 2326 Leather armor Body Any 1 Any 1 20 4 2327 Reinforced gambeson Body Armour 2 Armour 1 25 5 2328 Sigil ring of Utran Finger 7 4 4 2329 N/A N/A 2330 Fist of elemental earth Unusable 6 10 1 1 Decay 100 2331 Fist of elemental fire Unusable 6 10 1 1 Fireburst 100 2332 Tool human fishnet Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2333 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2334 N/A N/A 2335 N/A N/A 2336 Snarf's dagger Quest 2337 Mask of Belial (left half) Quest 2338 Fist of deer Unusable 4 10 1 1 100 2339 Heavy broadsword Hand Blade 4 Blade 3 6 8 1 1 90 2340 Windsteel axe Hand Blade 3 5 7 1 1 110 2341 Practice blade Hand Any 1 Any 1 4 7 1 1 Yes 90 2342 Sharpened orc dagger Hand 9 5 8 1 1 120 2343 Light axe Hand Blade 1 2 5 1 1 105 2344 Heavy warhammer Hand Blunt 3 Blunt 2 6 9 1 1 80 2345 Barbarian hammer Hand Blunt 1 4 7 1 1 Yes 90 2346 Practice club Hand Any 3 Any 3 5 9 1 1 Yes 88 2347 Militia mace Hand Blunt 5 9 13 1 1 Yes 96 2348 Common twohander Hand Combat 4 Combat 4 9 13 1 1 Yes 92 2349 Firedance Hand Blade 3 7 12 1 1 Fireburst 110 2350 Goldweaver's chain Quest 2351 Amethyst Quest 2352 Silver armor Body Armour 7 Armour 4 60 5 5 2353 Soulstinger Hand Piercing 4 5 9 1 1 Manadrain 130 2354 Botar's diary Quest 2355 Botars hammer Hand Blunt 4 7 16 1 1 Yes Freeze 85 2356 Imperial coin Quest 2357 Nightglow Finger 5 7 7 7 2358 Spellmask Head 6 15 5 5 10 5 2359 N/A N/A 2360 Alfalas potion Quest 2361 Note to Lycande Quest 2362 Alfalas herb Quest 2363 N/A N/A 2364 N/A N/A 2365 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 7 2366 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 8 2367 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 9 2368 Ice elemental Spell Ice 7 2369 Ice elemental Spell Ice 8 2370 Ice elemental Spell Ice 9 2371 Flute of the spider king Quest 2372 Sign of the fist Quest 2373 Wildling fur Quest 2374 Whitewood staff Hand 14 8 12 1 1 Yes 90 2375 Blazefall Hand Blunt 3 8 14 1 1 Yes Fireburst 90 2376 Antique coin Quest 2377 (null) Quest 2378 Zolowin's stone Quest 2379 Renya's stone Quest 2380 Gruolun's stone Quest 2381 N/A N/A 2382 Torn child dress Quest 2383 Silk of the spider master Quest 2384 Soulstone of Angstling Quest 2385 Torn map Quest 2386 Soulstone of the Bonelurker Quest 2387 Grey totem Hand Any 6 6 11 1 1 Manatap 100 2388 Biter Hand Blade 7 9 12 1 1 Pain 100 2389 N/A N/A 2390 Shadow ring Quest 2391 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 7 2392 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 7 2393 Aura of light Scroll Boons 11 2394 Aura of light Spell Boons 11 2395 Aura of light Scroll Boons 12 2396 Aura of light Spell Boons 12 2397 Aura of strength Scroll Life 7 2398 Aura of strength Spell Life 7 2399 Aura of strength Scroll Life 8 2400 Aura of strength Spell Life 8 2401 Aura of strength Scroll Life 9 2402 Aura of strength Spell Life 9 2403 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 10 2404 Ice elemental Spell Ice 10 2405 Ice elemental Scroll Ice 12 2406 Ice elemental Spell Ice 12 2407 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 8 2408 Rock bullet Spell Earth 8 2409 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 10 2410 Rock bullet Spell Earth 10 2411 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 11 2412 Rock bullet Spell Earth 11 2413 Rock bullet Scroll Earth 12 2414 Rock bullet Spell Earth 12 2415 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 5 2416 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 5 2417 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 6 2418 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 6 2419 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 8 2420 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 8 2421 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 9 2422 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 9 2423 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 11 2424 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 11 2425 Self illusion Scroll Enchantment 12 2426 Self illusion Spell Enchantment 12 2427 Wolf Scroll Nature 5 2428 Wolf Spell Nature 5 2429 Wolf Scroll Nature 6 2430 Wolf Spell Nature 6 2431 Wolf Scroll Nature 7 2432 Wolf Spell Nature 7 2433 Wave of fire Scroll Fire 10 2434 Wave of fire Spell Fire 10 2435 Wave of fire Scroll Fire 11 2436 Wave of fire Spell Fire 11 2437 Wave of fire Scroll Fire 12 2438 Wave of fire Spell Fire 12 2439 Wave of rocks Scroll Earth 9 2440 Wave of rocks Spell Earth 9 2441 Wave of rocks Scroll Earth 10 2442 Wave of rocks Spell Earth 10 2443 Wave of rocks Scroll Earth 11 2444 Wave of rocks Spell Earth 11 2445 Wave of rocks Scroll Earth 12 2446 Wave of rocks Spell Earth 12 2447 N/A N/A 2448 N/A N/A 2449 N/A N/A 2450 N/A N/A 2451 N/A N/A 2452 N/A N/A 2453 N/A N/A 2454 N/A N/A 2455 N/A N/A 2456 Mist crystal Quest 2457 Mist crystal Quest 2458 Mist crystal Quest 2459 Mist crystal Quest 2460 Opal Quest 2461 Bag of fish Quest 2462 Lapis lazuli Quest 2463 Lapis lazuli Quest 2464 Lapis lazuli Quest 2465 Lapis lazuli Quest 2466 Opal Quest 2467 Opal Quest 2468 Opal Quest 2469 Green jewel Quest 2470 Green jewel Quest 2471 Green jewel Quest 2472 Green jewel Quest 2473 Red jewel Quest 2474 Red jewel Quest 2475 Red jewel Quest 2476 Malachite Quest 2477 Bitefern Quest 2478 Weavergreen Quest 2479 Silverwind Quest 2480 Shadowstalk Quest 2481 Broken dwarven helm Quest 2482 Broken dwarven harness Quest 2483 Broken dwarven shield Quest 2484 Broken dwarven axe Quest 2485 Poisoned beef Quest 2486 Tools of a dentist Quest 2487 Green sleep Quest 2488 Crimson banner Quest 2489 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 8 2490 Fire elemental Spell Fire 8 2491 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 10 2492 Fire elemental Spell Fire 10 2493 Fire elemental Scroll Fire 12 2494 Fire elemental Spell Fire 12 2495 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 9 2496 Dominate animal Spell Nature 9 2497 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 10 2498 Dominate animal Spell Nature 10 2499 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 11 2500 Dominate animal Spell Nature 11 2501 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 12 2502 Dominate animal Spell Nature 12 2503 Cure poison Scroll Nature 9 2504 Cure poison Spell Nature 9 2505 Cure poison Scroll Nature 11 2506 Cure poison Spell Nature 11 2507 Cure poison Scroll Nature 12 2508 Cure poison Spell Nature 12 2509 Rock beetle chitin Quest 2510 Shadowcrawler poison Quest 2511 Dark silk Quest 2512 Essence of fear Quest 2513 Beef Quest 2514 Predator's fur Quest 2515 Herger's helm Quest 2516 Red drakeling scales Quest 2517 Wolf Scroll Nature 8 2518 Wolf Spell Nature 8 2519 Wolf Scroll Nature 9 2520 Wolf Spell Nature 9 2521 Wolf Scroll Nature 10 2522 Wolf Spell Nature 10 2523 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 7 2524 Dominate Spell Enchantment 7 2525 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 8 2526 Dominate Spell Enchantment 8 2527 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 9 2528 Dominate Spell Enchantment 9 2529 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 6 2530 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 6 2531 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 7 2532 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 7 2533 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 8 2534 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 8 2535 Earthblade Hand Blade 8 Blade 6 10 17 1 1 Decay 110 2536 Frozen silver for Skarvig Quest 2537 Silverfrost Head 12 22 5 10 2538 Red adamantinum Quest 2539 (null) Quest 2540 Demon blood Quest 2541 Tears of a soulless being Quest 2542 N/A N/A 2543 Gemstone Finger Any 6 Any 6 22 2 2 2 22 2544 Adamantinum shard Quest 2545 N/A N/A 2546 N/A N/A 2547 N/A N/A 2548 N/A N/A 2549 N/A N/A 2550 N/A N/A 2551 N/A N/A 2552 N/A N/A 2553 N/A N/A 2554 N/A N/A 2555 N/A N/A 2556 N/A N/A 2557 Conservation Scroll Earth 6 2558 Conservation Spell Earth 6 2559 Conservation Scroll Earth 7 2560 Conservation Spell Earth 7 2561 Conservation Scroll Earth 8 2562 Conservation Spell Earth 8 2563 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 5 2564 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 5 2565 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 6 2566 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 6 2567 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 7 2568 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 7 2569 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 8 2570 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 8 2571 Cure disease Scroll Nature 5 2572 Cure disease Spell Nature 5 2573 Cure disease Scroll Nature 6 2574 Cure disease Spell Nature 6 2575 Cure disease Scroll Nature 7 2576 Cure disease Spell Nature 7 2577 (null) Unusable 2578 (null) Unusable 2579 (null) Unusable 2580 (null) Unusable 2581 (null) Unusable 2582 (null) Unusable 2583 (null) Unusable 2584 (null) Unusable 2585 (null) Unusable 2586 (null) Unusable 2587 (null) Unusable 2588 (null) Unusable 2589 (null) Unusable 2590 (null) Unusable 2591 (null) Unusable 2592 Shield of the damned Offhand Shields 2 30 5 2593 Wooden shield Offhand Shields 4 30 5 5 2594 Steelclad spikeshield Offhand Shields 7 50 10 5 20 2595 Crimson tower shield Offhand Shields 10 70 5 10 5 5 5 5 2596 (null) Unusable 55 2597 Aura of manatap Scroll Defensive 11 2598 Aura of manatap Spell Defensive 11 2599 Aura of manatap Scroll Defensive 12 2600 Aura of manatap Spell Defensive 12 2601 Charm Scroll Enchantment 7 2602 Charm Spell Enchantment 7 2603 Charm Scroll Enchantment 8 2604 Charm Spell Enchantment 8 2605 Charm Scroll Enchantment 9 2606 Charm Spell Enchantment 9 2607 Practice sword Hand Piercing 2/Blade 2 3 8 1 1 115 2608 Rusty short sword Hand Piercing 4/Blade 4 4 9 1 1 115 2609 Sharpened short sword Hand Piercing 6/Blade 6 6 9 1 1 115 2610 Guildmaster's short sword Hand Piercing 9/Blade 9 7 11 1 1 115 2611 Gleaming short sword of mastery Hand Piercing 12/Blade 12 11 15 1 1 115 2612 (null) Unusable 2613 (null) Unusable 2614 Soulstone of nightblade Quest 2615 Mask of Belial (right half) Quest 2616 Map of the secret caves Quest 2617 (null) Unusable 2618 (null) Unusable 2619 Malicor's key Quest 2620 Soulstone of the crypt stalker Quest 2621 Agate Quest 2622 Shadow seal Quest 2623 Agate Quest 2624 Bloodstone Quest 2625 Glowing octagon Quest 2626 Amethyst Quest 2627 Soulstone fo the unforgiven Quest 2628 Thurgons letter for Tanara Quest 2629 Small rusty key Quest 2630 Wolfsign Quest 2631 Mechlan's instructions Quest 2632 Goldwheel Quest 2633 Dragonbane Quest 2634 Shard of spring dance Quest 2635 Gwen's medicine Quest 2636 (null) Unusable 2637 (null) Unusable 2638 (null) Unusable 2639 (null) Unusable 2640 (null) Unusable 2641 (null) Unusable 2642 (null) Unusable 2643 (null) Unusable 2644 (null) Unusable 2645 (null) Unusable 2646 (null) Unusable 2647 Firefeather Quest 2648 Hand of Kahn Quest 2649 Basilisk skin Quest 2650 Obsidian Quest 2651 Obsidian Quest 2652 Obsidian Quest 2653 Red jewel Quest 2654 Obsidian Quest 2655 Topaz Quest 2656 Topaz Quest 2657 Topaz Quest 2658 Topaz Quest 2659 Topaz Quest 2660 Star-shaped amulet Quest 2661 Eyeglasses of a dwarf Quest 2662 Dwarven brandy Quest 2663 Bag with spices Quest 2664 Troll leather Quest 2665 Amethyst Quest 2666 Shard of summer wind Quest 2667 Dragon scales Quest 2668 Vulcan glass phial Quest 2669 Bag with red dust Quest 2670 Wound tincture Quest 2671 Shipment for Valdis Quest 2672 Dwarven key Quest 2673 Ice staff Hand 11 6 9 1 1 Icestrike 105 2674 (null) Unusable 10 17 1 1 70 2675 N/A N/A 2676 N/A N/A 2677 (null) Unusable 2678 (null) Unusable 2679 (null) Unusable 2680 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2681 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2682 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2683 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2684 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2685 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 2686 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2687 (null) Unusable 2 3 1 1 100 2688 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 2689 (null) Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2690 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 2691 Grey key Quest 2692 Red woodling Quest 2693 Sulfurhead Quest 2694 Stomach crampling Quest 2695 Yellow retchling Quest 2696 White tubeling Quest 2697 Elf spreadling Quest 2698 Poison prickly Quest 2699 Liannon brandy Quest 2700 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 5 2701 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 5 2702 (null) Unusable 2703 (null) Unusable 2704 Grunnams siegel Quest 2705 (null) Unusable 4 10 1 1 110 2706 (null) Unusable 2707 (null) Unusable 8 15 1 1 100 2708 (null) Unusable 2709 (null) Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 2710 (null) Unusable 2711 (null) Unusable 7 13 1 1 100 2712 (null) Unusable 7 13 1 1 Yes 100 2713 (null) Unusable 10 18 1 1 Yes 80 2714 (null) Unusable 5 10 1 1 106 2715 (null) Unusable 2716 N/A N/A 2717 (null) Unusable 2718 (null) Unusable 40 2719 (null) Unusable 45 2720 (null) Unusable 50 2721 Claw of succubus Unusable 6 9 1 1 100 2722 Rockhead Quest 2723 Crushed bloodstone Quest 2724 Fine sandglass Quest 2725 Amethyst Quest 2726 Agate Quest 2727 (null) Unusable 7 14 2 12 80 2728 (null) Unusable 2729 (null) Unusable 2730 (null) Unusable 2731 (null) Unusable 2732 (null) Unusable 2733 (null) Unusable 2734 (null) Unusable 2735 (null) Unusable 2736 (null) Unusable 2737 Rune mentalist Selthas Hero 14 2738 N/A N/A 2739 Tworsniks key Quest 2740 Tworsnik's shield Offhand 13 65 10 10 10 2741 Valuable book Quest 2742 Valuable book Quest 2743 Valuable book Quest 2744 Singlow Quest 2745 Amethyst Quest 2746 Shard of winter silence Quest 2747 Tool troll tool sharp Unusable 1 2 1 1 100 2748 (null) Unusable 4 8 1 2 90 2749 (null) Unusable 4 8 1 2 90 2750 Firepowder Quest 2751 Sulfur binder Quest 2752 Burning salt Quest 2753 (null) Unusable 3 9 1 1 100 2754 (null) Unusable 5 9 1 1 100 2755 (null) Unusable 2756 (null) Unusable 2757 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 6 2758 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 6 2759 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 7 2760 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 7 2761 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 8 2762 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 8 2763 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 9 2764 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 9 2765 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 10 2766 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 10 2767 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 11 2768 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 11 2769 Aura of flexibility Scroll Boons 12 2770 Aura of flexibility Spell Boons 12 2771 Aura of inability Scroll Curse 11 2772 Aura of inability Spell Curse 11 2773 Aura of inability Scroll Curse 12 2774 Aura of inability Spell Curse 12 2775 Aura of dexterity Scroll Boons 11 2776 Aura of dexterity Spell Boons 11 2777 Aura of dexterity Scroll Boons 12 2778 Aura of dexterity Spell Boons 12 2779 Aura of hypnotization Scroll Offensive 11 2780 Aura of hypnotization Spell Offensive 11 2781 Aura of hypnotization Scroll Offensive 12 2782 Aura of hypnotization Spell Offensive 12 2783 Aura of lifetap Scroll Necromancy 10 2784 Aura of lifetap Spell Necromancy 10 2785 Aura of lifetap Scroll Necromancy 11 2786 Aura of lifetap Spell Necromancy 11 2787 Aura of lifetap Scroll Necromancy 12 2788 Aura of lifetap Spell Necromancy 12 2789 Aura of endurance Scroll Life 9 2790 Aura of endurance Spell Life 9 2791 Aura of endurance Scroll Life 10 2792 Aura of endurance Spell Life 10 2793 Aura of endurance Scroll Life 11 2794 Aura of endurance Spell Life 11 2795 Aura of endurance Scroll Life 12 2796 Aura of endurance Spell Life 12 2797 Shard of autumn twilight Quest 2798 Confuse Scroll Offensive 5 2799 Confuse Spell Offensive 5 2800 Confuse Scroll Offensive 6 2801 Confuse Spell Offensive 6 2802 Confuse Scroll Offensive 7 2803 Confuse Spell Offensive 7 2804 Confuse Scroll Offensive 8 2805 Confuse Spell Offensive 8 2806 Confuse Scroll Offensive 9 2807 Confuse Spell Offensive 9 2808 Confuse Scroll Offensive 10 2809 Confuse Spell Offensive 10 2810 Confuse Scroll Offensive 11 2811 Confuse Spell Offensive 11 2812 Confuse Scroll Offensive 12 2813 Confuse Spell Offensive 12 2814 The phoenix stone Quest 2815 Crumbling heart of stone Quest 2816 Aura of healing Scroll Life 8 2817 Aura of healing Spell Life 8 2818 Aura of healing Scroll Life 9 2819 Aura of healing Spell Life 9 2820 Aura of healing Scroll Life 10 2821 Aura of healing Spell Life 10 2822 Aura of healing Scroll Life 11 2823 Aura of healing Spell Life 11 2824 Aura of healing Scroll Life 12 2825 Aura of healing Spell Life 12 2826 Detect metal Scroll Earth 5 2827 Detect metal Spell Earth 5 2828 Detect metal Scroll Earth 6 2829 Detect metal Spell Earth 6 2830 Detect metal Scroll Earth 7 2831 Detect metal Spell Earth 7 2832 Detect metal Scroll Earth 8 2833 Detect metal Spell Earth 8 2834 Detect metal Scroll Earth 9 2835 Detect metal Spell Earth 9 2836 Detect metal Scroll Earth 10 2837 Detect metal Spell Earth 10 2838 Detect metal Scroll Earth 11 2839 Detect metal Spell Earth 11 2840 Detect metal Scroll Earth 12 2841 Detect metal Spell Earth 12 2842 Cure disease Scroll Nature 11 2843 Cure disease Spell Nature 11 2844 Cure disease Scroll Nature 12 2845 Cure disease Spell Nature 12 2846 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 10 2847 Dominate Spell Enchantment 10 2848 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 11 2849 Dominate Spell Enchantment 11 2850 Dominate Scroll Enchantment 12 2851 Dominate Spell Enchantment 12 2852 Decay Scroll Earth 5 2853 Decay Spell Earth 5 2854 Decay Scroll Earth 6 2855 Decay Spell Earth 6 2856 Decay Scroll Earth 7 2857 Decay Spell Earth 7 2858 Decay Scroll Earth 8 2859 Decay Spell Earth 8 2860 Decay Scroll Earth 9 2861 Decay Spell Earth 9 2862 Decay Scroll Earth 10 2863 Decay Spell Earth 10 2864 Decay Scroll Earth 11 2865 Decay Spell Earth 11 2866 Decay Scroll Earth 12 2867 Decay Spell Earth 12 2868 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 9 2869 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 9 2870 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 10 2871 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 10 2872 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 11 2873 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 11 2874 Aura of regeneration Scroll Nature 12 2875 Aura of regeneration Spell Nature 12 2876 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 5 2877 Detect magic Spell Defensive 5 2878 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 6 2879 Detect magic Spell Defensive 6 2880 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 7 2881 Detect magic Spell Defensive 7 2882 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 8 2883 Detect magic Spell Defensive 8 2884 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 9 2885 Detect magic Spell Defensive 9 2886 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 10 2887 Detect magic Spell Defensive 10 2888 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 11 2889 Detect magic Spell Defensive 11 2890 Detect magic Scroll Defensive 12 2891 Detect magic Spell Defensive 12 2892 (null) Unusable 2893 Tanard's eyeglasses Quest 2894 Tanard's worn robe Quest 2895 Tanard's patched robe Quest 2896 Invocation chalk Quest 2897 Black iron Quest 2898 Surgery needle Quest 2899 Ancient stone tablet Quest 2900 Zirfar potion Quest 2901 Pain-easing potion Quest 2902 Purse Quest 2903 Lock of the hermit Quest 2904 Emerald Quest 2905 Emerald Quest 2906 Emerald Quest 2907 Emerald Quest 2908 Ruby Quest 2909 Ruby Quest 2910 Ruby Quest 2911 Ruby Quest 2912 Diamond Quest 2913 Diamond Quest 2914 Diamond Quest 2915 Very large emerald Quest 2916 Ruby Quest 2917 Ruby Quest 2918 (null) Unusable 7 14 1 1 100 2919 (null) Unusable 4 9 1 1 Yes 80 2920 (null) Unusable 7 14 1 1 90 2921 (null) Unusable 2922 (null) Unusable 7 15 1 1 Yes 80 2923 (null) Unusable 10 19 1 1 90 2924 (null) Unusable 2925 (null) Unusable 16 29 1 1 Yes 80 2926 (null) Unusable 6 13 1 1 Yes Mana +45 80 2927 (null) Unusable 11 25 1 1 90 2928 Shooting range Building 2929 N/A N/A 2930 Rune mentalist Zoe Hero 16 2931 N/A N/A 2932 Dark forge Building 2933 N/A N/A 2934 Mace carver Building 2935 N/A N/A 2936 Ironhouse Building 2937 N/A N/A 2938 Blacksmith Building 2939 N/A N/A 2940 N/A N/A 2941 N/A N/A 2942 N/A N/A 2943 N/A N/A 2944 N/A N/A 2945 N/A N/A 2946 (null) Unusable Mana +35 2947 (null) Unusable 12 18 1 1 Fireburst Fireburst 100 175 2948 N/A N/A 2949 N/A N/A 2950 N/A N/A 2951 N/A N/A 2952 N/A N/A 2953 N/A N/A 2954 N/A N/A 2955 N/A N/A 2956 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 2 100 2957 Dark banishing Scroll Curse 9 2958 Dark banishing Spell Curse 9 2959 Dark banishing Scroll Curse 10 2960 Dark banishing Spell Curse 10 2961 Dark banishing Scroll Curse 11 2962 Dark banishing Spell Curse 11 2963 Dark banishing Scroll Curse 12 2964 Dark banishing Spell Curse 12 2965 (null) Unusable 8 15 1 2 85 2966 (null) Unusable 5 12 1 2 125 2967 (null) Unusable 5 12 1 2 125 2968 (null) Unusable 9 19 2 12 70 2969 (null) Unusable 13 26 1 2 Yes 65 2970 (null) Unusable 7 17 1 2 100 2971 (null) Unusable 10 22 2 12 75 2972 (null) Unusable 9 19 1 2 100 2973 (null) Unusable 18 35 1 2 Yes 80 2974 (null) Unusable 2975 Battle axe Hand 7 Blade 2 5 6 1 1 85 2976 Heavy practice sword Hand Blade 2 Blade 1 3 7 1 1 85 2977 (null) Unusable 5 10 1 1 100 2978 (null) Unusable 3 6 1% 1% 2979 (null) Unusable 2980 (null) Unusable 2981 (null) Unusable 2982 N/A N/A 2983 Moonsilver hall Building 2984 (null) Unusable 2985 (null) Unusable 8 13 1 1 100 2986 (null) Unusable 2987 (null) Unusable 2988 Charm Scroll Enchantment 10 2989 Charm Spell Enchantment 10 2990 Charm Scroll Enchantment 11 2991 Charm Spell Enchantment 11 2992 Charm Scroll Enchantment 12 2993 Charm Spell Enchantment 12 2994 Conservation Scroll Earth 10 2995 Conservation Spell Earth 10 2996 Conservation Scroll Earth 11 2997 Conservation Spell Earth 11 2998 Conservation Scroll Earth 12 2999 Conservation Spell Earth 12 3000 Wave of fire Scroll Fire 8 3001 Wave of fire Spell Fire 8 3002 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 6 3003 Dominate animal Spell Nature 6 3004 Dominate animal Scroll Nature 7 3005 Dominate animal Spell Nature 7 3006 Shoulderplates of a princeps Quest 3007 (null) Unusable 14 17 1 1 100 3008 Orc tooth Quest 3009 Enlightement Scroll Defensive 8 3010 Enlightement Spell Defensive 8 3011 Enlightement Scroll Defensive 10 3012 Enlightement Spell Defensive 10 3013 Enlightement Scroll Defensive 11 3014 Enlightement Spell Defensive 11 3015 Enlightement Scroll Defensive 12 3016 Enlightement Spell Defensive 12 3017 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 8 3018 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 8 3019 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 9 3020 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 9 3021 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 10 3022 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 10 3023 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 11 3024 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 11 3025 Aura of brilliance Scroll Defensive 12 3026 Aura of brilliance Spell Defensive 12 3027 Wave of ice Scroll Ice 9 3028 Wave of ice Spell Ice 9 3029 Wave of ice Scroll Ice 10 3030 Wave of ice Spell Ice 10 3031 Wave of ice Scroll Ice 11 3032 Wave of ice Spell Ice 11 3033 Wave of ice Scroll Ice 12 3034 Wave of ice Spell Ice 12 3035 (null) Unusable 3036 (null) Unusable 3037 (null) Unusable 3038 (null) Unusable 3039 (null) Unusable 3040 (null) Unusable 3041 (null) Unusable 3042 Book of Shin Tar Guar Quest 3043 Sapphire Quest 3044 Pledge of the gods Quest 3045 Lea's letter for Shan Quest 3046 Lea's trinket for Shan Quest 3047 Letter from Sentos Quest 3048 (null) Unusable 6 11 1 2 90 3049 Letter for the Liannon guards Quest 3050 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 7 3051 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 7 3052 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 8 3053 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 8 3054 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 9 3055 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 9 3056 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 10 3057 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 10 3058 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 11 3059 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 11 3060 Aura of fast walking Scroll Boons 12 3061 Aura of fast walking Spell Boons 12 3062 N/A N/A 3063 N/A N/A 3064 N/A N/A 3065 N/A N/A 3066 N/A N/A 3067 N/A N/A 3068 N/A N/A 3069 N/A N/A 3070 N/A N/A 3071 N/A N/A 3072 N/A N/A 3073 N/A N/A 3074 N/A N/A 3075 N/A N/A 3076 N/A N/A 3077 N/A N/A 3078 N/A N/A 3079 N/A N/A 3080 N/A N/A 3081 N/A N/A 3082 N/A N/A 3083 N/A N/A 3084 N/A N/A 3085 N/A N/A 3086 N/A N/A 3087 N/A N/A 3088 N/A N/A 3089 N/A N/A 3090 N/A N/A 3091 N/A N/A 3092 N/A N/A 3093 N/A N/A 3094 N/A N/A 3095 N/A N/A 3096 N/A N/A 3097 N/A N/A 3098 N/A N/A 3099 N/A N/A 3100 N/A N/A 3101 N/A N/A 3102 N/A N/A 3103 N/A N/A 3104 N/A N/A 3105 N/A N/A 3106 (null) Unusable 3107 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 6 3108 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 6 3109 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 7 3110 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 7 3111 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 9 3112 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 9 3113 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 10 3114 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 10 3115 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 11 3116 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 11 3117 Aura of fast fighting Scroll Boons 12 3118 Aura of fast fighting Spell Boons 12 3119 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 7 3120 Earth elemental Spell Earth 7 3121 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 10 3122 Earth elemental Spell Earth 10 3123 Earth elemental Spell Earth 11 3124 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 11 3125 Earth elemental Spell Earth 12 3126 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 12 3127 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 7 3128 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 7 3129 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 9 3130 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 9 3131 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 10 3132 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 10 3133 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 11 3134 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 11 3135 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 12 3136 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 12 3137 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 5 3138 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 5 3139 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 6 3140 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 6 3141 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 7 3142 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 7 3143 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 9 3144 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 9 3145 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 10 3146 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 10 3147 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 11 3148 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 11 3149 Dispel black aura Scroll Boons 12 3150 Dispel black aura Spell Boons 12 3151 Distract Scroll Enchantment 7 3152 Distract Spell Enchantment 7 3153 Distract Scroll Enchantment 8 3154 Distract Spell Enchantment 8 3155 Distract Scroll Enchantment 9 3156 Distract Spell Enchantment 9 3157 Distract Scroll Enchantment 11 3158 Distract Spell Enchantment 11 3159 Distract Scroll Enchantment 12 3160 Distract Spell Enchantment 12 3161 Aura of strength Scroll Life 5 3162 Aura of strength Spell Life 5 3163 Aura of strength Scroll Life 12 3164 Aura of strength Spell Life 12 3165 Spider blood Quest 3166 Dragonblood Quest 3167 Adamantinum vessel Quest 3168 N/A N/A 3169 The potion of heroes Quest 3170 Magic pants Legs 8 Run +5&Fight +5 30 5 5 3171 Common mage staff Hand Any 3 3 7 1 1 100 3172 Rusty dagger of mastery Hand 8 4 8 1 1 110 3173 Small painbringer Hand Piercing 5 6 8 1 1 Pain 100 3174 (null) Unusable Any 2 Mana +100 3175 (null) Unusable Any 3 Any 3 Mana +25 3176 (null) Unusable Boons 2 Armour 7 200 3177 (null) Unusable Ice 8 Blade 5 Blade 1 Life +23 23 3178 Large key Quest 3179 Staff of light Hand White 1 3 6 1 1 110 3180 Sceptre of light Hand White 4 7 10 1 1 100 3181 Northlight Hand White 7 9 13 1 1 100 3182 Lightbringer Hand White 10 11 14 1 1 100 3183 White stone key Quest 3184 Red stone key Quest 3185 (null) Unusable 3186 (null) Unusable 3187 (null) Unusable 3188 (null) Unusable 3189 (null) Unusable 3190 (null) Unusable 3191 (null) Unusable 3192 (null) Unusable 3193 (null) Unusable 3194 (null) Unusable 5 11 1 2 110 3195 (null) Unusable 3196 (null) Unusable 4 8 1 1 Poison 100 3197 A magically sealed casket Quest 3198 Pass for the Liannon gate Quest 3199 Pass for the Northern Windfalls Quest 3200 Shadow crystal Quest 3201 Shadow manifest Quest 3202 Sergil Twonk's head Quest 3203 Ragnar Twonk's head Quest 3204 Darmor Twonk's head Quest 3205 Elijah Twonk's head Quest 3206 Brandel Twonk's head Quest 3207 War cry Spell 3208 Benefactions Spell 3209 Patronize Spell 3210 Endurance Spell 3211 Berserk Spell 3212 Blessing Spell 3213 Shelter Spell 3214 Durability Spell 3215 Trueshot Spell 3216 Steelskin Spell 3217 Salvo Spell 3218 Spiritstrike Offhand Bows 6 6 17 2 14 Amok 110 3219 (null) Unusable 4 6 1 1 100 3220 (null) Unusable 8 11 1 1 100 40 9 9 9 9 3221 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 100 3222 Violet gem Quest 3223 Dawn plate Body Armour 11 Armour 9 110 20 20 10 20 3224 Reinforced steel greaves Legs Armour 10 Armour 11 60 -3 5 3225 (null) Unusable 3226 Enchanted shadow ring Quest 3227 (null) Unusable 3228 Key to the dwarf gate Quest 3229 Elven garments Body Any 2 25 5 5 3230 Flowing azura robe Body Any 5 50 15 5 3231 Rune fighter Drago Hero 5 3232 N/A N/A 3233 First fragment of the mosaic Quest 3234 Second fragment of the mosaic Quest 3235 Third fragment of the mosaic Quest 3236 Last fragment of the mosaic Quest 3237 Soulstaff Hand Any 6 8 14 1 1 Lifetap 100 1 1 1 3238 Soulaxe Hand Blade 6 12 22 1 1 Lifetap 80 1 1 1 3239 Soulblade Hand Blade 7 8 15 1 1 Lifetap 110 1 1 1 3240 The rune Quest 3241 Key to Stoneblade Mountain Quest 3242 (null) Unusable 3243 (null) Unusable 3244 (null) Unusable 10 10 3245 Uthar's sword Quest 3246 Uthar's armor Quest 3247 Bronze statuette Quest 3248 (null) Unusable 6 12 2 15 Icestrike 80 3249 (null) Unusable 11 18 1 1 Icestrike Icestrike 100 175 3250 (null) Unusable 50 50 50 50 3251 (null) Unusable 7 13 1 1 100 150 3252 (null) Unusable 9 17 1 1 100 150 3253 (null) Unusable 10 18 1 1 Yes 80 3254 (null) Unusable 8 15 2 10 150 3255 (null) Unusable 5 12 1 1 110 3256 (null) Unusable 3257 (null) Unusable 3258 (null) Unusable 3259 (null) Unusable 2 6 1 1 Poison Poison Poison 100 10 10 3260 (null) Unusable 3 5 1 2 Yes 90 10 10 3261 (null) Unusable 7 13 1 1 Yes 85 3262 (null) Unusable 15 26 1 1 Yes #23711 Res #23711 Res 60 3263 Tahira's ring Finger Mana +30 5 5 3264 Thaira's robe Body 5 90 3265 Cloth gambeson Body Any 2 Any 2 35 3266 Fine cloth pants Legs Any 2 Any 2 25 3267 Shadowy greaves Legs Any 10 Any 10 55 5 5 5 5 10 3268 (null) Unusable 7 17 1 2 Icestrike Icestrike Icestrike 100 3269 (null) Unusable 9 19 1 2 Manadrain Manadrain Manadrain 100 3270 (null) Unusable 18 35 1 2 Yes Amok Amok Amok 80 3271 (null) Unusable 6 13 1 2 125 3272 (null) Unusable 13 26 1 2 Yes #23711 Res #23711 Res #23711 Res 65 3273 (null) Unusable 9 19 2 12 70 3274 (null) Unusable 10 22 2 12 75 3275 (null) Unusable 16 29 1 1 Yes Lifetap Manadrain Pain 80 3276 (null) Unusable 7 15 1 1 Yes 80 3277 (null) Unusable 6 13 1 1 Yes Mana +45 80 3278 (null) Unusable 7 14 1 1 100 3279 (null) Unusable 11 25 1 1 90 80 3280 (null) Unusable 10 19 1 1 90 80 3281 (null) Unusable 3282 (null) Unusable 3283 (null) Unusable 3284 (null) Unusable 3285 (null) Unusable 3286 (null) Unusable 3287 (null) Unusable 3288 (null) Unusable 3289 (null) Unusable 3290 (null) Unusable 3291 (null) Unusable 3292 (null) Unusable 3293 (null) Unusable 3294 (null) Unusable 3295 (null) Unusable 3296 (null) Unusable 3297 (null) Unusable 3298 (null) Unusable 3299 (null) Unusable 3300 (null) Unusable 3301 (null) Unusable 3302 (null) Unusable 3303 Green talar Body White 6 45 5 5 5 5 3304 (null) Unusable 3305 (null) Unusable 11 19 1 1 Mana +30 80 3306 Rune warlock Severus Hero 17 3307 N/A N/A 3308 (null) Unusable 9 14 1 1 80 20 20 3309 (null) Unusable 12 17 2 13 70 3310 (null) Unusable 400 3311 (null) Unusable 3312 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 100 3313 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 100 3314 (null) Unusable 3315 Wolf elite armor Quest 3316 Dagger of the red legion Quest 3317 (null) Unusable 12 15 1 1 Yes Lifetap Manatap Fireburst 100 3318 Ice stinger Hand Piercing 6 8 14 1 1 Icestrike Icestrike 110 3319 (null) Unusable 18 22 1 1 110 3320 (null) Unusable 350 3321 (null) Unusable 10 14 1 12 100 3322 (null) Unusable 3323 (null) Unusable 18 22 1 1 125 3324 (null) Unusable 380 3325 (null) Unusable 3326 (null) Unusable 3327 (null) Unusable 300 3328 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 90 3329 (null) Unusable 3330 (null) Unusable 150 3331 (null) Unusable 3332 (null) Unusable 280 3333 (null) Unusable 10 14 1 1 120 3334 (null) Unusable 3335 (null) Unusable 300 3336 (null) Unusable 13 17 1 1 85 3337 (null) Unusable 3338 (null) Unusable 200 3339 (null) Unusable 8 12 1 1 100 3340 (null) Unusable 200 3341 (null) Unusable 8 12 1 1 100 3342 Rune Archer Jawhel Unusable 3343 (null) Unusable 400 3344 (null) Unusable 16 20 1 1 100 3345 (null) Unusable 13 17 1 12 100 3346 (null) Unusable 3347 (null) Unusable 3348 (null) Unusable 3349 (null) Unusable 3350 (null) Unusable 3351 Glowing red key Quest 3352 Everwhite silk robe Body Any 9 Cast +10 100 15 15 15 15 3353 (null) Unusable 15 20 1 1 100 3354 (null) Unusable 3355 (null) Unusable 3356 (null) Unusable 13 18 1 1 100 3357 Thar's head Quest 3358 N/A N/A 3359 N/A N/A 3360 N/A N/A 3361 N/A N/A 3362 N/A N/A 3363 N/A N/A 3364 N/A N/A 3365 N/A N/A 3366 N/A N/A 3367 N/A N/A 3368 N/A N/A 3369 N/A N/A 3370 N/A N/A 3371 N/A N/A 3372 N/A N/A 3373 N/A N/A 3374 N/A N/A 3375 N/A N/A 3376 N/A N/A 3377 N/A N/A 3378 N/A N/A 3379 (null) Unusable 3380 (null) Unusable -20 -20 -20 -20 3381 (null) Unusable 3382 (null) Unusable 350 3383 (null) Unusable 3384 (null) Unusable 3385 (null) Unusable 3386 (null) Unusable 280 3387 (null) Unusable 3388 (null) Unusable 250 3389 (null) Unusable 3390 (null) Unusable 250 3391 (null) Unusable 3392 (null) Unusable 240 3393 (null) Unusable 3394 (null) Unusable 150 3395 (null) Unusable 150 3396 (null) Unusable 170 3397 (null) Unusable 350 3398 (null) Unusable 3399 (null) Unusable 320 3400 (null) Unusable 3401 (null) Unusable 250 3402 (null) Unusable 3403 (null) Unusable 280 3404 (null) Unusable 3405 (null) Unusable 200 3406 (null) Unusable 200 3407 (null) Unusable 220 3408 (null) Unusable 150 3409 (null) Unusable 160 3410 (null) Unusable 150 3411 (null) Unusable 10 20 1 1 100 3412 (null) Unusable 10 20 1 1 100 3413 (null) Unusable 3414 Bladedancer sword Unusable 10 20 1 1 100 3415 (null) Unusable 10 20 1 1 100 3416 (null) Unusable 10 14 2 18 85 3417 (null) Unusable 8 10 1 1 130 3418 (null) Unusable 11 15 1 1 115 3419 (null) Unusable 16 23 2 22 80 3420 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 90 3421 N/A N/A 3422 (null) Unusable 10 14 1 1 120 3423 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 100 3424 (null) Unusable 16 32 2 22 80 3425 (null) Unusable 18 25 1 1 Yes 100 3426 (null) Unusable 8 10 1 1 100 3427 (null) Unusable 16 32 2 22 80 3428 (null) Unusable 6 8 1 1 100 3429 (null) Unusable 3430 (null) Unusable 3431 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Yes 80 3432 (null) Unusable 8 10 1 1 130 3433 (null) Unusable 3 7 1 1 100 3434 (null) Unusable 13 18 1 1 120 3435 (null) Unusable 3436 (null) Unusable 13 18 1 1 120 3437 Light silk Quest 3438 Rune warrior Rodgar Hero 3439 Rune warrior Bael Hero 3440 Rune fighter Alrius Hero 3441 Rune warrior Karia Hero 3442 Rune MP Hero Bowmaster Hero 3443 Rune fighter Tilleth Hero 3444 Rune priest Adhira Hero 3445 Rune mage Shaidar Hero 3446 Rune priest Tehr Hero 3447 Rune mage Shindar Hero 3448 Rune warrior Ishtar Hero 3449 Rune fighter Ivor Hero 3450 Rune archer Shalir Hero 3451 Rune fighter Gareth Hero 3452 Rune warlock Severus Hero 3453 Rune mentalist Faerin Hero 3454 Rune mentalist Lyenn Hero 3455 Rune warlock Dragis Hero 3456 Rune warlock Antius Hero 3457 Rune mentalist Selthas Hero 3458 Aria crystal Quest 3459 (null) Unusable 3460 Heart of the forest Quest 3461 Book of the Convocation Quest 3462 First wedge Quest 3463 Second wedge Quest 3464 Third wedge Quest 3465 Half octagonal key Quest 3466 Fragment from Cassius Quest 3467 Fragment from Fayt Quest 3468 (null) Unusable 5 9 1 1 Yes 110 3469 (null) Unusable 3470 (null) Unusable 3471 (null) Unusable 3472 (null) Unusable 3473 (null) Unusable 3474 (null) Unusable 3475 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 Pain 100 3476 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 Fireburst 100 3477 (null) Unusable 6 11 1 1 Shock 100 3478 (null) Unusable 3479 (null) Unusable 3480 (null) Unusable 3481 (null) Unusable 3482 (null) Unusable 3483 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 3 3484 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 4 3485 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 5 3486 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 6 3487 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 7 3488 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 8 3489 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 9 3490 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 10 3491 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 11 3492 Invisibility Scroll Enchantment 12 3493 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 3 3494 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 4 3495 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 5 3496 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 6 3497 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 7 3498 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 8 3499 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 9 3500 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 10 3501 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 11 3502 Invisibility Spell Enchantment 12 3503 Feign death Scroll Necromancy 12 3504 Feign death Spell Necromancy 12 3505 (null) Unusable 3506 (null) Unusable 3507 Amra's chestplate Body Fight +5 150 10 10 20 20 20 10 3508 Amra's greaves Legs 100 5 5 10 10 10 5 3509 Ring of master thieves Finger Any 6 Any 6 18 5 5 5 5 5 3510 N/A N/A 3511 Shadowpulse armor Body Any 8 Any 8 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3512 N/A N/A 3513 Fur jacket Body 12 60 15 15 15 3514 N/A N/A 3515 Blade of light Hand Blade 11 Blade 10 12 19 1 1 #23711 Res 125 3516 Disenchant Scroll Enchantment 10 3517 Disenchant Scroll Enchantment 11 3518 Disenchant Scroll Enchantment 12 3519 Disenchant Spell Enchantment 10 3520 Disenchant Spell Enchantment 11 3521 Disenchant Spell Enchantment 12 3522 Hypnotize Scroll Offensive 8 3523 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 10 3524 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 11 3525 Aura of slow fighting Scroll Curse 12 3526 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 10 3527 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 11 3528 Aura of slow fighting Spell Curse 12 3529 Demoralize Scroll Offensive 12 3530 Demoralize Spell Offensive 12 3531 Befriend Scroll Enchantment 8 3532 Befriend Scroll Enchantment 9 3533 Befriend Scroll Enchantment 10 3534 Befriend Scroll Enchantment 11 3535 Befriend Scroll Enchantment 12 3536 Befriend Spell Enchantment 8 3537 Befriend Spell Enchantment 9 3538 Befriend Spell Enchantment 10 3539 Befriend Spell Enchantment 11 3540 Befriend Spell Enchantment 12 3541 (null) Unusable 3542 (null) Unusable 3543 (null) Unusable 6 12 1 1 120 3544 (null) Unusable 6 12 1 1 100 3545 (null) Unusable 5 8 1 1 Icestrike Icestrike Icestrike 110 175 3546 (null) Unusable 3547 (null) Unusable 3548 (null) Unusable 3549 (null) Unusable 3550 (null) Unusable 3551 (null) Unusable 13 18 1 1 Lifetap 100 3552 (null) Unusable 3553 (null) Unusable 4 7 1 1 Yes 110 3554 (null) Unusable 3 7 1 1 100 3555 (null) Unusable 3556 Earthblade Quest 3557 (null) Unusable 3558 (null) Unusable 3559 (null) Unusable 9 19 2 12 70 3560 (null) Unusable 4 9 1 1 120 3561 (null) Scroll Curse 11 3562 (null) Spell Curse 11 3563 (null) Scroll Curse 12 3564 (null) Spell Curse 12 3565 (null) Unusable 3566 (null) Unusable 3567 (null) Unusable 3568 (null) Unusable 3569 (null) Unusable 3570 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 100 3571 Rune priest Noemi Hero 11 3572 N/A N/A 3573 Rockspider silk Quest 3574 (null) Unusable 8 11 1 1 100 3575 (null) Unusable 13 18 1 1 Fireburst Fireburst Fireburst 100 3576 Rune mage Silas Hero 15 3577 Rune warlock Raithska Hero 15 3578 N/A N/A 3579 N/A N/A 3580 (null) Unusable 3581 (null) Unusable 3582 (null) Unusable 3583 (null) Unusable 3584 (null) Unusable 3585 (null) Unusable 6 9 1 1 100 3586 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 3587 (null) Unusable 3588 N/A N/A 3589 Rune priestess Deidra Hero 19 3590 (null) Unusable 3591 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 Weaken Poison Suffocation 100 3592 Ripper Hand Piercing 5/Blade 5 5 13 1 1 Pain 100 3593 Ironfang Hand Piercing 8 8 13 1 1 Suffocation 100 3594 Swampstinger Hand Piercing 10 10 15 1 1 Poison Pestilence 100 3595 Northblade Hand Blade 5 5 9 1 1 Icestrike 80 3596 Soulbiter Hand Blade 8 Blade 8 9 14 1 1 Lifetap 100 3597 Envoy of death Hand Blade 10 12 16 1 1 Remediless 100 3598 Nightmare Hand Blade 10 18 22 1 1 Yes Slowness Suffocation 85 3599 Unholy wood Hand Blunt 5 6 8 1 1 Lifetap 100 3600 Hammer of despair Hand Blunt 8 10 14 1 1 Weaken 100 3601 Fist of the elements Hand Blunt 10 Blunt 10 15 18 1 1 Fireburst Icestrike 100 3602 Lightstrike Hand Blunt 5 8 12 1 1 Yes Shock 90 3603 Punisher Hand Blunt 8 13 20 1 1 Yes Pain 80 3604 Firebow Offhand Bows 5 7 9 2 15 Fireburst 100 3605 Aryn's wrath Offhand Bows 8 9 12 2 15 Freeze 100 3606 Witchhunter's bow Offhand Bows 10 15 20 2 15 Shock Manadrain 100 3607 Assassin's crossbow Offhand Crossbow 5 7 12 2 15 Poison 95 3608 Crossbow of the madman Offhand Crossbow 8 11 16 2 15 Amok 95 3609 Medusa Offhand Crossbow 10 13 20 2 15 Petrify 100 3610 Staff of the mindthiefs Hand Any 5 6 9 1 1 Manatap 100 3611 Red eye Hand Any 8 9 12 1 1 Shock 100 3612 Staff of the arch elements Hand Any 10 10 14 1 1 Fireburst Icestrike 100 3613 Banestaff Hand 11 5 9 1 1 Slowness 100 3614 Dryad staff Hand 19 8 14 1 1 Yes Manadrain 100 3615 Stunstaff Hand 24 12 17 1 1 Yes Inability 100 3616 (null) Unusable 3617 (null) Unusable 3618 (null) Unusable 7 9 1 1 Poison 100 3619 (null) Unusable 3 6 1 1 100 3620 (null) Unusable 4 12 1 1 Suffocation 100 3621 Malachy Finger 19 Combat 8 25 7 7 9 9 3622 (null) Unusable 3623 (null) Unusable 7 11 1 1 100 3624 Wildfire poison Quest 3625 Rune of Dunhan Hero 3626 Staff of the council Hand Any 9 9 14 1 1 100 3627 Arcane sceptre Hand Any 11 12 17 1 1 100 3628 Shatterfist Hand Blunt 11 12 20 1 1 100 3629 Silverstrike Hand Piercing 11 14 18 1 1 120 3630 Eyebiter Hand Piercing 7 8 14 1 1 130 3631 Highmark shield Offhand 13 40 4 3 3632 Northman shield Offhand 18 50 3 5 5 3633 Shield of the thaumaturgs Offhand Any 10 65 7 7 20 3634 Shield of the westmages Offhand Any 10 55 10 10 15 15 3635 Shield of the northguard Offhand Shields 6 45 20 10 3636 Noble spikeshield Offhand Shields 6 45 10 20 3637 Griffon shield Offhand Shields 10 70 15 15 3638 Blue dragonshield Offhand Shields 10 70 15 15 3639 Shadow shield Offhand Any 11 90 -5 -5 -5 -5 15 15 3640 Militiy shield Offhand Shields 3 37 3641 Spikeguard Offhand Shields 8 55 10 10 5 10 3642 Helm of the winds Head Mind 7 15 15 25 3643 (null) Quest 3644 (null) Unusable 3645 (null) Unusable 3646 (null) Unusable 3647 (null) Unusable 3648 (null) Unusable 3649 Red dragonshield Offhand Shields 11 Life +250 75 3650 Bloodshield Offhand 15 45 7 7 -5 3651 N/A N/A 3652 N/A N/A 3653 N/A N/A 3654 Rune for orc workers Worker 1 3655 Rune for orc workers Worker 2 3656 Rune for orc workers Worker 4 3657 Rune warlock Phobor Hero 11 3658 N/A N/A 3659 (null) Unusable 3660 (null) Unusable 4 6 1 1 Fireburst 100 3661 (null) Hand Piercing 13 17 19 1 1 Slow fighting 120 3662 (null) Hand Piercing 15 20 22 1 1 Manatap 120 3663 (null) Hand Piercing 17 24 26 1 1 Melt resistance Chill resistance 120 3664 Blood dance Hand Piercing 12 16 19 1 1 120 3665 Rune mentalist Zerebos Hero 22 3666 N/A N/A 3667 Rune warrior Ylvie Hero 12 3668 N/A N/A 3669 (null) Offhand 55 3670 (null) Offhand 60 3671 Lucky charm Finger 9 8 1 1 1 1 3672 Nightblade armor Body Armour 10 105 15 15 3673 Franctireur coat Body Armour 6 52 9 9 3674 (null) Body 3675 Kathai armor Body 18 65 10 10 3676 Blood armor Body 22 Armour 9 Armour 8 90 5 10 6 10 3677 Arcane armor Body 28 Armour 11 Armour 10 115 15 10 15 3678 Winddancer plate Body Armour 12 130 12 10 10 10 3679 Blue talar Body Any 7 75 15 15 10 3680 Robe of the four ways Body Elemental 7 80 10 10 10 10 10 10 3681 Gleaming chain armor Body 28 Armour 11 Armour 10 Fight +5 165 20 20 25 3682 Alchimist robe Body Any 4 40 6 6 6 3683 (null) Body 3684 Earth robe Body Earth 5 Run +5 65 10 10 3685 Acolyte staff Hand Any 4 5 11 1 1 Yes 70 2 3686 Emerald staff Hand Any 7 9 15 1 1 Yes Mana +15 75 3687 Twostrike Hand Blunt 10 15 28 1 1 Yes 97 3688 Staff of the mage guards Hand Any 9 14 18 1 1 Yes 80 3689 Lightring Finger Mind 3 5 4 4 3690 Sunband Finger Mind 7 10 15 3691 Cross of light Finger Mind 10 15 4 7 15 3692 Ring of mercy Finger 21 Life +25 15 7 7 3693 Stardance Finger 18 15 4 4 4 4 4 3694 Ring of the Acolythes Finger 8 Mana +10 7 5 3695 Oldheart Finger 28 25 10 10 10 3696 Nightband Finger Armour 12 35 13 13 3697 Staff of the charlatan Hand Any 2 3 6 1 1 90 3698 Staff of the red alliance Hand Any 5 6 9 1 1 100 3699 Sign of the northstriders Hand Any 7 8 12 1 1 100 3700 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 6 3701 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 7 3702 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 9 3703 N/A N/A 3704 N/A N/A 3705 N/A N/A 3706 Ceremonial staff Hand Any 10 11 15 1 1 100 3707 Symbol of the starseekers Hand Any 1 3 3708 Sphere of clarity Hand Any 7 4 4 5 3709 Sign of the outer circle Hand Any 9 Mana +45 10 10 10 7 7 3710 Redwood bow Offhand Bows 6 7 12 2 13 85 3711 Windwhisperer Offhand Bows 8 10 13 2 16 100 3712 Crossbow of the resistance fighters Offhand Crossbow 5 7 13 2 18 80 3713 Noble hunting crossbow Offhand Crossbow 7 10 15 2 18 80 3714 Marksmans's crossbow Offhand Crossbow 8 12 15 2 18 80 3715 Sevenslayer Offhand Crossbow 10 14 17 2 18 80 3716 Dragonbane Offhand Crossbow 11 15 21 2 18 80 3717 Rune fighter Ragna Hero 16 3718 N/A N/A 3719 Rune priestess Siobe Hero 25 3720 N/A N/A 3721 Emerald helm Head Mind 4 10 7 15 3722 Kathai helmet Head 18 27 3 4 3 3723 Brigand helmet Head Armour 9 Life +30 30 7 7 3724 Green mask Head 22 Combat 9 Combat 8 33 7 7 7 7 3725 Cap of escape Head Armour 10 Fight +5 35 8 8 10 10 3726 Helmet of the masters Head Any 10 Mana +70 Cast +5 20 15 15 3727 Ancient northmen helm Head 21 Fight +5 27 5 5 5 3728 Azure cap Head Any 7 16 7 7 3 3729 Gladiator helmet Head Armour 9 43 7 7 7 3730 Helm of essence Head Any 12 30 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 3731 Warlock's jewelry Head Any 5 10 5 5 3732 Key to the secret valley Quest 3733 Torg club Hand Blunt 2 4 8 1 1 90 3734 Bonebasher Hand Blunt 5 8 10 1 1 95 3735 Black mace Hand Blunt 4 6 9 1 1 100 3736 Trollsmacker Hand Blunt 8 10 13 1 1 100 3737 Ironstar Hand Blunt 12 18 23 1 1 100 3738 Giantfell Hand Blunt 10 13 16 1 1 95 3739 Moonsilver axe Hand Blade 7 10 14 1 1 100 3740 Mighty moonsilver axe Hand Blade 9 Blade 11 14 17 1 1 100 3741 Master sabre Hand Blade 11 16 20 1 1 112 3742 Worldbreaker Hand Blunt 11 14 18 1 1 95 3743 (null) Unusable 1 1 1 1 70 3744 (null) Unusable 1 1 1 1 20 3745 Old crossbow Offhand Crossbow 2 4 8 2 18 80 3746 Rune of Reowys Hero 3747 Wound medicine of Devus Quest 3748 Key for the chest of Devus Quest 3749 Velvet trousers Legs Armour 3 17 3 2 3750 Limber chain greaves Legs Armour 10 70 8 8 8 3751 Crawlerhide pants Legs Armour 2 15 4 3752 Greaves of the paladins Legs 21 48 7 7 7 3753 Legplates of the elite Legs 27 70 10 10 3754 Old leather pants Legs 4 17 3 3755 N/A N/A 3756 N/A N/A 3757 N/A N/A 3758 N/A N/A 3759 Rune for Elf workers Worker 1 3760 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 1 3761 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 1 3762 Rune for troll workers Worker 1 3763 Arcane seal Finger Mind 11 18 10 8 10 3764 Shadowblade Hand 18 23 29 1 1 Yes 100 -30 -30 -30 3765 (null) Unusable 3766 Svera's key Quest 3767 (null) Unusable 3768 (null) Unusable 3769 Helm of enshroudment Head Any 4 7 -3 -3 7 5 3770 Pitfighter cap Head Armour 5 13 7 6 -3 -3 3771 Guild cap Head Armour 8 22 6 6 3772 Bloodfire Hand Blade 11 Blade 10 11 16 1 1 Fireburst Melt resistance 95 3773 Dragonjaw Hand Blunt 11 Blunt 10 13 16 1 1 Fireburst Melt resistance 80 3774 Rune warlock Argento Hero 17 3775 N/A N/A 3776 Rune fighter Carminia Hero 25 3777 N/A N/A 3778 (null) Unusable 3779 (null) Unusable 3780 (null) Unusable 3781 Bone staff of the Ancients Hand Any 10 9 13 1 1 100 Efficient magic 5 5 3782 Skull helm of the Ancients Head Any 10 Efficient magic 20 5 10 10 5 3783 Bone armor of the Ancients Body Any 10 Efficient magic 50 10 10 10 3784 Lightwoven doublet Body 15 Aonirs light 45 7 7 5 5 3785 Lightwoven greaves Legs 15 Aonirs light 30 4 4 3786 Lightwoven helm Head 15 Aonirs light 18 2 2 2 3787 Skull helm of the berserk Head Any 10 Any 10 Counterattack 40 8 8 3788 Bone armor of the berserk Body Any 10 Any 10 Counterattack 95 8 8 7 7 3789 Sawsword of the berserk Hand Any 10 Any 10 12 16 1 1 100 Counterattack 3790 (null) Unusable 57 3791 (null) Unusable 62 3792 (null) Unusable 8 10 1 1 100 3793 Runecarved armor Body 13 Rune magic 44 8 6 3794 Runecarved greaves Legs 13 Run +6 Rune magic 32 4 4 3795 Runecarved helm Head 13 Rune magic 20 4 4 4 4 3796 Elite marksman helmet Head Combat 9 Critical long-distance hits 30 6 6 3797 Elite marksman greaves Legs Combat 9 Critical long-distance hits 65 9 9 3798 Elite marksman armor Body Combat 9 Critical long-distance hits 85 7 7 7 3799 Robe of the spellsinger Body Any 5 Efficient aura 48 10 10 3800 Helm of the spellsinger Head Any 5 Efficient aura 10 5 5 3801 Ring of the spellsinger Finger Any 5 Efficient aura 5 4 4 4 4 3802 (null) Unusable 3803 (null) Unusable 3804 (null) Unusable 6 10 1 1 Decay Weaken Suffocation 100 3805 Tounge of the wumpus Quest 3806 Karfun's prison key Quest 3807 Crawler flute Quest 3808 (null) Unusable 50 60 1 1 130 3809 Armor of the iron falcons Body Armour 9 Armour 9 Critical hand-to-hand hits 90 5 5 5 5 3810 Greaves of the iron falcons Legs Armour 9 Armour 9 Critical hand-to-hand hits 50 7 7 3811 Helm of the iron falcons Head Armour 9 Armour 9 Critical hand-to-hand hits 40 6 6 3812 Focus helmet Head Any 10 Critical magic hits 22 7 7 7 3813 Focus robe Body Any 10 Critical magic hits 85 18 18 18 3814 Focus ring Finger Any 10 Critical magic hits 14 8 8 8 3815 Ring of healing Finger White 7 Healing 10 12 3816 Robe of healing Body White 7 Healing 75 8 8 8 3817 Helm of healing Head White 7 Healing 12 5 5 5 3818 (null) Unusable 4 9 1 1 Fireburst 100 3819 (null) Unusable 3820 (null) Unusable 10 17 1 1 Yes 100 3821 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 2 3822 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 4 3823 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 2 3824 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 4 3825 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 6 3826 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 7 3827 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 9 3828 Rune for elf workers Worker 2 3829 Rune for elf workers Worker 4 3830 Rune for orc workers Worker 6 3831 Rune for orc workers Worker 7 3832 Rune for orc workers Worker 9 3833 Rune for orc workers Worker 11 3834 Rune for troll workers Worker 2 3835 Rune for troll workers Worker 4 3836 Rune for troll workers Worker 6 3837 Rune for troll workers Worker 7 3838 Rune for troll workers Worker 9 3839 Elven brooch Quest 3840 (null) Unusable 3841 (null) Unusable 3842 (null) Unusable 3843 (null) Unusable 3844 (null) Unusable 3845 (null) Unusable 3846 (null) Unusable 3847 N/A N/A 3848 N/A N/A 3849 N/A N/A 3850 N/A N/A 3851 N/A N/A 3852 N/A N/A 3853 N/A N/A 3854 Rune warlock Finistra Hero 14 3855 N/A N/A 3856 N/A N/A 3857 N/A N/A 3858 N/A N/A 3859 N/A N/A 3860 N/A N/A 3861 N/A N/A 3862 N/A N/A 3863 N/A N/A 3864 N/A N/A 3865 N/A N/A 3866 N/A N/A 3867 Bloodstone ring Finger 3 3 1 1 3868 Seal of eternity Finger 25 20 7 7 7 3869 Noble ring Finger Mind 2 3 2 3 3870 Cat ring Finger Armour 5 7 4 4 3871 Guild ring Finger Armour 9 17 4 4 5 5 3872 Moonstone Finger 15 15 5 5 5 3873 Snakeband Finger 18 Run +5&Fight +5&Cast +5 15 8 3874 Sun key Quest 3875 Moon key Quest 3876 Star key Quest 3877 (null) Unusable 5 11 1 1 Lifetap 100 3878 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 1/Offensive 1/Defensive 1 3879 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 1/Offensive 1/Defensive 1 3880 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 2/Offensive 2/Defensive 2 3881 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 3/Offensive 3/Defensive 3 3882 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 4/Offensive 4/Defensive 4 3883 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 5/Offensive 5/Defensive 5 3884 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 6/Offensive 6/Defensive 6 3885 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 7/Offensive 7/Defensive 7 3886 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 8/Offensive 8/Defensive 8 3887 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 9/Offensive 9/Defensive 9 3888 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 10/Offensive 10/Defensive 10 3889 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 11/Offensive 11/Defensive 11 3890 Mental almightiness Scroll Enchantment 12/Offensive 12/Defensive 12 3891 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 2/Offensive 2/Defensive 2 3892 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 3/Offensive 3/Defensive 3 3893 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 4/Offensive 4/Defensive 4 3894 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 5/Offensive 5/Defensive 5 3895 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 6/Offensive 6/Defensive 6 3896 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 7/Offensive 7/Defensive 7 3897 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 8/Offensive 8/Defensive 8 3898 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 9/Offensive 9/Defensive 9 3899 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 10/Offensive 10/Defensive 10 3900 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 11/Offensive 11/Defensive 11 3901 Mental almightiness Spell Enchantment 12/Offensive 12/Defensive 12 3902 (null) Unusable 3903 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 1 3904 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 2 3905 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 3 3906 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 4 3907 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 5 3908 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 6 3909 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 7 3910 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 8 3911 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 9 3912 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 10 3913 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 11 3914 Elemental essence Scroll Elemental 12 3915 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 1 3916 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 2 3917 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 3 3918 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 4 3919 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 5 3920 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 6 3921 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 7 3922 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 8 3923 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 9 3924 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 10 3925 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 11 3926 Elemental essence Spell Elemental 12 3927 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 1/Ice 1/Earth 1 3928 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 2/Ice 2/Earth 2 3929 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 3/Ice 3/Earth 3 3930 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 4/Ice 4/Earth 4 3931 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 5/Ice 5/Earth 5 3932 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 6/Ice 6/Earth 6 3933 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 7/Ice 7/Earth 7 3934 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 8/Ice 8/Earth 8 3935 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 9/Ice 9/Earth 9 3936 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 10/Ice 10/Earth 10 3937 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 11/Ice 11/Earth 11 3938 Elemental almightiness Scroll Fire 12/Ice 12/Earth 12 3939 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 1/Ice 1/Earth 1 3940 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 2/Ice 2/Earth 2 3941 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 3/Ice 3/Earth 3 3942 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 4/Ice 4/Earth 4 3943 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 5/Ice 5/Earth 5 3944 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 6/Ice 6/Earth 6 3945 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 7/Ice 7/Earth 7 3946 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 8/Ice 8/Earth 8 3947 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 9/Ice 9/Earth 9 3948 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 10/Ice 10/Earth 10 3949 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 11/Ice 11/Earth 11 3950 Elemental almightiness Spell Fire 12/Ice 12/Earth 12 3951 Rune Gitzo Hero 10 3952 N/A N/A 3953 Rune bladeweaver Hero 23 3954 N/A N/A 3955 Sun coin Quest 3956 Moon coin Quest 3957 Star coin Quest 3958 Black almightiness Scroll Death 1/Necromancy 1/Curse 1 3959 Black almightiness Scroll Death 2/Necromancy 2/Curse 2 3960 Black almightiness Scroll Death 3/Necromancy 3/Curse 3 3961 Black almightiness Scroll Death 4/Necromancy 4/Curse 4 3962 Black almightiness Scroll Death 5/Necromancy 5/Curse 5 3963 Black almightiness Scroll Death 6/Necromancy 6/Curse 6 3964 Black almightiness Scroll Death 7/Necromancy 7/Curse 7 3965 Black almightiness Scroll Death 8/Necromancy 8/Curse 8 3966 Black almightiness Scroll Death 9/Necromancy 9/Curse 9 3967 Black almightiness Scroll Death 10/Necromancy 10/Curse 10 3968 Black almightiness Scroll Death 11/Necromancy 11/Curse 11 3969 Black almightiness Scroll Death 12/Necromancy 12/Curse 12 3970 Black almightiness Spell Death 1/Necromancy 1/Curse 1 3971 Black almightiness Spell Death 2/Necromancy 2/Curse 2 3972 Black almightiness Spell Death 3/Necromancy 3/Curse 3 3973 Black almightiness Spell Death 4/Necromancy 4/Curse 4 3974 Black almightiness Spell Death 5/Necromancy 5/Curse 5 3975 Black almightiness Spell Death 6/Necromancy 6/Curse 6 3976 Black almightiness Spell Death 7/Necromancy 7/Curse 7 3977 Black almightiness Spell Death 8/Necromancy 8/Curse 8 3978 Black almightiness Spell Death 9/Necromancy 9/Curse 9 3979 Black almightiness Spell Death 10/Necromancy 10/Curse 10 3980 Black almightiness Spell Death 11/Necromancy 11/Curse 11 3981 Black almightiness Spell Death 12/Necromancy 12/Curse 12 3982 (null) Unusable 8 16 1 1 Icestrike 100 3983 Black essence Scroll Black 1 3984 Black essence Scroll Black 2 3985 Black essence Scroll Black 3 3986 Black essence Scroll Black 4 3987 Black essence Scroll Black 5 3988 Black essence Scroll Black 6 3989 Black essence Scroll Black 7 3990 Black essence Scroll Black 8 3991 Black essence Scroll Black 9 3992 Black essence Scroll Black 10 3993 Black essence Scroll Black 11 3994 Black essence Scroll Black 12 3995 Black essence Spell Black 1 3996 Black essence Spell Black 2 3997 Black essence Spell Black 3 3998 Black essence Spell Black 4 3999 Black essence Spell Black 5 4000 Black essence Spell Black 6 4001 Black essence Spell Black 7 4002 Black essence Spell Black 8 4003 Black essence Spell Black 9 4004 Black essence Spell Black 10 4005 Black essence Spell Black 11 4006 Black essence Spell Black 12 4007 Mental essence Scroll Mind 1 4008 Mental essence Scroll Mind 2 4009 Mental essence Scroll Mind 3 4010 Mental essence Scroll Mind 4 4011 Mental essence Scroll Mind 5 4012 Mental essence Scroll Mind 6 4013 Mental essence Scroll Mind 7 4014 Mental essence Scroll Mind 8 4015 Mental essence Scroll Mind 9 4016 Mental essence Scroll Mind 10 4017 Mental essence Scroll Mind 11 4018 Mental essence Scroll Mind 12 4019 Mental essence Spell Mind 1 4020 Mental essence Spell Mind 2 4021 Mental essence Spell Mind 3 4022 Mental essence Spell Mind 4 4023 Mental essence Spell Mind 5 4024 Mental essence Spell Mind 6 4025 Mental essence Spell Mind 7 4026 Mental essence Spell Mind 8 4027 Mental essence Spell Mind 9 4028 Mental essence Spell Mind 10 4029 Mental essence Spell Mind 11 4030 Mental essence Spell Mind 12 4031 White almightiness Scroll Life 1/Nature 1/Boons 1 4032 White almightiness Scroll Life 2/Nature 2/Boons 2 4033 White almightiness Scroll Life 3/Nature 3/Boons 3 4034 White almightiness Scroll Life 4/Nature 4/Boons 4 4035 White almightiness Scroll Life 5/Nature 5/Boons 5 4036 White almightiness Scroll Life 6/Nature 6/Boons 6 4037 White almightiness Scroll Life 7/Nature 7/Boons 7 4038 White almightiness Scroll Life 8/Nature 8/Boons 8 4039 White almightiness Scroll Life 9/Nature 9/Boons 9 4040 White almightiness Scroll Life 10/Nature 10/Boons 10 4041 White almightiness Scroll Life 11/Nature 11/Boons 11 4042 White almightiness Scroll Life 12/Nature 12/Boons 12 4043 White almightiness Spell Life 1/Nature 1/Boons 1 4044 White almightiness Spell Life 2/Nature 2/Boons 2 4045 White almightiness Spell Life 3/Nature 3/Boons 3 4046 White almightiness Spell Life 4/Nature 4/Boons 4 4047 White almightiness Spell Life 5/Nature 5/Boons 5 4048 White almightiness Spell Life 6/Nature 6/Boons 6 4049 White almightiness Spell Life 7/Nature 7/Boons 7 4050 White almightiness Spell Life 8/Nature 8/Boons 8 4051 White almightiness Spell Life 9/Nature 9/Boons 9 4052 White almightiness Spell Life 10/Nature 10/Boons 10 4053 White almightiness Spell Life 11/Nature 11/Boons 11 4054 White almightiness Spell Life 12/Nature 12/Boons 12 4055 White essence Scroll White 1 4056 White essence Scroll White 2 4057 White essence Scroll White 3 4058 White essence Scroll White 4 4059 White essence Scroll White 5 4060 White essence Scroll White 6 4061 White essence Scroll White 7 4062 White essence Scroll White 8 4063 White essence Scroll White 9 4064 White essence Scroll White 10 4065 White essence Scroll White 11 4066 White essence Scroll White 12 4067 White essence Spell White 1 4068 White essence Spell White 2 4069 White essence Spell White 3 4070 White essence Spell White 4 4071 White essence Spell White 5 4072 White essence Spell White 6 4073 White essence Spell White 7 4074 White essence Spell White 8 4075 White essence Spell White 9 4076 White essence Spell White 10 4077 White essence Spell White 11 4078 White essence Spell White 12 4079 Skull coin Quest 4080 Gitzo Unusable 100 4081 Gultark Unusable 200 4082 Kyra Unusable 150 4083 Shar Arduin Unusable 150 4084 Blade minion Unusable 150 4085 Bladeweaver Unusable 250 4086 Blade princeps Unusable 350 4087 Weapon of a balde minion Unusable 6 10 1 1 100 4088 Weapon of a blade weaver Unusable 8 12 1 1 100 4089 Weapon of a blade princeps Unusable 11 15 1 1 100 4090 Kathai - nanjika Hand Blade 5 10 15 1 1 Yes 70 4091 Kathai - nodaro Hand Combat 5 Combat 5 10 15 1 1 Yes 95 4092 Kathai - uryu Offhand Bows 5 8 12 2 18 90 4093 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 Poison Suffocation Weaken 100 4094 Froststar Hand Blunt 7 13 20 1 1 Yes 100 4095 Icewind Hand Blade 6 8 10 1 1 100 4096 Fire crystal Quest 4097 (null) Unusable 13 18 1 1 Yes 90 4098 (null) Unusable 45 4099 (null) Unusable 55 4100 (null) Unusable 4101 (null) Unusable 4102 (null) Unusable 4103 N/A N/A 4104 N/A N/A 4105 (null) Unusable 4106 (null) Unusable 15 22 1 1 100 4107 (null) Quest 4108 (null) Quest 4109 (null) Quest Piercing 6 4110 (null) Unusable 7 12 1 1 Slowness Suffocation Death 100 4111 Rune blade minion Hero 17 4112 Rune blade princeps Hero 27 4113 Rune Shar Hero 25 4114 Rune Kyra Hero 19 4115 Rune Gultark Hero 16 4116 N/A N/A 4117 N/A N/A 4118 N/A N/A 4119 N/A N/A 4120 N/A N/A 4121 Rune fighter Yonie Hero 21 4122 N/A N/A 4123 Rune mage Jarvis Hero 19 4124 N/A N/A 4125 Rune mage Stig Hero 22 4126 N/A N/A 4127 Rune priest Navid Hero 12 4128 N/A N/A 4129 Rune mentalist Morna Hero 19 4130 N/A N/A 4131 Rune mage Signe Hero 10 4132 Rune archer Rolfor Hero 19 4133 Rune witch Amber Hero 23 4134 Rune archer Zichorias Hero 24 4135 Rune priestess Nova Hero 20 4136 N/A N/A 4137 N/A N/A 4138 N/A N/A 4139 N/A N/A 4140 N/A N/A 4141 (null) Unusable 4142 (null) Unusable 4143 (null) Unusable 4144 Firebane Spell 4145 Firebane Scroll 4146 Rune mentalist Garbarius Hero 11 4147 N/A N/A 4148 Rune priest Carmelius Hero 15 4149 N/A N/A 4150 Rune archer Jennifer Hero 21 4151 N/A N/A 4152 Crawler fetish Quest 4153 Keychain of the kithar general Quest 4154 (null) Unusable 4155 (null) Unusable 4156 (null) Unusable 4157 (null) Unusable 4158 (null) Unusable 4159 (null) Unusable 4160 (null) Unusable 4161 (null) Unusable 4162 (null) Unusable 4163 (null) Unusable 4164 (null) Unusable 4165 (null) Unusable 4166 (null) Unusable 4167 (null) Unusable 4168 (null) Unusable 4169 (null) Unusable 4170 (null) Unusable 4171 (null) Unusable 15 22 1 1 Fireburst 100 4172 (null) Unusable 10 15 1 1 Decay 100 4173 First half of the shadow ring Quest 4174 Second half of the shadow ring Quest 4175 Shadow ring Quest 4176 Bone knife Quest 4177 Rune warrior Thiderik Hero 17 4178 Rune mentalist Eydis Hero 28 4179 Rune warlock Darko Hero 28 4180 N/A N/A 4181 N/A N/A 4182 N/A N/A 4183 Key of the hermit Quest 4184 Spiderkey from the ghost Quest 4185 Rawor's key Quest 4186 N/A N/A 4187 Firestone Quest 4188 Rune warrior Mignon Hero 4189 Rune warrior Vlad Hero 27 4190 N/A N/A 4191 N/A N/A 4192 (null) Unusable 4193 (null) Unusable 4194 (null) Unusable 4195 (null) Unusable 4196 (null) Unusable 4197 (null) Unusable 4198 (null) Unusable 4199 (null) Unusable 4200 Hourglass Quest 4201 Vial of blood Quest 4202 Candle Quest 4203 Squire's jerkin Body Armour 2 25 3 3 4204 Mace Hand Blunt 7 10 12 1 1 95 4205 Crystal winterbow Offhand Bows 10 12 18 2 15 95 4206 Crystal staff Hand Blunt 10 Blunt 9 15 23 1 1 Yes Freeze 90 4207 Iceblade Hand Blade 10 13 17 1 1 Icestrike 105 4208 Sword of the guard Hand Blade 10 12 18 1 1 100 4209 Fireblade Hand Blade 10 13 17 1 1 Fireburst 105 4210 Staff of the archmages Hand Any 12 16 21 1 1 Yes 85 4211 (null) Unusable 44 55 2 15 Icestrike Freeze 100 4212 Gitzo's essence Quest 4213 Gultark's essence Quest 4214 Kyra's essence Quest 4215 (null) Quest 4216 (null) Quest 4217 (null) Quest 4218 Shar's essence Quest 4219 Gitzo's sleeping runestone Quest 4220 Gultark's sleeping runestone Quest 4221 Kyra's sleeping runestone Quest 4222 (null) Quest 4223 (null) Quest 4224 (null) Quest 4225 Shar's sleeping runestone Quest 4226 Farnhardt's jounreys (property of Dariu Quest 4227 Page 119 from Farnhardt's journeys Quest 4228 Page 120 from Farnhardt's journeys Quest 4229 Page 121 from Farnhardt's journeys Quest 4230 Key to Flink's cell Quest 4231 Farnhardt's treasure Quest 4232 Three parts of Farnhardt's key Quest 4233 Raw runestone Quest 4234 Yellow bloodstone Quest 4235 Blue bloodgem Quest 4236 Violet bloodstone Quest 4237 Brown bloodgem Quest 4238 Grey bloodstone Quest 4239 Black bloodstone Quest 4240 Green bloodstone Quest 4241 Red bloodstone Quest 4242 Cyan bloodgem Quest 4243 White bloodstone Quest 4244 Parts of a blade minion Quest 4245 Skull of a bladeweaver Quest 4246 Breasplate of a bladeweaver Quest 4247 Legparts of a bladeweaver Quest 4248 Legparts of a blade princeps Quest 4249 Shoulderplates of a blade princeps Quest 4250 Skull of a blade princeps Quest 4251 Breastplate of a blade princeps Quest 4252 Wolf hide Quest 4253 N/A N/A 4254 Rune archer Marcea Hero 28 4255 N/A N/A 4256 N/A N/A 4257 Skull fragment Quest 4258 Fragment of armor Quest 4259 Jaw fragment Quest 4260 Lizard skull fragment Quest 4261 Thighbone fragment Quest 4262 Rib Quest 4263 Bone shard Quest 4264 Long bone fragment Quest 4265 Mask of Belial Unusable Mana +30 15 10 10 4266 Black shield of invulnerability Offhand Any 10 Run -7 85 4267 Robe of the dark hours Body Any 9 93 10 15 15 15 15 4268 Black talar Body Any 10 97 10 10 5 20 15 15 4269 Robe of the plague lord Body Any 12 Mana +25 120 27 27 27 25 4270 Robe of mental penetration Body Mind 4 40 7 7 10 4271 Araband Finger Mind 8 13 5 8 7 4272 Firespitter-skullcrossbow Offhand Crossbow 10 11 17 2 15 Fireburst 80 4273 Frostthrower-skullcrossbow Offhand Crossbow 10 11 17 2 15 Icestrike 80 4274 Legbone club Hand Blunt 10 16 19 1 1 Pain 100 4275 Green rip bow Offhand Bows 10 13 15 2 15 Poison 100 4276 Fiery red rip bow Offhand Bows 10 11 13 2 15 Fireburst 100 4277 Acrane boneshard dagger Hand Elemental 10/Black 10 10 13 1 1 120&Run +10 10 4278 Astral boneshard dagger Hand White 10/Mind 10 10 13 1 1 120&Run +10 10 4279 Rune priest Gyllenhaal Hero 9 4280 N/A N/A 4281 (null) Unusable 20 27 1 1 Fireburst 100 4282 Potion of life Unusable 4283 (null) Unusable 4284 (null) Unusable 4285 N/A N/A 4286 N/A N/A 4287 N/A N/A 4288 N/A N/A 4289 N/A N/A 4290 N/A N/A 4291 N/A N/A 4292 N/A N/A 4293 N/A N/A 4294 N/A N/A 4295 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 26 4296 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 28 4297 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 30 4298 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 31 4299 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 33 4300 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 35 4301 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 36 4302 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 40 4303 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 38 4304 Rune for darkelf slaves Worker 41 4305 N/A N/A 4306 N/A N/A 4307 N/A N/A 4308 N/A N/A 4309 N/A N/A 4310 N/A N/A 4311 N/A N/A 4312 N/A N/A 4313 N/A N/A 4314 N/A N/A 4315 N/A N/A 4316 N/A N/A 4317 N/A N/A 4318 N/A N/A 4319 N/A N/A 4320 N/A N/A 4321 N/A N/A 4322 N/A N/A 4323 N/A N/A 4324 N/A N/A 4325 N/A N/A 4326 N/A N/A 4327 N/A N/A 4328 N/A N/A 4329 N/A N/A 4330 N/A N/A 4331 N/A N/A 4332 N/A N/A 4333 N/A N/A 4334 N/A N/A 4335 N/A N/A 4336 N/A N/A 4337 N/A N/A 4338 N/A N/A 4339 N/A N/A 4340 N/A N/A 4341 N/A N/A 4342 N/A N/A 4343 N/A N/A 4344 N/A N/A 4345 N/A N/A 4346 N/A N/A 4347 N/A N/A 4348 N/A N/A 4349 N/A N/A 4350 N/A N/A 4351 N/A N/A 4352 N/A N/A 4353 N/A N/A 4354 N/A N/A 4355 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 26 4356 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 28 4357 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 30 4358 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 31 4359 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 33 4360 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 35 4361 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 36 4362 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 38 4363 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 40 4364 Rune for dwarf workers Worker 41 4365 Rune for elf workers Worker 26 4366 Rune for elf workers Worker 28 4367 Rune for elf workers Worker 30 4368 Rune for elf workers Worker 31 4369 Rune for elf workers Worker 33 4370 Rune for elf workers Worker 35 4371 Rune for elf workers Worker 36 4372 Rune for elf workers Worker 38 4373 Rune for elf workers Worker 40 4374 Rune for elf workers Worker 41 4375 Rune for human workers Worker 26 4376 Rune for human workers Worker 28 4377 Rune for human workers Worker 30 4378 Rune for human workers Worker 31 4379 Rune for human workers Worker 33 4380 Rune for human workers Worker 35 4381 Rune for human workers Worker 36 4382 Rune for human workers Worker 38 4383 Rune for human workers Worker 40 4384 Rune for human workers Worker 41 4385 Rune for orc workers Worker 26 4386 Rune for orc workers Worker 28 4387 Rune for orc workers Worker 30 4388 Rune for orc workers Worker 31 4389 Rune for orc workers Worker 33 4390 Rune for orc workers Worker 35 4391 Rune for orc workers Worker 36 4392 Rune for orc workers Worker 38 4393 Rune for orc workers Worker 40 4394 Rune for orc workers Worker 41 4395 Rune for troll workers Worker 26 4396 Rune for troll workers Worker 28 4397 Rune for troll workers Worker 30 4398 Rune for troll workers Worker 31 4399 Rune for troll workers Worker 33 4400 Rune for troll workers Worker 35 4401 Rune for troll workers Worker 36 4402 Rune for troll workers Worker 38 4403 Rune for troll workers Worker 40 4404 Rune for troll workers Worker 41 4405 Resistance breaker Offhand Crossbow 10 17 20 2 15 Chill resistance Melt resistance Dark banishing 90 4406 Harbringer of dread Offhand Bows 10 16 18 2 15 Dark banishing 110 4407 Sungleam Head Mind 9 30 3 7 5 5 20 4408 Lightbringer helm Head Mind 10 25 15 15 4409 Hunting spear Hand Piercing 1 Combat 1 5 9 1 1 Yes 80 4410 Bronze spear Hand Piercing 2 Combat 2 7 11 1 1 Yes 80 4411 Fighting spear Hand Piercing 3 Combat 3 9 12 1 1 Yes 80 4412 Poleblade Hand Piercing 4 Combat 4 10 14 1 1 Yes 80 4413 Militia spear Hand Piercing 5 Combat 5 11 17 1 1 Yes 80 4414 Ahlspiess Hand Piercing 6 Combat 6 13 18 1 1 Yes 80 4415 Combat spear Hand Piercing 7 Combat 7 14 19 1 1 Yes 80 4416 War lance Hand Piercing 8 Combat 8 16 20 1 1 Yes 80 4417 Trollslayer Hand Piercing 9 Combat 9 18 24 1 1 Yes 80 4418 Butcher's spear Hand Piercing 10 Combat 10 19 25 1 1 Yes 80 4419 Dragonlance Hand Piercing 11 Combat 11 21 26 1 1 Yes 80 4420 Longdeath Hand Piercing 12 Combat 12 23 27 1 1 Yes 80 4421 Boneguard Offhand Shields 9 65 13 13 4422 Draugbane Offhand Shields 11 72 17 17 4423 Axe of Galeritus Hand Blade 8 11 13 1 1 Melt resistance Chill resistance Dark banishing 115 4424 Rune mage Sondra Hero 23 4425 N/A N/A 4426 (null) Unusable 27 30 1 1 Death 120 4427 (null) Unusable Piercing 14 16 22 1 1 120 4428 (null) Unusable Piercing 16 20 25 1 1 120 4429 (null) Unusable Piercing 20 27 30 1 1 120 4430 (null) Unusable Blade 14 20 25 1 1 Pain 107 4431 (null) Unusable Blade 16 23 28 1 1 Shock 108 4432 (null) Unusable Blade 18 26 32 1 1 Freeze 106 4433 (null) Unusable Blade 20 30 36 1 1 Lifetap 108 4434 (null) Unusable Blade 15 22 25 1 1 104 4435 (null) Unusable Blade 17 26 29 1 1 106 4436 (null) Unusable Blade 19 29 33 1 1 108 4437 (null) Unusable Blade 17 25 30 1 1 85 4438 (null) Unusable Blade 13 17 25 1 1 85 4439 (null) Unusable Any 14 20 20 20 8 8 8 8 4440 (null) Unusable Any 17 Mana +80 Cast +15 29 29 20 4441 (null) Unusable Any 12 Mana +50 20 10 20 4442 (null) Unusable Any 14 75 6 13 13 13 4443 (null) Unusable Any 16 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 4444 (null) Unusable Any 19 115 15 20 20 20 4445 (null) Unusable Any 15 80 13 13 13 13 15 4446 (null) Unusable Any 15 90 14 14 14 14 15 15 4447 (null) Unusable Any 15 100 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 4448 (null) Unusable Any 15 115 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 4449 (null) Unusable Shields 14 87 12 12 12 12 4450 (null) Unusable Shields 16 95 17 16 11 11 4451 (null) Unusable Shields 19 110 15 20 15 15 4452 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 23 27 1 1 Yes 80 2 2 4453 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 23 27 1 1 Yes Fireburst 85 5 5 4454 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 23 27 1 1 Yes Fireburst Icestrike 90 10 10 4455 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 23 27 1 1 Yes Fireburst Icestrike Death 95 15 15 4456 (null) Unusable 32 18 24 1 1 Yes Suffocation 78 4457 (null) Unusable 42 28 31 1 1 Yes Lifetap 75 4458 (null) Unusable 37 23 27 1 1 Yes Manadrain 78 4459 (null) Unusable 47 34 36 1 1 Yes Remediless 75 4460 (null) Unusable Any 14 28 5 10 10 4461 (null) Unusable Any 18 40 4 4 9 9 9 4462 (null) Unusable Any 20 50 20 20 4463 (null) Unusable 36 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4464 (null) Unusable 43 40 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4465 (null) Unusable 48 50 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4466 (null) Unusable Any 15 30 7 7 7 7 4467 (null) Unusable Any 17 36 3 4 10 13 5 4468 (null) Unusable 32 25 6 5 4 2 1 3 5 5 4469 (null) Unusable 40 33 7 8 8 7 4470 (null) Unusable Bows 13 20 26 2 15 95 4471 (null) Unusable Bows 17 23 29 2 16 97 4472 (null) Unusable Bows 19 28 34 2 15 95 4473 (null) Unusable Bows 14 23 29 2 16 Confuse 84 4474 (null) Unusable Bows 16 26 31 2 15 Charm 84 4475 (null) Unusable Bows 18 30 34 2 15 Dark banishing 83 4476 (null) Unusable Bows 20 32 40 2 15 Decay 80 4477 (null) Unusable Crossbow 14 25 28 2 16 80 4478 (null) Unusable Crossbow 16 26 32 2 17 80 4479 (null) Unusable Crossbow 20 33 39 2 18 80 4480 (null) Unusable Crossbow 13 19 26 2 16 Slowness 80 4481 (null) Unusable Crossbow 15 23 30 2 17 Melt resistance Chill resistance 82 4482 (null) Unusable Crossbow 17 27 32 2 17 Suffocation 84 4483 (null) Unusable Crossbow 19 32 36 2 17 Inability 86 4484 (null) Unusable Any 13 15 19 1 1 105 4485 (null) Unusable Any 17 20 24 1 1 105 4486 (null) Unusable Any 19 24 27 1 1 105 4487 (null) Unusable Any 14 15 21 1 1 Poison 100 4488 (null) Unusable Any 16 19 24 1 1 Inflexibility 100 4489 (null) Unusable Any 18 23 26 1 1 Petrify 105 4490 (null) Unusable Any 20 24 29 1 1 Manatap 105 4491 (null) Unusable Armour 13 55 8 8 8 4492 (null) Unusable Armour 15 60 8 10 8 5 5 4493 (null) Unusable Armour 18 70 9 16 9 4494 (null) Unusable Armour 15 55 8 4 8 8 4495 (null) Unusable Armour 17 60 8 12 12 4496 (null) Unusable Armour 19 64 9 9 9 9 4497 (null) Unusable 33 42 5 6 5 5 4498 (null) Unusable 40 46 8 7 8 4499 (null) Unusable 44 50 4 4 4 4 4 4 4500 (null) Unusable Any 13 26 12 12 12 4501 (null) Unusable Any 16 Cast +5 30 6 12 12 10 10 4502 (null) Unusable Any 19 38 16 16 16 4503 (null) Unusable Armour 14 170 10 12 10 10 4504 (null) Unusable Armour 16 Run -5 & Fight -5 190 10 17 5 10 10 10 10 10 4505 (null) Unusable Armour 19 Run -10 225 17 20 10 10 20 4506 (null) Unusable Armour 13 145 11 11 11 11 4507 (null) Unusable Armour 16 175 20 5 5 20 10 4508 (null) Unusable Armour 18 195 24 10 20 15 4509 (null) Unusable 32 115 7 6 7 6 6 6 4510 (null) Unusable 36 135 10 10 10 12 4511 (null) Unusable 42 155 10 10 6 10 4512 (null) Unusable 32 62 9 9 9 4513 (null) Unusable 39 74 8 8 8 8 4514 (null) Unusable 46 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 4515 (null) Unusable Armour 15 Run -5 103 17 17 4516 (null) Unusable Armour 17 110 18 10 10 4517 (null) Unusable Armour 19 Run -10 116 10 12 10 10 15 15 4518 (null) Unusable Armour 14 83 10 8 8 6 4519 (null) Unusable Armour 3 90 10 7 7 7 5 4520 (null) Unusable Armour 19 Run +7 & Fight +7 100 10 10 12 10 4521 (null) Unusable Any 14 150 11 11 22 22 22 4522 (null) Unusable Any 17 195 6 6 6 6 25 25 25 10 10 4523 (null) Unusable Any 20 240 6 6 30 30 20 10 10 10 10 4524 (null) Unusable Blunt 13 17 22 1 1 Manadrain 100 4525 (null) Unusable Blunt 15 21 26 1 1 Inflexibility 100 4526 (null) Unusable Blunt 19 30 34 1 1 Pain 100 4527 (null) Unusable Blunt 13 15 24 1 1 Fireburst 90 4528 (null) Unusable Blunt 19 26 38 1 1 Suffocation 90 4529 (null) Unusable Blunt 17 25 31 1 1 Dark banishing 100 4530 (null) Unusable Blunt 17 22 34 1 1 Decay 90 4531 (null) Unusable Blunt 14 20 23 1 1 100 4532 (null) Unusable Blunt 16 24 27 1 1 100 4533 (null) Unusable Blunt 20 32 36 1 1 100 4534 (null) Unusable Blunt 18 28 32 1 1 90 4535 (null) Unusable Blade 20 30 38 1 1 Icestrike 84 4536 (null) Unusable Blade 16 24 27 1 1 Weaken 85 4537 (null) Unusable Blade 13 23 29 1 1 Yes 82 4538 (null) Unusable Blade 16 29 35 1 1 Yes 85 4539 (null) Unusable Blade 20 38 42 1 1 Yes 85 4540 (null) Unusable Blade 14 26 30 1 1 Yes Shock 82 4541 (null) Unusable Blade 18 34 38 1 1 Yes Poison 83 4542 (null) Unusable Blunt 15 25 35 1 1 Yes 82 4543 (null) Unusable Blunt 20 43 47 1 1 Yes 80 4544 (null) Unusable Blunt 19 40 43 1 1 Yes 80 4545 (null) Unusable Blunt 15 27 33 1 1 Yes Slow fighting 82 4546 Cure disease Spell Nature 9 4547 Cure disease Scroll Nature 9 4548 Aura of inflexibility Scroll Curse 6 4549 Aura of inflexibility Spell Curse 6 4550 Wolf Scroll Nature 12 4551 Wolf Spell Nature 12 4552 Earth elemental Scroll Earth 8 4553 Earth elemental Spell Earth 8 4554 (null) Unusable Any 12 #37524 Res 18 5 5 5 5 4555 (null) Unusable Any 12 #37524 Res 110 20 20 20 4556 (null) Unusable Any 12 #37524 Res 18 5 5 5 4557 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 #37521 Res 150 10 10 10 10 4558 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 #37521 Res 75 10 10 10 4559 (null) Unusable Combat 15 Combat 15 #37521 Res 40 5 5 5 5 4560 (null) Unusable Combat 18 Combat 18 #37522 Res 58 10 10 10 4561 (null) Unusable Combat 18 Combat 18 #37522 Res 175 12 12 12 12 4562 (null) Unusable Combat 18 Combat 18 #37522 Res 88 10 10 10 10 4563 (null) Unusable Combat 18 #37522 Res 180 10 10 15 15 4564 (null) Unusable Combat 18 #37522 Res 92 5 10 10 10 4565 (null) Unusable Combat 18 #37522 Res 60 10 10 10 4566 (null) Unusable Any 18 #37525 Res 200 30 30 30 4567 (null) Unusable Any 18 #37525 Res 34 15 15 10 4568 (null) Unusable Any 18 #37525 Res 30 8 8 8 4569 (null) Unusable White 15 #37526 Res 160 32 30 32 4570 (null) Unusable White 15 #37526 Res 25 10 10 10 4571 (null) Unusable White 15 #37526 Res 25 7 7 7 4572 (null) Unusable Any 15 Mana +50 #37523 Res 15 15 15 4573 (null) Unusable Any 15 #37523 Res 28 8 7 7 4574 (null) Unusable Any 15 #37523 Res 155 20 45 20 4575 (null) Unusable 30 #37518 Res 28 4 6 4 4576 (null) Unusable 30 #37518 Res 90 8 8 8 8 4577 (null) Unusable 30 #37518 Res 48 6 4 4 6 4578 (null) Unusable 42 #37519 Res 44 5 5 5 5 4579 (null) Unusable 42 #37519 Res 140 10 10 10 10 4580 (null) Unusable 42 #37519 Res 70 7 7 7 7 4581 (null) Quest 4582 Thornmace Hand Blunt 11 17 23 1 1 82 4583 Large mace Hand Blunt 12 16 20 1 1 100 4584 (null) Unusable 4585 (null) Unusable 18 22 1 1 100 4586 (null) Unusable 4587 (null) Quest 4588 (null) Quest 4589 (null) Quest 4590 N/A N/A 4591 N/A N/A 4592 N/A N/A 4593 N/A N/A 4594 N/A N/A 4595 N/A N/A 4596 N/A N/A 4597 N/A N/A 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 Rune priest Navid Hero 12 Teraz cień feniksa: 3597 Envoy of Death - Light Combat Arts 10, Damage 12-16, Speed: 100%, Effects: Remediless. Slot 3764 ShadowBlade [2H] - Level 18, Damage 23-29, Range 1, Speed: 100%, Resistances: Fire Magic -30, Ice Magic -30, Mind Magic -30. Slot 4079 Skull Coins [All 3 Campaigns] Quest 4080 to 4089 [BoW] Null Items 4090 Kathai - Nanjika [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 5, Damage 11-15, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4091 Kathai - Nodaro [2H] - Light Combat Arts 5 or Heavy Combat Arts 5, Damage 10-15, Range 1, Speed: 88%. Slot 4092 Kathai - Uryu - Ranged Combat - Bows 5, Damage 4-10, Range 2-14, Speed: 115%. Slot 4093 to 4264 [BoW] Items 4265 Mask of Belial - AC 15, Mana +30, INT 10, WIS 10. [Worn by the Masked Man] Null 4266 - 4267 [BoW] Items 4268 Black Tatar - Any Magic Ability 10, AC 97, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 5, INT 20, WIS 15, CHA 15. Slot 4269 Robe of the Plague Lord - Any Magic Ability 12, AC 120, Mana +25, INT 27, WIS 27, CHA 27, Resistances: Black Magic +25. Slot 4270 to 4284 [TOoD & BoW] Items 4285 to 4294 Runes for Dark Elf Workers [Not Transferable] 4295 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 16 - Conditions: Level 26. Slot 4296 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 17 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4297 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 18 - Conditions: Level 29. Slot 4298 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 19 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4299 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 20 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4300 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 21 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4301 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 22 - Conditions: Level 35. Slot 4302 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 23 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4303 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 24 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4304 Rune for Dark Elf Workers Level 25 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4305 to 4354 Rune for Workers [Not Transferable] 4355 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 16 - Conditions: Level 26. Slot 4356 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 17 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4357 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 18 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4358 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 19 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4359 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 20 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4360 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 21 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4361 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 22 - Conditions: Level 35. Slot 4362 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 23 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4363 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 24 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4364 Rune for Dwarf Workers Level 25 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4365 Rune for Elf Workers Level 16 - Conditions: Level 26. Slot 4366 Rune for Elf Workers Level 17 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4367 Rune for Elf Workers Level 18 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4368 Rune for Elf Workers Level 19 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4369 Rune for Elf Workers Level 20 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4370 Rune for Elf Workers Level 21 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4371 Rune for Elf Workers Level 22 - Conditions: Level 35. Slot 4372 Rune for Elf Workers Level 23 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4373 Rune for Elf Workers Level 24 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4374 Rune for Elf Workers Level 25 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4375 Rune for Human Workers Level 16 - Conditions: Level 26. Slot 4376 Rune for Human Workers Level 17 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4377 Rune for Human Workers Level 18 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4378 Rune for Human Workers Level 19 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4379 Rune for Human Workers Level 20 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4380 Rune for Human Workers Level 21 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4381 Rune for Human Workers Level 22 - Conditions: Level 35. Slot 4382 Rune for Human Workers Level 23 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4383 Rune for Human Workers Level 24 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4384 Rune for Human Workers Level 25 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4385 Rune for Orc Workers Level 16 - Conditions: Level 26. Slot 4386 Rune for Orc Workers Level 17 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4387 Rune for Orc Workers Level 18 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4388 Rune for Orc Workers Level 19 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4389 Rune for Orc Workers Level 20 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4390 Rune for Orc Workers Level 21 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4391 Rune for Orc Workers Level 22 - Conditions: Level 35. Slot 4392 Rune for Orc Workers Level 23 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4393 Rune for Orc Workers Level 24 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4394 Rune for Orc Workers Level 25 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4395 Rune for Troll Workers Level 16 - Conditions: Level 26. Slot 4396 Rune for Troll Workers Level 17 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4397 Rune for Troll Workers Level 18 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4398 Rune for Troll Workers Level 19 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4399 Rune for Troll Workers Level 20 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4400 Rune for Troll Workers Level 21 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4401 Rune for Troll Workers Level 22 - Conditions: Level 35. Slot 4402 Rune for Troll Workers Level 23 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4403 Rune for Troll Workers Level 24 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4404 Rune for Troll Workers Level 25 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4405 - 4425 [TOoD & BoW] Items 4426 Deathdance - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 19, Damage 27-30, Range 1, Speed: 120%, Effect: Death. Slot 4427 Windsting - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 14, Damage 16-22, Range 1, Speed: 115%. Slot 4428 Star Dagger - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 16, Damage 19-28, Range 1, Speed: 119%. Slot 4429 Silverfang - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 20, Damage 26-32, Range 1, Speed: 120%. Slot 4430 Deamonica - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 14, Damage 20-25, Range 1, Speed: 107%, Effect: Pain. Slot 4431 Starblade - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 16, Damage 23-28, Range 1, Speed: 108%, Effect: Shock. Slot 4432 Winterfall - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 18, Damage 28-33, Range 1, Speed: 105%, Effect: Freeze. Slot 4433 Shadowfang - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 20, Damage 30-36, Range 1, Speed: 108%, Effect: Lifetap. Slot 4434 Steelfire - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 15, Damage 22-28, Range 1, Speed: 104%. Slot 4435 Demon Fang - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 17, Damage 25-32, Range 1, Speed: 106%. Slot 4436 Beast - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 19, Damage 29-36, Range 1, Speed: 105%. Slot 4437 Bloodmoon - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 17, Damage 30-40, Range 1, Speed: 85%. Slot 4438 Trollcleaver - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 13, Damage 17-32, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4439 Orb of the Universe - Any Magic Ability 14, Mana +65, INT 23, WIS 22, CHA 20. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +8, Ice Magic +8, Black Magic +8, Mind Magic +8. 4440 Mana Orb - Any Magic Ability 17, Mana +80, INT 29, WIS 31, CHA 20, Speed: Cast +15%. Slot 4441 Crystal of Clairvoyance - Any Magic Ability 12, Mana +50, INT 20, WIS 15, CHA 15. Slot 4442 Shield of the Djinnis - Any Magic Ability 14, AC 80, STA 13, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 13, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +9, Ice Magic +9, Black Magic +9, Mind Magic +9. 4443 Godsbane - Any Magic Ability 16, AC 90, STA 16, INT 17, WIS 17, CHA 10, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +6, Ice Magic +6, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +6. 4444 Mana Crystal - Any Magic Ability 19, AC 110, STA 15, INT 20, WIS 30, CHA 10, Resistances: Ice Magic +10. Slot 4445 Zerbite Shield - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 85, STA 14, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 13, Resistances: Fire Magic +15. Slot 4446 Elemental Bane - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 95, STA 15, INT 15, WIS 15, CHA 15, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15, Speed: Cast +5%. 4447 Spellwall - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 105, STA 16, INT 16, WIS 17, CHA 16. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15, Black Magic +15, Speed: Cast +10%. 4448 Shield of the Primal Elements - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 115, STA 18, INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 18. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15, Black Magic +15, Mind Magic +15, Speed: Cast +15%. 4449 Cedarwood Shield - Heavy Combats Arts - Shields 14, AC 87, STR 12, STA 12, AGI 12 DEX 12. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +8, Ice Magic +8, Black Magic +8, Mind Magic +8. 4450 Shield of Kings - Heavy Combat Arts - Shields 16, AC 95, STR 17, STA 16, AGI 11, DEX 11, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +9, Ice Magic +9, Black Magic +9, Mind Magic +9. 4451 Niethalf's Guard - Heavy Combat arts - Shields 19, AC 110, STR 15, STA 20, AGI 15, DEX 15, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10. 4452 Willow Wood [2H] - Light Combat Arts 15 or Heavy Combat Arts 15, Damage 38-46, Range 1, Speed: 80%, STR 2, DEX 2. Slot 4453 Niethalfstaff [2H] - Light Combat Arts 15 or Heavy Combat Arts 15, Damage 38-48, Range 1, Speed: 85%, Slot Effect: Fireburst, STR 5, DEX 5. 4454 Ereon's Staff [2H] - Light Combat Arts 15 or Heavy Combat Arts 15, Damage 38-50, Range 1, Speed: 90%, Slot Effect: Fireburst, Icestrike, STR 10, DEX 10. 4455 Hirinstaff [2H] - Light Combat Arts 15 or Heavy Combat Arts 15, Damage 38-51, Range 1, Speed: 95%, Slot Effect: Fireburst, Icestrike, Death, STR 15, DEX 15. 4456 Ashdancer [2H] - Level 32, Damage 24-32, Range 1, Speed: 78%, Effect: Suffocation, Life +50, Mana +25. Slot 4457 Staff of the Blood Priests [2H] - Level 42, Damage 30-39, Range 1, Speed: 85%, Effect: Lifetap, Life +120, Mana +60. Slot 4458 Runewood [2H] - Level 37, Damage 28-35, Range 1, Speed: 80%, Effect: Manadrain, Life +80, Mana +40. Slot 4459 Grey Wanderer [2H] - Level 47, Damage 34-40, Range 1, Speed: 85%, Effect: Remediless, Life +140, Mana +70. Slot 4460 Ring of the Shapers - Any Magic Ability 14, AC 28, STA 5, INT 10, WIS 10. Slot 4461 Ring of the Tides - Any Magic Ability 18, AC 40, STA 5, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10, Resistances: Black Magic +9, Mind Magic +9. Slot 4462 Elenband - Any Magic Ability 20, AC 50, INT 20, WIS 20. Slot 4463 Sunlight - Level 36, AC 30, STR 4, STA 4, AGI 4, DEX 4, INT 4, WIS 4, CHA 4. Slot 4464 Tear of the Gods - Level 43, AC 40, STR 5, STA 5, AGI 5, DEX 5, INT 5, WIS 5, CHA 5. Slot 4465 Ring of the Keepers - Level 48, AC 50, STR 5, STA 6, AGI 6, DEX 6, INT 6, WIS 5, CHA 6. Slot 4466 Dragon Ring - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 30, DEX 7, INT 7, WIS 7, CHA 7. Slot 4467 Worldring - Any Magic Ability 17, AC 36, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 13. Slot 4468 Sigil of the Emperor - Level 32, AC 25, STA 6, AGI 5, DEX 4, INT 2, WIS 1, CHA 3, Resistances: Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5. Slot 4469 Red Star - Level 40, AC 33, STR 8, AGI 8, INT 8, CHA 8. Slot 4470 Asassin's Bow - Ranged Combat - Bows 13, Damage 18-24, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%. Slot 4471 Heartseeker - Ranged Combat - Bows 17, Damage 26-32, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%. Slot 4472 Hundredkiller - Ranged Combat - Bows 19, Damage 30-36, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%. Slot 4473 Stormsinger - Ranged Combat - Bows 14, Damage 22-27, Range 2-16, Speed: 95%, Effect: Confuse. Slot 4474 Cupidor - Ranged Combat - Bows 16, Damage 26-31, Range 2-15, Speed: 96%, Effect: Charm. Slot 4475 Nightwind - Ranged Combat - Bows 18, Damage 29-34, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%, Effect: Dark Banishing. Slot 4476 Dryad Bow - Ranged Combat - Bows 20, Damage 31-38, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%, Effect: Decay. Slot 4477 Imperial Noble Crossbow - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 14, Damage 27-31, Range 2-16, Speed: 80%. Slot 4478 Bloodwasp - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 16, Damage 32-36, Range 2-17, Speed: 80%. Slot 4479 Ballista - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 20, Damage 42-45, Range 2-18, Speed: 80%. Slot 4480 Enforcer - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 13, Damage 25-28, Range 2-16, Speed: 80% Effect: Slowness. Slot 4481 Zerbite Crossbow - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 15, Damage 29-33, Range 2-17, Speed: 82% Effect: Melt Resistance, Chill Resistance. Slot 4482 Deathbreeze - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 17, Damage 33-37, Range 2-19, Speed: 84% Effect: Suffocation. Slot 4483 Godslayer - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 19, Damage 36-41, Range 2-18, Speed: 86% Effect: Inability. Slot 4484 Ancient Wood - Any Magic Ability 13, Damage 15-21, Range 1, Speed: 90% Mana +14. Slot 4485 Forest Guardian Staff - Any Magic Ability 17, Damage 20-30, Range 1, Speed: 80% Mana +33. Slot 4486 Staff of the Star Strider - Any Magic Ability 19, Damage 24-32, Range 1, Speed: 90% Mana +43. Slot 4487 Snake - Any Magic Ability 14, Damage 15-21, Range 1, Speed: 100% Effect: Poison, Mana +19. Slot 4488 Iridian Staff - Any Magic Ability 16, Damage 19-24, Range 1, Speed: 97% Effect: Inflexibility, Mana +29. Slot 4489 Staff of the Ancients - Any Magic Ability 18, Damage 23-26, Range 1, Speed: 98% Effect: Petrify, Mana +38. Slot 4490 Nor's Scepter - Any Magic Ability 20, Damage 24-29, Range 1, Speed: 99% Effect: Manatap, Mana +48. Slot 4491 Dragon Wings - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 13, AC 55, STR 8, STA 8, DEX 8, Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7. Slot 4492 Mountaineer's Cap - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 15, AC 60, STR 8, STA 10, DEX 8, Resistances: Black Magic +10. Slot 4493 Protection of the Courageous - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 18, AC 70, STR 9, STA 16, DEX 9. Slot 4494 Halequin's Cap - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 15, AC 55, STR 8, STA 4, AGI 8, DEX 8. Slot 4495 Cat Hood - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 17, AC 60, STR 8, AGI 12, DEX 12. Slot 4496 Helmet of the Deceivers - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 19, AC 64, STR 9, STA 9, AGI 9, DEX 9. Slot 4497 Noble Turban - Level 33, AC 42, STA 5, DEX 6, WIS 5, CHA 5. Slot 4498 Blacksteel Cap - Level 40, AC 46, STA 8, DEX 7, INT 8. Slot 4499 Amberstone Helmet - Level 44, AC 50, STR 4, STA 4, AGI 4, INT 4, WIS 4, CHA 4. Slot 4500 Helmet of Second Sight - Any Magic Ability 13, AC 26, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 12, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +3, Ice Magic +3, Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +10, Speed: Cast +5%. 4501 Mask of the Demon Lord - Any Magic Ability 16, AC 32, STA 6, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 10, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +5, Speed: Cast +5%. 4502 Mask of Nine Shadows - Any Magic Ability 19, AC 38, INT 16, WIS 18, CHA 14, Slot Resistances: Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +5. 4503 Blessed Chain Mail - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 14, AC 170, STR 10, STA 12, AGI 10, DEX 10. Slot 4504 Star Armor - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 16, AC 190, STR 15, STA 17, AGI 5, DEX 10, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10, Speed: Run -5%. 4505 Tiara's Golden Breastplate - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 19, AC 225, STR 17, STA 20, AGI 10, DEX 10, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +20, Speed: Run -10%. 4506 Silverthread Doublet - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 13, AC 145, STR 11, STA 11, AGI 11, DEX 11, Speed: Fight +5%. Slot 4507 Golden Guard - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 175, STR 20, STA 5, AGI 5, DEX 20, Resistances: Mind Magic +10. Slot 4508 Armor of the Mage Hunters - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 18, AC 195, STR 24, AGI 10, DEX 20, Resistances: Black Magic +15. Slot 4509 Casted Adamantinum Armor - Level 32, AC 115, STR 7, STA 6, AGI 7, DEX 6, WIS 6, CHA 6. Slot 4510 Dragonblood Armor - Level 36, AC 135, STR 10, AGI 10, DEX 10, INT 12. Slot 4511 Armor of the Watch - Level 42, AC 155, STR 10, STA 10, DEX 10, WIS 6, CHA 10. Slot 4512 Empyrian Trousers - Level 32, AC 62, STA 9, AGI 9, CHA 9. Slot 4513 Dragonskin Trousers - Level 39, AC 74, STR 8, AGI 8, DEX 8, CHA 8. Slot 4514 Hirin's Boots - Level 46, AC 86, STR 10, AGI 10, INT 8, WIS 10, Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10. Slot 4515 Dwarven Steel Greaves - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 15, AC 103, STR 17, STA 17, Resistances: Black Magic +10 Speed: Run -5%. Slot 4516 Gleaming Leg Armor - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 17, AC 110, STR 18, STA 10, DEX 10, Resistances: Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +5. Slot 4517 Tiara's Golden Legplates - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 19, AC 116, STR 10, STA 12, AGI 10, DEX 10, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Mind Magic +15, Speed: Run -5%. 4518 Redleather Leglings - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 14, AC 83, STR 10, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 6, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +4, Ice Magic +4, Black Magic +4. 4519 Shining Legplates - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 90, STR 10, STA 9, AGI 10, DEX 7, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5, Mind Magic +7. 4520 Leglings of the Timestriders - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 19, AC 100, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 12, DEX 10, Slot Speed: Run +7%, Fight +7%. 4521 Nightshade Robe - Any Magic Ability 14, AC 150, STA 20, INT 26, WIS 26, CHA 16, Slot Resistances: Black Magic +12, Mind Magic +12, Speed: Run +5%. 4522 Devil Robe - Any Magic Ability 17, AC 195, STA 12, INT 29, WIS 29, CHA 29, Resistances: Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10. Slot 4523 Nor's Mantle - Any Magic Ability 20, AC 240, STA 13, INT 33, WIS 33, CHA 20, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +17, Ice Magic +17, Black Magic +17, Mind Magic +17, Speed: Cast +10%. 4524 Magnet Stone Hammer - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 13, Damage 17-25, Range 1, Speed 100%, Effect: Manadrain. Slot 4525 Hammer of Agony - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 15, Damage 22-28, Range 1, Speed 100%, Effect: Inflexibility. Slot 4526 Inability - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 19, Damage 30-42, Range 1, Speed 95%, Effect: Pain. Slot 4527 Meteor - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 13, Damage 22-30, Range 1, Speed 85%, Effect: Fireburst. Slot 4528 Deader - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 19, Damage 30-50, Range 1, Speed 85%, Effect: Suffocation. Slot 4529 Darkwillow Wood - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 17, Damage 25-35, Range 1, Speed 100%, Effect: Dark Banishing. Slot 4530 Earthrage - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 17, Damage 32-34, Range 1, Speed 90%, Effect: Decay. Slot 4531 Ironwood Club - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 14, Damage 20-30, Range 1, Speed 100%. Slot 4532 Shadow Wood Mace - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 16, Damage 24-33, Range 1, Speed 98%. Slot 4533 Moraine - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 20, Damage 32-42, Range 1, Speed 95%. Slot 4534 Giant Club - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 18, Damage 28-44, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4535 North Star - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 20, Damage 30-38, Range 1, Speed 100%, Effect: Icestrike. Slot 4536 Dark Power - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 16, Damage 24-36, Range 1, Speed 85%, Effect: Weaken. Slot 4537 Whirlwind [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 13, Damage 27-36, Range 1, Speed 92%. Slot 4538 Winter Light [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 16, Damage 33-48, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 4539 Thousandslayer [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 20, Damage 48-53, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 4540 Glistering Axe [2H] - Heavy Combat arts - Large Blade weapons 14, Damage 30-45, Range 1, Speed: 82%, Effect: Shock. Slot 4541 Axe of the Underworld [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 18, Damage 41-57, Range 1, Speed 85%, Effect: Poison. Slot 4542 You-Dead [2H] - Heavy Combat arts - Large Blunt Weapons 15, Damage 25-55, Range 1, Speed: 85%. Slot 4543 Tabula Rasa [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 20, Damage 46-61, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 4544 End of Time - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 19, Damage 45-53, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4545 Tremor [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 15, Damage 35-47, Range 1, Speed 82%. Effect: Slow Fighting. Slot 4546 to 4553 [BoW] Items Tiara's Power - Every Aura costs 33% less Mana. Conditions: Any Magic Ability 12. 4554 Ring of the Dragon Hunters - AC 19, STA 5, INT 5, WIS 5, CHA 2. Set 4555 Robe of the Dragon Tamers - AC 110, INT 32, WIS 24, CHA 14. Set 4556 Cap of the Dragontamers - AC 22, INT 7, WIS 15, CHA 6. Set Zerbo's Protection - 10% chance that an enemy hand-to-hand fighter will hit himself, if he is targetting the carrier. Conditions: Light Combat Arts 15 or Heavy Combat Arts 15. 4557 Fencing Doublet - AC 160, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 10, DEX 10. Set 4558 Fencing Pants - AC 80, STR 10, AGI 10, DEX 10. Set 4559 Fencing Mask - AC 50, STR 5, STA 5, AGI 6 DEX 6. Set Niethalf's Blessing - 10% chance that the carrier will cause 3x damage in hand-to-hand combat. Conditions: Light Combat Arts 18 or Heavy Combat Arts 18. 4560 Helmet of the Worldforger - AC 58, STA 10, AGI 10, DEX 10. Set 4561 Armor of the Worldforger - AC 185, STR 12, STA 12, AGI 10, DEX 12. Set 4562 Legplates of the Worldforger - AC 90, STR 8, STA 8, AGI 6, DEX 8. Set Elen's Breath - 10% chance that the carrier will cause 4x damage in long-distance combat. Conditions: Ranged Combat 18. 4563 Armor of the Preserver - AC 170, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 13, DEX 13. Set 4564 Boots of the Preserver - AC 80, STR 5, STA 10, AGI 7, DEX 10. Set 4565 Helmet of the Preserver - AC 50, STR 10, AGI 10, DEX 10. Set Nor's Revenge - 25% chance that all damage spells will cause 2x damage. Conditions: Any Magic Ability 18. 4566 Whispering Robe - AC 190, INT 30, WIS 30, CHA 30. Set 4567 Whispering Mask - AC 30, INT 15, WIS 15, CHA 8. Set 4568 Whispering Ring - AC 30, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 8. Set Shanna's Healing - the effect of all healing spells increases by 50%. Conditions: White Magic 15. 4569 Robe of Kindness - AC 150, INT 32, WIS 26, CHA 26. Set 4570 Mask of Kindness - AC 22, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 8. Set 4571 Ring of Kindness - AC 25, INT 8, WIS 8, CHA 8. Set Ereon's Knowledge - Every spell (except Auras) costs 20% less Mana. Conditions: Any Magic Ability 15. 4572 Orb of Wisdom - Mana +60, INT 20, WIS 20, CHA 20. Set 4573 Ring of Wisdom - AC 22, INT 9, WIS 7, CHA 7. Set 4574 Robe of Wisdom - AC 150, INT 30, WIS 42, CHA 10. Set Devine Runes - the effects of the set-items are increased by 50%. Conditions: Level 30. 4575 Weathered Helmet - AC 34, STR 5, STA 6, INT 5. Set 4576 Weathered Armor - AC 95, STR 8, STA 8, DEX 8, WIS 8. Set 4577 Weathered Greaves - AC 55, STR 6, STA 5, AGI 5, DEX 6. Set Aonir's Power - Regeneration of Life and Mana increases by 50%%d. Conditions: Level 42. 4578 Lightsteel Helmet - AC 44, STR 5, STA 5, AGI 5, DEX 5. Set 4579 Lightsteel Breastplate - AC 140, STA 10, DEX 10, WIS 10, CHA 10. Set 4580 Lightsteel Legplates - AC 70, STR 7, STA 7, AGI 7, INT 7. Set 4581 Strange Red Key Quest 4582 Thormace [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 11, Damage 10-43, Range 1, Speed 88%. Slot 4583 Large Mace - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 12, Damage 16-24, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Slot 4584 Null Invalid 4585 Imageless Weapon - Damage 18-22, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Null 4586 Null Invalid 4587 Gon Quest 4588 Gon Quest 4589 Gon Quest 4590 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4591 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4592 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4593 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4594 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4595 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4596 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4597 Null [Blank Scroll] Invalid 4598 Shield of the Watch - Heavy Combat Arts - Shields 13, AC 83, STR 14, STA 12, AGI 10, DEX 8. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +5. 4599 Ironwood Shield - Heavy Combat Arts - Shields 15, AC 90, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 15, DEX 15. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15, Black Magic +10. 4600 Shield of Law - Heavy Combat Arts - Shields 17, AC 100, STR 15, STA 15, AGI 15, DEX 15, Resistances: Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10. Slot 4601 Sun Robe - Any Magic Ability 13, AC 135, STA 24, INT 24, WIS 26, CHA 10, Resistances: Fire Magic +12, Black Magic +12, Mind Magic +12. Slot 4602 Robe of the Royal Mages - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 165, STA 12, INT 30, WIS 30, CHA 20. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +8, Ice Magic +8, Black Magic +8, Mind Magic +8, Speed: Run +5%, Cast +5%. 4603 Robe of the Shapers - Any Magic Ability 16, AC 180, STA 24, INT 24, WIS 24, CHA 24. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7, Mind Magic +11. 4604 Coneblade Spear [2H] - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 13 & Heavy Combat Arts 13, Damage 36-43, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 4605 Wind Messenger [2H] - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 14 & Heavy Combat Arts 14, Damage 40-49, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 4606 Silversting [2H] - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 15 & Heavy Combat Arts 15, Damage 44-55, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 4607 Key to the Northern Gate [Kathai] Quest 4608 Key to the Southern Gate [Kathai] Quest 4609 Key to the Eastern Gate [Kathai] Quest 4610 Steel Cap - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 13, AC 48, STR 12, DEX 12. Slot 4611 Helmet of the Trickster - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 14, AC 52, STR 7, STA 6, AGI 6, DEX 7. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7, Black Magic +7. 4612 Cap of Concentration - Any Magic Ability 14, AC 28, STR 8, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +4, Ice Magic +4, Black Magic +8, Mind Magic +8. 4613 War Mage Helmet - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 30, INT 11, WIS 18, CHA 11, Resistances: Mind Magic +13, Speed: Cast +7%. Slot 4614 Noble Empyrian Trousers - Level 34, AC 66, STR 7, STA 7, AGI 8, DEX 7. Slot 4615 Adventurer's Trousers - Level 37, AC 70, STR 6, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 8, Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5. Slot 4616 Thundersteel Boots - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 13, AC 96, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 10, Resistances: Fire Magic +6, Ice Magic +6. Slot 4617 Defender's Greaves - Heavy Combat arts - Heavy Armour 14, AC 100, STR 8, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 8. Slot 4618 Shieldbreaker [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 14, Damage 30-40, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4619 Myrmidon - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 15, Damage 27-35, Range 1, Speed: 83%. Slot 4620 Empyrian Beheading Axe [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 15, Damage 35-40, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 4621 Qgreslayer [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 13, Damage 29-35, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 4622 Chopper [2H] - Heavy Comabt Arts - Large Blade Weapons 16, Damage 34-48, Range 1, Speed: 88%. Slot 4623 Destroyer [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 18, Damage 41-52, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 4624 Bonebiter - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 14, Damage 20-28, Range 1, Speed 100%. Slot 4625 Deathsong - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 16, Damage 25-31, Range 1, Speed 100%. Slot 4626 Moonblade - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 18, Damage 25-39, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Slot 4627 Flexible Fencing Armor - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 14, AC 155, STR 13, AGI 13, DEX 13. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10. 4628 Snake Armor - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 15, AC 165, STR 16, AGI 16, DEX 16, Speed: Run +5%, Fight +5%. Slot 4629 Silk Shipment for the Palace Quest 4630 Lockpicks Quest 4631 Brandy Quest 4632 Monk's Robe of the Ereon Temple - AC 10. Slot/Quest 4633 Urn Quest 4634 Rune Mentalist Catlan Level 31 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4636 Keystone for the Labyrinth Quest 4637 Sceptre of the Winds Quest 4638 Orb of the Pantheon - Any Magic Ability 20, Mana +95, INT 30, WIS 35, CHA 30. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10, Speed: Cast +10%. 4639 Archpriest Staff [2H] - Any Magic Ability 16, Damage 25-50, Range 1, Speed 75%, Mana +57. Slot 4640 Staff of the Skies [2H] - Any Magic Ability 20, Damage 40-50, Range 1, Speed 75%, Mana +95. Slot 4641 Judge of Worlds - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 19, Damage 35-45, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 4642 Steel Demon - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 20, Damage 32-36, Range 1, Speed 103%. Slot 4643 Double Edge - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 12, Damage 15-23, Range 1, Speed 105%. Slot Tuomi's Set 4644 Robe of the Emerald Eye - Conditions:Mind Magic 17, AC 200, INT 30, WIS 20. CHA 50, Resistances: Mind Magic +20. Set 4645 Helmet of the Emerald Eye - Conditions:Mind Magic 17, AC 40, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 15, Resistances: Mind Magic +10. Set 4646 Staff of the Emerald Eye - Conditions:Mind Magic 17, Damage 21-25, Range 1, Speed: 100%, Mana +55.Resistances: Mind Magic +20. Set 4647 Shield of the Emerald Eye - Conditions:Mind Magic 17, AC 100, Mana +25, INT 25, WIS 15, CHA 25, Resistances: Mind Magic +10. Set 4648 Godstone Ring - Any Magic Ability 19, AC 45, INT 10, WIS 17, CHA 8. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +5, Speed: Cast +5%. 4649 Rockfist - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 16 or Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 16, Damage 22-29, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4650 Lifebond - Level 30, Life +100. Slot 4651 Red Glow - Level 38, AC 30, STA 15, DEX 15. Slot 4652 Blood Ribbon - Level 45, AC 45, STR 12, AGI 12, CHA 13. Slot 4653 Powerful Ring of Life - Level 42, AC 36, Life +350, Mana +50. Slot 4654 Sunwhirl - Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 14 or Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 14, Damage 14-18, Range 1, Speed: 115%. Slot 4655 Lightning - Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 17 or Light Combat Arts - Light Blade Weapons 17, Damage 19-24, Range 1, Speed: 115%. Slot 4656 Assassin's Helmet - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 12, AC 45, AGI 11, DEX 11. Slot 4657 Wanderer's Cap - Level 26, AC 35, STR 4, STA 4, AGI 7, DEX 4. Slot 4658 Helmet of the Explorers - Level 28, AC 37, DEX 10, INT 9. Slot 4659 Blessed Scarf - Level 32, AC 40, STR 5, STA 5, WIS 5, CHA 5. Slot 4660 Mask of the Green Devils - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 57, STR 10, AGI 10, DEX 10, Resistances: Mind Magic +10. Slot 4661 Panther Helmet - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 18, AC 62, STR 10, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 8, Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Mind Magic +5. Slot 4662 Face of Death - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 20, AC 67, STR 8, STA 8, AGI 10, DEX 12, Resistances: Fire Magic +11, Ice Magic +11. Slot 4663 Noble Tourney Helmet - Heavy Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 64, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 5, DEX 5. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +5. 4664 Helmet of the Invincibles - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 17, AC 67, STR 8, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 8, Resistances: Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5. Slot 4665 Tiara's Golden Helmet - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 19, AC 73, STR 9, STA 9, AGI 9, DEX 9, Resistances: Mind Magic +10. Slot 4666 Great Dawn Helmet - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 20, AC 75, STR 14, STA 14, DEX 10, Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Black Magic +10. Slot 4667 Templar Helmet - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 12, AC 53, STR 11, STA 11. Slot 4668 Turban of the Djinnis - Level 46, AC 52, STR 4, STA 4, AGI 4, DEX 4, INT 4, WIS 4, CHA 4. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10. 4669 Cap of the Wind Priests - Level 48, AC 55, STA 10, DEX 10, CHA 10, Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15. Slot 4670 Great Dawn Armor - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 20, AC 250, STR 20, STA 20, DEX 20. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15, Black Magic +15, Mind Magic +15, Speed: Run -10%. 4671 Noble Tourney Armor - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 17 or Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 19, AC 200, STR 15, STA 15, AGI 10, DEX 10. Slot Resistances: Black Magic +15, Speed: Run -10%. 4672 Armor of the Sword Masters - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 18 or Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 20, AC 210, STR 25, STA 28. Slot 4673 Great Moonsilver Armor - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 13, AC 160, STR 20, STA 20, Resistances: Fire Magic +12, Ice Magic +12. Slot 4674 Armor of the Righteous - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 12, AC 150, STR 12, STA 14, DEX 12, Resistances:Black Magic +10,Mind Magic +10. Slot 4675 Demon Armor - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 20, AC 225, STR 12, STA 12, AGI 17, DEX 17. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +14, Ice Magic +14, Black Magic +14, Mind Magic +14. 4676 Wolf Armor - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 19, AC 210, AGI 28, DEX 28, Speed: Run +7%, Fight +7%. Slot 4677 Demon Shinplates - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 20, AC 105, STR 15, AGI 15, DEX 15. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7, Black Magic +7. 4678 Windrunner's Leglings - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 17, AC 93, AGI 20, DEX 18, Speed: Run +8%. Slot 4679 Legplates of the Magehunters - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 18, AC 96, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 10, DEX 10. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7, Black Magic +7, Mind Magic +7. 4680 Adamantsilk Trousers - Level 42, AC 78, STR 6, STA 6, AGI 6, DEX 6, INT 5, WIS 5, Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15. Slot 4681 Ranger Boots - Level 44, AC 82, STA 9, AGI 9, WIS 9, CHA 9. Slot 4682 Tanara's Masterpiece - Level 49, AC 90, STA 10, AGI 10, DEX 10, INT 10. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +15, Ice Magic +15, Black Magic +15, Mind Magic +15. 4683 Helmet of the Dead - Any Magic Ability 18, AC 36, INT 17, WIS 17, CHA 12. Slot 4684 Mask of the Seers - Any Magic Ability 17, AC 34, INT 17, WIS 17, CHA 10, Speed: Cast +5%. Slot 4685 Shadow Tower - Resources: Stone 60. Plan 4687 Stone Ram House - Resources: Stone 40, Iron 10. Plan 4689 Pixie House - Resources: Wood 60. Plan 4691 Dog Kennels - Resources: Wood 40, Stone 10. Plan 4693 Warboar Pit - Resources: Wood 40, Iron 10. Plan 4695 Nest - Resources: Wood 40, Stone 10. Plan 4697 Brocade Robe - Level 30, AC 168, STR 12, STA 15, AGI 12, DEX 12, CHA 12. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10. 4698 Imperial Ceremonial Robes - Level 34, AC 181, STR 16, STA 16, AGI 15, DEX 15. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +13, Ice Magic +13, Black Magic +13, Mind Magic +13. 4699 Goldsilk Robe - Level 39, AC 208, STR 14, STA 14, AGI 15, DEX 15, CHA 10. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +16, Ice Magic +16, Black Magic +16, Mind Magic +16. 4700 Gleaming Robes - Level 47, AC 248, STR 10, STA 13, AGI 13, DEX 13, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +20, Ice Magic +20, Black Magic +20, Mind Magic +20. 4701 Siege Workshop - Requires: Medium Headquarters, Resources: Wood 80, Stone 100. Plan 4703 Academy of Destruction - Requires: Medium Headquarters, Resources: Stone 200. Plan 4705 Hall of Valor - Requires: Medium Headquarters, Resources: Stone 200. Plan 4707 Wind Temple - Requires: Medium Headquarters, Resources: Wood 200. Plan 4709 Star Monastery - Requires: Medium Headquarters, Resources: Wood 80, Stone 100. Plan 4711 Fire Temple - Requires: Medium Headquarters, Resources: Wood 200. Plan 4713 Aonirs Ring - AC 25, STR 5, STA 5, AGI 5, DEX 5, INT 5, WIS 5, CHA 5. Slot 4714 Rune Priest Lukios Level 25 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4716 Rune Archer Corey Level 26 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4718 Rune Mage Ayla Level 27 - Conditions: Level 32. Slot 4720 Rune Fighter B jarne Level 28 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4722 Rune Priest Yasmin Level 29 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4724 Rune Warrior Fausto Level 30 - Conditions: Level 37. Slot 4726 Rune Priest Benvy Level 31 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4728 Rune Fighter Tuuvar Level 32 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4730 Rune Priest Roluf Level 33 - Conditions: Level 40. Slot 4732 Rune Warrior Inke Level 34 - Conditions: Level 41. Slot 4734 Rune Mentalist Tara Level 35 - Conditions: Level 42. 4735 Heavy Falchion - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 12, Damage 14-26, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Slot 4737 Rune Archer Ulme Level 36 - Conditions: Level 43. Slot 4739 Rune Mage Uska Level 37 - Conditions: Level 44. Slot 4741 Rune Warrior Ygor Level 38 - Conditions: Level 45. Slot 4743 Rune Warlock Falk Level 39 - Conditions: Level 46. Slot 4745 Rune Priest Siri Level 40 - Conditions: Level 47. Slot 4747 Rune Mentalist Ada Level 25 - Conditions: Level 28. Slot 4749 Rune Warlock Orvo Level 26 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4751 Rune Warrior Sunder Level 27 - Conditions: Level 32. Slot 4753 Rune Mentalist Cerdo Level 28 - Conditions: Level 34. Slot 4755 Rune Warlock Nuala Level 29 - Conditions: Level 36. Slot 4757 Rune Archer Alahnna Level 30 - Conditions: Level 37. Slot 4759 Rune Mage Ennis Level 31 - Conditions: Level 38. Slot 4761 Rune Warlock Mirjami Level 32 - Conditions: Level 39. Slot 4763 Rune Archer Thrasylon Level 33 - Conditions: Level 40. Slot 4765 Rune Mage Halvar Level 34 - Conditions: Level 41. Slot 4767 Rune Warlock Sinistro Level 35 - Conditions: Level 42. Slot 4769 Rune Fighter Syrene Level 36 - Conditions: Level 43. Slot 4771 Rune Priest Virginie Level 37 - Conditions: Level 44. Slot 4773 Rune Mentalist Gaukur Level 38 - Conditions: Level 45. Slot 4775 Rune Archer Saija Level 39 - Conditions: Level 46. Slot 4777 Rune Fighter Sylvana Level 40 - Conditions: Level 47. Slot 4779 Imageless Weapon - Damage 13-18, Range 1, Speed: 100%, Effect: Decay. Null 4780 Imageless Weapon - Damage 17-25, Range 1, Speed: 100%, Effect: Decay. Null 4781 Imageless Weapon - Damage 15-20, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Null 4782 Imageless Weapon - Damage 20-28, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Null 4783 Rune Lichking Anktahr Level 26 - Conditions: Level 30. Slot 4785 Rune Glamrig Level 30 - Conditions: Level 37. Slot 4787 Rune Ump Level 33 - Conditions: Level 41. Slot 4789 Rune Xyallah Level 36 - Conditions: Level 45. Slot 4791 Slaughterer's Knife [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 4, Damage 8-14, Range 1, Speed: 95%. Slot 4792 Antique Sword - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 4, Damage 5-12, Range 1, Speed: 92%. Slot 4793 Woodcutter's Axe - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 1, Damage 4-7, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4794 Broadhead Axe - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 2, Damage 3-9, Range 1, Speed: 98%. Slot 4795 Grarg Hatchet - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 4, Damage 5-13, Range 1, Speed: 88%. Slot 4796 Steelstrike - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 5, Damage 6-12, Range 1, Speed: 95%. Slot 4797 Executioner's Axe - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 7, Damage 8-18, Range 1, Speed: 90%. Slot 4798 Null Invalid 4799 Null Invalid 4800 Null Unslotable Imageless Item - AC 380 ! Invalid 4801 Null Unslotable Imageless Item - AC 300 ! Invalid 4802 Null Unslotable Imageless Item - AC 260 Invalid 4803 Null Unslotable Imageless Item - AC 350 ! Invalid 4804 Imageless weapon - Damage 8-12, Range 1, Speed: 100%. Null 4805 Imageless weapon - Damage 20-25, Range 2-16, Speed: 100%. Null 4806 Heavy Steel Club [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 8, Damage 12-27, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 4807 Granite Hammer [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 7, Damage 12-25, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 4808 Bear Cap - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 2, AC 10, STR 2, STA 2. Slot 4809 Barbarian Helmet - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 3, AC 14, STR 5, STA 5, INT -5. Slot 4810 Helmet of the Mariners - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 5, AC 22, STA 7. Slot 4811 Imperial Guard Helmet - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 6, AC 26, STR 3, STA 3, DEX 3. Slot 4812 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.13 Scroll 4814 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.14 Scroll 4816 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.15 Scroll 4818 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.16 Scroll 4820 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.17 Scroll 4822 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.18 Scroll 4824 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.19 Scroll 4826 Black Magic Death Pain Lvl.20 Scroll 4828 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.13 Scroll 4830 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.14 Scroll 4832 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.15 Scroll 4834 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.16 Scroll 4836 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.17 Scroll 4838 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.18 Scroll 4840 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.19 Scroll 4842 White Magic Life Healing Lvl.20 Scroll 4844 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.13 Scroll 4846 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.14 Scroll 4848 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.15 Scroll 4850 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.16 Scroll 4852 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.17 Scroll 4854 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.18 Scroll 4856 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.19 Scroll 4858 White Magic Life Greater Healing Lvl.20 Scroll 4860 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.13 Scroll 4862 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.14 Scroll 4864 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.15 Scroll 4866 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.16 Scroll 4868 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.17 Scroll 4870 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.18 Scroll 4872 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.19 Scroll 4874 White Magic Life Aura of Healing Lvl.20 Scroll 4876 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.13 Scroll 4878 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.14 Scroll 4880 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.15 Scroll 4882 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.16 Scroll 4884 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.17 Scroll 4886 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.18 Scroll 4888 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.19 Scroll 4890 Black Magic Death, Necromancy, Curse Black Almightiness Lvl.20 Scroll 4892 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.13 Scroll 4894 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.14 Scroll 4896 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.15 Scroll 4898 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.16 Scroll 4900 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.17 Scroll 4902 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.18 Scroll 4904 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.19 Scroll 4906 Elemental Magic Fire, Ice, Earth Elemental Almightiness Lvl.20 Scroll 4908 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.13 Scroll 4910 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.14 Scroll 4912 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.15 Scroll 4914 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.16 Scroll 4916 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.17 Scroll 4918 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.18 Scroll 4920 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.19 Scroll 4922 Mind Magic Enchantment, Offensive, Defensive Mental Almightiness Lvl.20 Scroll 4924 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.13 Scroll 4926 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.14 Scroll 4928 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.15 Scroll 4930 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.16 Scroll 4932 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.17 Scroll 4934 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.18 Scroll 4936 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.19 Scroll 4938 White Magic Life, Nature, Boons White Almightiness Lvl.20 Scroll 4940 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.13 Scroll 4942 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.14 Scroll 4944 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.15 Scroll 4946 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.16 Scroll 4948 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.17 Scroll 4950 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.18 Scroll 4952 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.19 Scroll 4954 Mind Magic Offensive Amok Lvl.20 Scroll 4956 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.13 Scroll 4958 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.14 Scroll 4960 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.15 Scroll 4962 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.16 Scroll 4964 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.17 Scroll 4966 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.18 Scroll 4968 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.19 Scroll 4970 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Brilliance Lvl.20 Scroll 4972 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.13 Scroll 4974 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.14 Scroll 4976 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.15 Scroll 4978 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.16 Scroll 4980 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.17 Scroll 4982 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.18 Scroll 4984 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.19 Scroll 4986 White Magic Boons Aura of Dexterity Lvl.20 Scroll 4988 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.13 Scroll 4990 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.14 Scroll 4992 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.15 Scroll 4994 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.16 Scroll 4996 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.17 Scroll 4998 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.18 Scroll 5000 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.19 Scroll 5002 White Magic Life Aura of Endurance Lvl.20 Scroll 5004 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.13 Scroll 5006 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.14 Scroll 5008 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.15 Scroll 5010 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.16 Scroll 5012 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.17 Scroll 5014 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.18 Scroll 5016 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.19 Scroll 5018 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Fighting Lvl.20 Scroll 5020 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.13 Scroll 5022 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.14 Scroll 5024 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.15 Scroll 5026 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.16 Scroll 5028 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.17 Scroll 5030 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.18 Scroll 5032 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.19 Scroll 5034 White Magic Boons Aura of Fast Walking Lvl.20 Scroll 5036 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.13 Scroll 5038 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.14 Scroll 5040 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.15 Scroll 5042 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.16 Scroll 5044 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.17 Scroll 5046 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.18 Scroll 5048 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.19 Scroll 5050 White Magic Boons Aura of Flexibility Lvl.20 Scroll 5052 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.13 Scroll 5054 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.14 Scroll 5056 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.15 Scroll 5058 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.16 Scroll 5060 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.17 Scroll 5062 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.18 Scroll 5064 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.19 Scroll 5066 Mind Magic Offensive Aura of Hypnotization Lvl.20 Scroll 5068 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.13 Scroll 5070 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.14 Scroll 5072 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.15 Scroll 5074 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.16 Scroll 5076 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.17 Scroll 5078 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.18 Scroll 5080 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.19 Scroll 5082 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inability Lvl.20 Scroll 5084 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.13 Scroll 5086 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.14 Scroll 5088 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.15 Scroll 5090 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.16 Scroll 5092 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.17 Scroll 5094 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.18 Scroll 5096 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.19 Scroll 5098 Black Magic Curse Aura of Inflexibility Lvl.20 Scroll 5100 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.13 Scroll 5102 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.14 Scroll 5104 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.15 Scroll 5106 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.16 Scroll 5108 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.17 Scroll 5110 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.18 Scroll 5112 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.19 Scroll 5114 Black Magic Necromancy Aura of Lifetap Lvl.20 Scroll 5116 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.13 Scroll 5118 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.14 Scroll 5120 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.15 Scroll 5122 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.16 Scroll 5124 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.17 Scroll 5126 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.18 Scroll 5128 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.19 Scroll 5130 White Magic Boons Aura of Light Lvl.20 Scroll 5132 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.13 Scroll 5134 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.14 Scroll 5136 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.15 Scroll 5138 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.16 Scroll 5140 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.17 Scroll 5142 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.18 Scroll 5144 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.19 Scroll 5146 Mind Magic Defensive Aura of Manatap Lvl.20 Scroll 5148 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.13 Scroll 5150 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.14 Scroll 5152 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.15 Scroll 5154 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.16 Scroll 5156 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.17 Scroll 5158 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.18 Scroll 5160 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.19 Scroll 5162 White Magic Nature Aura of Regeneration Lvl.20 Scroll 5164 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.13 Scroll 5166 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.14 Scroll 5168 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.15 Scroll 5170 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.16 Scroll 5172 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.17 Scroll 5174 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.18 Scroll 5176 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.19 Scroll 5178 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Fighting Lvl.20 Scroll 5180 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.13 Scroll 5182 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.14 Scroll 5184 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.15 Scroll 5186 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.16 Scroll 5188 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.17 Scroll 5190 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.18 Scroll 5192 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.19 Scroll 5194 Black Magic Curse Aura of Slow Walking Lvl.20 Scroll 5196 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.13 Scroll 5198 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.14 Scroll 5200 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.15 Scroll 5202 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.16 Scroll 5204 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.17 Scroll 5206 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.18 Scroll 5208 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.19 Scroll 5210 White Magic Life Aura of Strength Lvl.20 Scroll 5212 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.13 Scroll 5214 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.14 Scroll 5216 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.15 Scroll 5218 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.16 Scroll 5220 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.17 Scroll 5222 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.18 Scroll 5224 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.19 Scroll 5226 Black Magic Death Aura of Suffocation Lvl.20 Scroll 5228 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.13 Scroll 5230 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.14 Scroll 5232 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.15 Scroll 5234 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.16 Scroll 5236 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.17 Scroll 5238 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.18 Scroll 5240 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.19 Scroll 5242 Black Magic Death Aura of Weakness Lvl.20 Scroll 5244 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.13 Scroll 5246 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.14 Scroll 5248 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.15 Scroll 5250 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.16 Scroll 5252 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.17 Scroll 5254 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.18 Scroll 5256 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.19 Scroll 5258 Black Magic Necromancy Death Grasp Lvl.20 Scroll 5260 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.13 Scroll 5262 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.14 Scroll 5264 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.15 Scroll 5266 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.16 Scroll 5268 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.17 Scroll 5270 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.18 Scroll 5272 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.19 Scroll 5274 Mind Magic Defensive Detect Magic Lvl.20 Scroll 5276 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.13 Scroll 5278 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.14 Scroll 5280 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.15 Scroll 5282 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.16 Scroll 5284 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.17 Scroll 5286 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.18 Scroll 5288 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.19 Scroll 5290 Mind Magic Offensive Shock Lvl.20 Scroll 5292 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.13 Scroll 5294 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.14 Scroll 5296 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.15 Scroll 5298 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.16 Scroll 5300 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.17 Scroll 5302 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.18 Scroll 5304 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.19 Scroll 5306 Mind Magic Offensive Shockwave Lvl.20 Scroll 5308 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.13 Scroll 5310 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.14 Scroll 5312 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.15 Scroll 5314 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.16 Scroll 5316 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.17 Scroll 5318 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.18 Scroll 5320 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.19 Scroll 5322 White Magic Nature Cure Disease Lvl.20 Scroll 5324 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.13 Scroll 5326 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.14 Scroll 5328 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.15 Scroll 5330 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.16 Scroll 5332 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.17 Scroll 5334 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.18 Scroll 5336 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.19 Scroll 5338 Mind Magic Offensive Demoralize Lvl.20 Scroll 5340 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.13 Scroll 5342 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.14 Scroll 5344 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.15 Scroll 5346 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.16 Scroll 5348 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.17 Scroll 5350 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.18 Scroll 5352 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.19 Scroll 5354 White Magic Nature Cure Poison Lvl.20 Scroll 5356 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.13 Scroll 5358 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.14 Scroll 5360 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.15 Scroll 5362 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.16 Scroll 5364 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.17 Scroll 5366 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.18 Scroll 5368 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.19 Scroll 5370 Elemental Magic Fire Fireball Lvl.20 Scroll 5372 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.13 Scroll 5374 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.14 Scroll 5376 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.15 Scroll 5378 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.16 Scroll 5380 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.17 Scroll 5382 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.18 Scroll 5384 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.19 Scroll 5386 Mind Magic Enchantment Self Illusion Lvl.20 Scroll 5388 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.13 Scroll 5390 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.14 Scroll 5392 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.15 Scroll 5394 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.16 Scroll 5396 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.17 Scroll 5398 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.18 Scroll 5400 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.19 Scroll 5402 White Magic Life Suicide Heal Lvl.20 Scroll 5404 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.13 Scroll 5406 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.14 Scroll 5408 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.15 Scroll 5410 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.16 Scroll 5412 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.17 Scroll 5414 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.18 Scroll 5416 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.19 Scroll 5418 Elemental Magic Earth Conservation Lvl.20 Scroll 5420 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.13 Scroll 5422 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.14 Scroll 5424 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.15 Scroll 5426 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.16 Scroll 5428 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.17 Scroll 5430 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.18 Scroll 5432 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.19 Scroll 5434 Black Magic Death Death Lvl.20 Scroll 5436 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.13 Scroll 5438 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.14 Scroll 5440 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.15 Scroll 5442 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.16 Scroll 5444 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.17 Scroll 5446 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.18 Scroll 5448 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.19 Scroll 5450 Black Magic Death Suicide Death Lvl.20 Scroll 5452 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.13 Scroll 5454 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.14 Scroll 5456 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.15 Scroll 5458 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.16 Scroll 5460 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.17 Scroll 5462 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.18 Scroll 5464 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.19 Scroll 5466 Black Magic Necromancy Lifetap Lvl.20 Scroll 5468 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.13 Scroll 5470 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.14 Scroll 5472 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.15 Scroll 5474 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.16 Scroll 5476 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.17 Scroll 5478 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.18 Scroll 5480 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.19 Scroll 5482 Elemental Magic Earth Detect Metal Lvl.20 Scroll 5484 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.13 Scroll 5486 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.14 Scroll 5488 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.15 Scroll 5490 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.16 Scroll 5492 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.17 Scroll 5494 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.18 Scroll 5496 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.19 Scroll 5498 Black Magic Death Extinct Lvl.20 Scroll 5500 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.13 Scroll 5502 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.14 Scroll 5504 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.15 Scroll 5506 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.16 Scroll 5508 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.17 Scroll 5510 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.18 Scroll 5512 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.19 Scroll 5514 Mind Magic Enchantment Dominate Lvl.20 Scroll 5516 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.13 Scroll 5518 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.14 Scroll 5520 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.15 Scroll 5522 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.16 Scroll 5524 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.17 Scroll 5526 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.18 Scroll 5528 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.19 Scroll 5530 White Magic Nature Dominate Animal Lvl.20 Scroll 5532 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.13 Scroll 5534 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.14 Scroll 5536 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.15 Scroll 5538 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.16 Scroll 5540 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.17 Scroll 5542 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.18 Scroll 5544 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.19 Scroll 5546 Black Magic Death Area Pain Lvl.20 Scroll 5548 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.13 Scroll 5550 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.14 Scroll 5552 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.15 Scroll 5554 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.16 Scroll 5556 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.17 Scroll 5558 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.18 Scroll 5560 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.19 Scroll 5562 Elemental Magic Earth Decay Lvl.20 Scroll 5564 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.13 Scroll 5566 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.14 Scroll 5568 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.15 Scroll 5570 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.16 Scroll 5572 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.17 Scroll 5574 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.18 Scroll 5576 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.19 Scroll 5578 Elemental Magic Earth Petrify Lvl.20 Scroll 5580 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.13 Scroll 5582 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.14 Scroll 5584 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.15 Scroll 5586 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.16 Scroll 5588 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.17 Scroll 5590 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.18 Scroll 5592 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.19 Scroll 5594 Elemental Magic Ice Freeze Lvl.20 Scroll 5596 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.13 Scroll 5598 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.14 Scroll 5600 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.15 Scroll 5602 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.16 Scroll 5604 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.17 Scroll 5606 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.18 Scroll 5608 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.19 Scroll 5610 Elemental Magic Ice Fog Lvl.20 Scroll 5612 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.13 Scroll 5614 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.14 Scroll 5616 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.15 Scroll 5618 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.16 Scroll 5620 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.17 Scroll 5622 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.18 Scroll 5624 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.19 Scroll 5626 Elemental Magic Ice Blizzard Lvl.20 Scroll 5628 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.13 Scroll 5630 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.14 Scroll 5632 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.15 Scroll 5634 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.16 Scroll 5636 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.17 Scroll 5638 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.18 Scroll 5640 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.19 Scroll 5642 Elemental Magic Earth Stone Rain Lvl.20 Scroll 5644 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.13 Scroll 5646 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.14 Scroll 5648 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.15 Scroll 5650 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.16 Scroll 5652 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.17 Scroll 5654 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.18 Scroll 5656 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.19 Scroll 5658 Elemental Magic Ice Chill Resistance Lvl.20 Scroll 5660 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.13 Scroll 5662 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.14 Scroll 5664 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.15 Scroll 5666 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.16 Scroll 5668 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.17 Scroll 5670 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.18 Scroll 5672 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.19 Scroll 5674 Elemental Magic Fire Rain of Fire Lvl.20 Scroll 5676 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.13 Scroll 5678 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.14 Scroll 5680 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.15 Scroll 5682 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.16 Scroll 5684 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.17 Scroll 5686 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.18 Scroll 5688 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.19 Scroll 5690 Elemental Magic Earth Wave of Rocks Lvl.20 Scroll 5692 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.13 Scroll 5694 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.14 Scroll 5696 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.15 Scroll 5698 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.16 Scroll 5700 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.17 Scroll 5702 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.18 Scroll 5704 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.19 Scroll 5706 Elemental Magic Fire Melt Resistance Lvl.20 Scroll 5708 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.13 Scroll 5710 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.14 Scroll 5712 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.15 Scroll 5714 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.16 Scroll 5716 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.17 Scroll 5718 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.18 Scroll 5720 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.19 Scroll 5722 Elemental Magic Fire Wave of Fire Lvl.20 Scroll 5724 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.13 Scroll 5726 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.14 Scroll 5728 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.15 Scroll 5730 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.16 Scroll 5732 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.17 Scroll 5734 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.18 Scroll 5736 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.19 Scroll 5738 Elemental Magic Ice Wave of Ice Lvl.20 Scroll 5740 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.13 Scroll 5742 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.14 Scroll 5744 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.15 Scroll 5746 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.16 Scroll 5748 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.17 Scroll 5750 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.18 Scroll 5752 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.19 Scroll 5754 Elemental Magic Earth Rock Bullet Lvl.20 Scroll 5756 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.13 Scroll 5758 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.14 Scroll 5760 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.15 Scroll 5762 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.16 Scroll 5764 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.17 Scroll 5766 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.18 Scroll 5768 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.19 Scroll 5770 Mind Magic Defensive Sacrifice Mana Lvl.20 Scroll 5772 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.13 Scroll 5774 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.14 Scroll 5776 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.15 Scroll 5778 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.16 Scroll 5780 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.17 Scroll 5782 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.18 Scroll 5784 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.19 Scroll 5786 Elemental Magic Ice Iceburst Lvl.20 Scroll 5788 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.13 Scroll 5790 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.14 Scroll 5792 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.15 Scroll 5794 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.16 Scroll 5796 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.17 Scroll 5798 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.18 Scroll 5800 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.19 Scroll 5802 Elemental Magic Fire Fireburst Lvl.20 Scroll 5804 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.13 Scroll 5806 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.14 Scroll 5808 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.15 Scroll 5810 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.16 Scroll 5812 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.17 Scroll 5814 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.18 Scroll 5816 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.19 Scroll 5818 Elemental Magic Ice Iceshield Lvl.20 Scroll 5820 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.13 Scroll 5822 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.14 Scroll 5824 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.15 Scroll 5826 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.16 Scroll 5828 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.17 Scroll 5830 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.18 Scroll 5832 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.19 Scroll 5834 White Magic Nature Thornshield Lvl.20 Scroll 5836 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.13 Scroll 5838 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.14 Scroll 5840 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.15 Scroll 5842 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.16 Scroll 5844 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.17 Scroll 5846 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.18 Scroll 5848 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.19 Scroll 5850 White Magic Nature Summon Wolf Lvl.20 Scroll 5852 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.13 Scroll 5854 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.14 Scroll 5856 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.15 Scroll 5858 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.16 Scroll 5860 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.17 Scroll 5862 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.18 Scroll 5864 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.19 Scroll 5866 White Magic Nature Summon Bear Lvl.20 Scroll 5868 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.13 Scroll 5870 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.14 Scroll 5872 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.15 Scroll 5874 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.16 Scroll 5876 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.17 Scroll 5878 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.18 Scroll 5880 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.19 Scroll 5882 Elemental Magic Elemental Essence Lvl.20 Scroll 5884 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.13 Scroll 5886 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.14 Scroll 5888 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.15 Scroll 5890 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.16 Scroll 5892 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.17 Scroll 5894 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.18 Scroll 5896 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.19 Scroll 5898 Mind Magic Defensive Manadrain Lvl.20 Scroll 5900 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.13 Scroll 5902 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.14 Scroll 5904 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.15 Scroll 5906 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.16 Scroll 5908 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.17 Scroll 5910 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.18 Scroll 5912 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.19 Scroll 5914 Elemental Magic Fire Fireshield Lvl.20 Scroll 5916 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.13 Scroll 5918 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.14 Scroll 5920 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.15 Scroll 5922 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.16 Scroll 5924 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.17 Scroll 5926 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.18 Scroll 5928 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.19 Scroll 5930 Black Magic Curse Dark Banishing Lvl.20 Scroll 5932 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.13 Scroll 5934 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.14 Scroll 5936 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.15 Scroll 5938 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.16 Scroll 5940 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.17 Scroll 5942 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.18 Scroll 5944 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.19 Scroll 5946 Black Magic Curse Remediless Lvl.20 Scroll 5948 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.13 Scroll 5950 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.14 Scroll 5952 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.15 Scroll 5954 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.16 Scroll 5956 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.17 Scroll 5958 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.18 Scroll 5960 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.19 Scroll 5962 Mind Magic Mental Essence Lvl.20 Scroll 5964 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.13 Scroll 5966 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.14 Scroll 5968 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.15 Scroll 5970 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.16 Scroll 5972 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.17 Scroll 5974 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.18 Scroll 5976 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.19 Scroll 5978 Mind Magic Defensive Manatap Lvl.20 Scroll 5980 White Magic White Essence Lvl.13 Scroll 5982 White Magic White Essence Lvl.14 Scroll 5984 White Magic White Essence Lvl.15 Scroll 5986 White Magic White Essence Lvl.16 Scroll 5988 White Magic White Essence Lvl.17 Scroll 5990 White Magic White Essence Lvl.18 Scroll 5992 White Magic White Essence Lvl.19 Scroll 5994 White Magic White Essence Lvl.20 Scroll 5996 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.13 Scroll 5998 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.14 Scroll 6000 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.15 Scroll 6002 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.16 Scroll 6004 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.17 Scroll 6006 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.18 Scroll 6008 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.19 Scroll 6010 Elemental Magic Ice Ice Elemental Lvl.20 Scroll 6012 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.13 Scroll 6014 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.14 Scroll 6016 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.15 Scroll 6018 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.16 Scroll 6020 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.17 Scroll 6022 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.18 Scroll 6024 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.19 Scroll 6026 White Magic Boons Invulnerability Lvl.20 Scroll 6028 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.13 Scroll 6030 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.14 Scroll 6032 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.15 Scroll 6034 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.16 Scroll 6036 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.17 Scroll 6038 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.18 Scroll 6040 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.19 Scroll 6042 Elemental Magic Earth Earth Elemental Lvl.20 Scroll 6044 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.13 Scroll 6046 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.14 Scroll 6048 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.15 Scroll 6050 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.16 Scroll 6052 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.17 Scroll 6054 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.18 Scroll 6056 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.19 Scroll 6058 Elemental Magic Fire Fire Elemental Lvl.20 Scroll 6060 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.13 Scroll 6062 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.14 Scroll 6064 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.15 Scroll 6066 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.16 Scroll 6068 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.17 Scroll 6070 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.18 Scroll 6072 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.19 Scroll 6074 Black Magic Black Essence Lvl.20 Scroll 6076 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.13 Scroll 6078 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.14 Scroll 6080 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.15 Scroll 6082 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.16 Scroll 6084 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.17 Scroll 6086 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.18 Scroll 6088 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.19 Scroll 6090 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Skeleton Lvl.20 Scroll 6092 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.13 Scroll 6094 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.14 Scroll 6096 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.15 Scroll 6098 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.16 Scroll 6100 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.17 Scroll 6102 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.18 Scroll 6104 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.19 Scroll 6106 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Undead Goblin Lvl.20 Scroll 6108 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.13 Scroll 6110 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.14 Scroll 6112 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.15 Scroll 6114 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.16 Scroll 6116 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.17 Scroll 6118 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.18 Scroll 6120 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.19 Scroll 6122 Black Magic Curse Poison Lvl.20 Scroll 6124 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.13 Scroll 6126 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.14 Scroll 6128 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.15 Scroll 6130 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.16 Scroll 6132 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.17 Scroll 6134 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.18 Scroll 6136 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.19 Scroll 6138 Black Magic Death Pestilence Lvl.20 Scroll 6140 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.13 Scroll 6142 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.14 Scroll 6144 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.15 Scroll 6146 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.16 Scroll 6148 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.17 Scroll 6150 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.18 Scroll 6152 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.19 Scroll 6154 Mind Magic Defensive Enlightenment Lvl.20 Scroll 6156 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.13 Scroll 6158 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.14 Scroll 6160 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.15 Scroll 6162 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.16 Scroll 6164 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.17 Scroll 6166 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.18 Scroll 6168 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.19 Scroll 6170 Mind Magic Defensive Meditation Lvl.20 Scroll 6172 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.13 Scroll 6174 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.14 Scroll 6176 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.15 Scroll 6178 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.16 Scroll 6180 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.17 Scroll 6182 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.18 Scroll 6184 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.19 Scroll 6186 White Magic Boons Hallow Lvl.20 Scroll 6188 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.13 Scroll 6190 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.14 Scroll 6192 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.15 Scroll 6194 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.16 Scroll 6196 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.17 Scroll 6198 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.18 Scroll 6200 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.19 Scroll 6202 Elemental Magic Fire Illuminate Lvl.20 Scroll 6204 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.13 Scroll 6206 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.14 Scroll 6208 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.15 Scroll 6210 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.16 Scroll 6212 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.17 Scroll 6214 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.18 Scroll 6216 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.19 Scroll 6218 Mind Magic Enchantment Charm Lvl.20 Scroll 6220 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.13 Scroll 6222 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.14 Scroll 6224 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.15 Scroll 6226 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.16 Scroll 6228 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.17 Scroll 6230 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.18 Scroll 6232 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.19 Scroll 6234 White Magic Nature Charm Animal Lvl.20 Scroll 6236 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.13 Scroll 6238 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.14 Scroll 6240 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.15 Scroll 6242 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.16 Scroll 6244 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.17 Scroll 6246 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.18 Scroll 6248 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.19 Scroll 6250 Mind Magic Enchantment Invisibility Lvl.20 Scroll 6252 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.13 Scroll 6254 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.14 Scroll 6256 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.15 Scroll 6258 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.16 Scroll 6260 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.17 Scroll 6262 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.18 Scroll 6264 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.19 Scroll 6266 Mind Magic Offensive Confuse Lvl.20 Scroll 6268 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.13 Scroll 6270 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.14 Scroll 6272 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.15 Scroll 6274 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.16 Scroll 6276 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.17 Scroll 6278 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.18 Scroll 6280 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.19 Scroll 6282 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Spectre Lvl.20 Scroll 6284 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.13 Scroll 6286 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.14 Scroll 6288 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.15 Scroll 6290 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.16 Scroll 6292 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.17 Scroll 6294 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.18 Scroll 6296 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.19 Scroll 6298 White Magic Life Area Healing Lvl.20 Scroll 6300 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.13 Scroll 6302 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.14 Scroll 6304 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.15 Scroll 6306 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.16 Scroll 6308 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.17 Scroll 6310 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.18 Scroll 6312 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.19 Scroll 6314 White Magic Life Sentinel Healing Lvl.20 Scroll 6316 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.13 Scroll 6318 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.14 Scroll 6320 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.15 Scroll 6322 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.16 Scroll 6324 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.17 Scroll 6326 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.18 Scroll 6328 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.19 Scroll 6330 Black Magic Curse Dispel White Aura Lvl.20 Scroll 6332 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.13 Scroll 6334 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.14 Scroll 6336 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.15 Scroll 6338 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.16 Scroll 6340 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.17 Scroll 6342 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.18 Scroll 6344 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.19 Scroll 6346 White Magic Boons Dispel Black Aura Lvl.20 Scroll Scroll 6348 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.13 6350 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.14 Scroll 6352 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.15 Scroll 6354 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.16 Scroll 6356 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.17 Scroll 6358 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.18 Scroll 6360 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.19 Scroll 6362 Black Magic Necromancy Raise Dead Lvl.20 Scroll 6364 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.13 Scroll 6366 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.14 Scroll 6368 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.15 Scroll 6370 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.16 Scroll 6372 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.17 Scroll 6374 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.18 Scroll 6376 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.19 Scroll 6378 Black Magic Necromancy Feign Death Lvl.20 Scroll 6380 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.13 Scroll 6382 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.14 Scroll 6384 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.15 Scroll 6386 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.16 Scroll 6388 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.17 Scroll 6390 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.18 Scroll 6392 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.19 Scroll 6394 Mind Magic Enchantment Disenchant Lvl.20 Scroll 6396 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.13 Scroll 6398 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.14 Scroll 6400 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.15 Scroll 6402 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.16 Scroll 6404 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.17 Scroll 6406 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.18 Scroll 6408 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.19 Scroll 6410 Mind Magic Enchantment Charisma Lvl.20 Scroll 6412 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.13 Scroll 6414 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.14 Scroll 6416 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.15 Scroll 6418 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.16 Scroll 6420 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.17 Scroll 6422 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.18 Scroll 6424 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.19 Scroll 6426 Mind Magic Enchantment Befriend Lvl.20 Scroll 6428 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.13 Scroll 6430 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.14 Scroll 6432 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.15 Scroll 6434 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.16 Scroll 6436 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.17 Scroll 6438 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.18 Scroll 6440 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.19 Scroll 6442 Mind Magic Offensive Hypnotization Lvl.20 Scroll 6444 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.13 Scroll 6446 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.14 Scroll 6448 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.15 Scroll 6450 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.16 Scroll 6452 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.17 Scroll 6454 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.18 Scroll 6456 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.19 Scroll 6458 Mind Magic Offensive Disrupt Lvl.20 Scroll 6460 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.13 Scroll 6462 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.14 Scroll 6464 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.15 Scroll 6466 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.16 Scroll 6468 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.17 Scroll 6470 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.18 Scroll 6472 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.19 Scroll 6474 Mind Magic Enchantment Distract Lvl.20 Scroll 6476 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.13 Scroll 6478 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.14 Scroll 6480 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.15 Scroll 6482 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.16 Scroll 6484 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.17 Scroll 6486 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.18 Scroll 6488 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.19 Scroll 6490 White Magic Nature Area Roots Lvl.20 Scroll 6492 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.13 Scroll 6494 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.14 Scroll 6496 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.15 Scroll 6498 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.16 Scroll 6500 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.17 Scroll 6502 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.18 Scroll 6504 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.19 Scroll 6506 White Magic Nature Summon Treewraith Lvl.20 Scroll 6508 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.13 Scroll 6510 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.14 Scroll 6512 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.15 Scroll 6514 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.16 Scroll 6516 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.17 Scroll 6518 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.18 Scroll 6520 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.19 Scroll 6522 White Magic Nature Roots Lvl.20 Scroll 6524 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.13 Scroll 6526 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.14 Scroll 6528 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.15 Scroll 6530 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.16 Scroll 6532 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.17 Scroll 6534 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.18 Scroll 6536 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.19 Scroll 6538 White Magic Boons Chain Hallow Lvl.20 Scroll 6540 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.13 Scroll 6542 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.14 Scroll 6544 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.15 Scroll 6546 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.16 Scroll 6548 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.17 Scroll 6550 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.18 Scroll 6552 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.19 Scroll 6554 White Magic Life Assistance Lvl.20 Scroll 6556 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.13 Scroll 6558 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.14 Scroll 6560 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.15 Scroll 6562 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.16 Scroll 6564 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.17 Scroll 6566 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.18 Scroll 6568 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.19 Scroll 6570 White Magic Life Holy Touch Lvl.20 Scroll 6572 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.13 Scroll 6574 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.14 Scroll 6576 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.15 Scroll 6578 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.16 Scroll 6580 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.17 Scroll 6582 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.18 Scroll 6584 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.19 Scroll 6586 White Magic Life Revenge Lvl.20 Scroll 6588 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.13 Scroll 6590 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.14 Scroll 6592 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.15 Scroll 6594 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.16 Scroll 6596 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.17 Scroll 6598 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.18 Scroll 6600 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.19 Scroll 6602 White Magic Boons Reinforcement Lvl.20 Scroll 6604 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.13 Scroll 6606 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.14 Scroll 6608 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.15 Scroll 6610 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.16 Scroll 6612 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.17 Scroll 6614 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.18 Scroll 6616 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.19 Scroll 6618 White Magic Boons Aura Of Eternity Lvl.20 Scroll 6620 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.13 Scroll 6622 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.14 Scroll 6624 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.15 Scroll 6626 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.16 Scroll 6628 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.17 Scroll 6630 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.18 Scroll 6632 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.19 Scroll 6634 Black Magic Death Cannibalize Lvl.20 Scroll 6636 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.13 Scroll 6638 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.14 Scroll 6640 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.15 Scroll 6642 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.16 Scroll 6644 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.17 Scroll 6646 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.18 Scroll 6648 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.19 Scroll 6650 Black Magic Death Torture Lvl.20 Scroll 6652 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.13 Scroll 6654 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.14 Scroll 6656 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.15 Scroll 6658 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.16 Scroll 6660 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.17 Scroll 6662 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.18 Scroll 6664 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.19 Scroll 6666 Black Magic Death Chain Pain Lvl.20 Scroll 6668 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.13 Scroll 6670 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.14 Scroll 6672 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.15 Scroll 6674 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.16 Scroll 6676 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.17 Scroll 6678 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.18 Scroll 6680 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.19 Scroll 6682 Black Magic Curse Mutation Lvl.20 Scroll 6684 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.13 Scroll 6686 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.14 Scroll 6688 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.15 Scroll 6690 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.16 Scroll 6692 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.17 Scroll 6694 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.18 Scroll 6696 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.19 Scroll 6698 Black Magic Curse Chain Mutation Lvl.20 Scroll 6700 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.13 Scroll 6702 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.14 Scroll 6704 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.15 Scroll 6706 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.16 Scroll 6708 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.17 Scroll 6710 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.18 Scroll 6712 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.19 Scroll 6714 Black Magic Curse Area Of Darkness Lvl.20 Scroll 6716 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.13 Scroll 6718 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.14 Scroll 6720 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.15 Scroll 6722 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.16 Scroll 6724 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.17 Scroll 6726 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.18 Scroll 6728 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.19 Scroll 6730 Elemental Magic Fire Summon Fire Golem Lvl.20 Scroll 6732 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.13 Scroll 6734 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.14 Scroll 6736 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.15 Scroll 6738 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.16 Scroll 6740 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.17 Scroll 6742 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.18 Scroll 6744 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.19 Scroll 6746 Elemental Magic Ice Summon Ice Golem Lvl.20 Scroll 6748 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.13 Scroll 6750 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.14 Scroll 6752 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.15 Scroll 6754 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.16 Scroll 6756 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.17 Scroll 6758 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.18 Scroll 6760 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.19 Scroll 6762 Elemental Magic Earth Summon Stone Golem Lvl.20 Scroll 6764 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.13 Scroll 6766 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.14 Scroll 6768 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.15 Scroll 6770 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.16 Scroll 6772 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.17 Scroll 6774 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.18 Scroll 6776 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.19 Scroll 6778 Elemental Magic Earth Feet of Clay Lvl.20 Scroll 6780 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.13 Scroll 6782 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.14 Scroll 6784 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.15 Scroll 6786 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.16 Scroll 6788 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.17 Scroll 6790 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.18 Scroll 6792 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.19 Scroll 6794 Elemental Magic Earth Chain Rock Bullet Lvl.20 Scroll 6796 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.13 Scroll 6798 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.14 Scroll 6800 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.15 Scroll 6802 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.16 Scroll 6804 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.17 Scroll 6806 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.18 Scroll 6808 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.19 Scroll 6810 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Burst Lvl.20 Scroll 6812 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.13 Scroll 6814 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.14 Scroll 6816 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.15 Scroll 6818 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.16 Scroll 6820 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.17 Scroll 6822 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.18 Scroll 6824 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.19 Scroll 6826 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireburst Lvl.20 Scroll 6828 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.13 Scroll 6830 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.14 Scroll 6832 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.15 Scroll 6834 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.16 Scroll 6836 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.17 Scroll 6838 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.18 Scroll 6840 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.19 Scroll 6842 Elemental Magic Fire Chain Fireball Lvl.20 Scroll 6844 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.13 Scroll 6846 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.14 Scroll 6848 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.15 Scroll 6850 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.16 Scroll 6852 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.17 Scroll 6854 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.18 Scroll 6856 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.19 Scroll 6858 Elemental Magic Ice Chain Ice Area Freeze Lvl.20 Scroll 6860 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.13 Scroll 6862 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.14 Scroll 6864 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.15 Scroll 6866 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.16 Scroll 6868 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.17 Scroll 6870 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.18 Scroll 6872 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.19 Scroll 6874 Mind Magic Enchantment Mirror Image [Illusion] Lvl.20 Scroll 6876 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.13 Scroll 6878 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.14 Scroll 6880 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.15 Scroll 6882 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.16 Scroll 6884 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.17 Scroll 6886 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.18 Scroll 6888 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.19 Scroll 6890 Mind Magic Enchantment Chain Charm Lvl.20 Scroll 6892 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.13 Scroll 6894 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.14 Scroll 6896 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.15 Scroll 6898 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.16 Scroll 6900 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.18 Scroll 6902 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.19 Scroll 6904 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.20 Scroll 6906 Mind Magic Offensive Chain Shock Lvl.21 Scroll 6908 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.13 Scroll 6910 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.14 Scroll 6912 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.15 Scroll 6914 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.16 Scroll 6916 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.17 Scroll 6918 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.18 Scroll 6920 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.19 Scroll 6922 Mind Magic Defensive Chain Manatap Lvl.20 Scroll 6924 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.13 Scroll 6926 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.14 Scroll 6928 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.15 Scroll 6930 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.16 Scroll 6932 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.17 Scroll 6934 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.18 Scroll 6936 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.19 Scroll 6938 Mind Magic Enchantment Feedback Lvl.20 Scroll 6940 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.13 Scroll 6942 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.14 Scroll 6944 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.15 Scroll 6946 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.16 Scroll 6948 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.17 Scroll 6950 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.18 Scroll 6952 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.19 Scroll 6954 Mind Magic Defensive Manashield Lvl.20 Scroll 6956 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.13 Scroll 6958 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.14 Scroll 6960 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.15 Scroll 6962 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.16 Scroll 6964 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.17 Scroll 6966 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.18 Scroll 6968 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.19 Scroll 6970 Mind Magic Defensive Shift Mana Lvl.20 Scroll 6972 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.13 Scroll 6974 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.14 Scroll 6976 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.15 Scroll 6978 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.16 Scroll 6980 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.17 Scroll 6982 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.18 Scroll 6984 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.19 Scroll 6986 Mind Magic Offensive Area Hypnotisation Lvl.20 Scroll 6988 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.13 Scroll 6990 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.14 Scroll 6992 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.15 Scroll 6994 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.16 Scroll 6996 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.17 Scroll 6998 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.18 Scroll 7000 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.19 Scroll 7002 Mind Magic Offensive Area Confuse Lvl.20 Scroll 7004 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.13 Scroll 7006 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.14 Scroll 7008 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.15 Scroll 7010 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.16 Scroll 7012 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.17 Scroll 7014 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.18 Scroll 7016 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.19 Scroll 7018 Black Magic Necromancy Chain Lifetap Lvl.20 Scroll 7020 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.13 Scroll 7022 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.14 Scroll 7024 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.15 Scroll 7026 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.16 Scroll 7028 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.17 Scroll 7030 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.18 Scroll 7032 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.19 Scroll 7034 Black Magic Necromancy Dominate Undead Lvl.20 Scroll 7036 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.13 Scroll 7038 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.14 Scroll 7040 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.15 Scroll 7042 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.16 Scroll 7044 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.17 Scroll 7046 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.18 Scroll 7048 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.19 Scroll 7050 Black Magic Necromancy Summon Blade Lvl.20 Scroll 7052 Key to the Dryad Cove Quest 7053 Null Invalid 7054 Null Invalid 7055 Null Invalid 7056 Null Invalid 7057 Null Invalid 7058 Null Invalid 7059 Null Invalid 7060 Null Invalid 7061 Null Invalid 7062 Null Invalid 7063 Titan's Hammer [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 11, Damage 50-65, Range 1, Speed 25%. Slot 7064 Cap of Mental Sanity - Any Magic Ability 11, AC 30, INT -15. Slot 7065 Ring of Fools - Conditions: Lvl.26, STR -10, STA -10, AGI +15, DEX -10, INT +10, WIS -10, CHA +15. Slot 7066 Zerbite Tear Quest 7067 Holy Water Quest 7068 [Looks like Stormblade] Damage 15-20, Range 1, Speed 100% Null 7069 Antidote Quest 7070 Left Half of a Golem Quest 7071 Right Half of a Golem Quest 7072 Head of a Golem Quest 7073 Onyx Quest 7074 Rock Crystal Quest 7075 Diamond Sword Quest 7076 Hadeko Puppet of the Hero Quest 7077 Hadeko Puppet of the Shadow Quest 7078 Hadeko Puppet of the Gatekeeper Quest 7079 Hadeko Puppet of the Trickster Quest 7080 Hadeko Puppet of the Mentor Quest 7081 Hadeko Puppet of the Archmage Quest 7082 Key to the Back Entrance Quest 7083 Seed of the Lifetree Quest 7084 Flamberge [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 10, Damage 20-26, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 7085 Bruiser - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 1, Damage 6-7, Range 1, Speed 80%. Slot 7086 Grobianus - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 7, Damage 13-16, Range 1, Speed 82% Slot 7087 Thorny Death - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 12, Damage 22-28, Range 1, Speed 80%. Slot 7088 Awkward Hammer - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 5, Damage 8-13, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 7089 Null Invalid 7090 Null Invalid 7091 Darkelf Worker Lvl.26 Slot 7092 Darkelf Worker Lvl.27 Slot 7093 Darkelf Worker Lvl.28 Slot 7094 Darkelf Worker Lvl.29 Slot 7095 Darkelf Worker Lvl.30 Slot 7096 Darkelf Worker Lvl.31 Slot 7097 Darkelf Worker Lvl.32 Slot 7098 Darkelf Worker Lvl.33 Slot 7099 Darkelf Worker Lvl.34 Slot 7100 Darkelf Worker Lvl.35 Slot 7101 Dwarf Worker Lvl.26 Slot 7102 Dwarf Worker Lvl.27 Slot 7103 Dwarf Worker Lvl.28 Slot 7104 Dwarf Worker Lvl.29 Slot 7105 Dwarf Worker Lvl.30 Slot 7106 Dwarf Worker Lvl.31 Slot 7107 Dwarf Worker Lvl.32 Slot 7108 Dwarf Worker Lvl.33 Slot 7109 Dwarf Worker Lvl.34 Slot 7110 Dwarf Worker Lvl.35 Slot 7111 Elf Worker Lvl.26 Slot 7112 Elf Worker Lvl.27 Slot 7113 Elf Worker Lvl.28 Slot 7114 Elf Worker Lvl.29 Slot 7115 Elf Worker Lvl.30 Slot 7116 Elf Worker Lvl.31 Slot 7117 Elf Worker Lvl.32 Slot 7118 Elf Worker Lvl.33 Slot 7119 Elf Worker Lvl.34 Slot 7120 Elf Worker Lvl.35 Slot 7121 Human Worker Lvl.26 Slot 7122 Human Worker Lvl.27 Slot 7123 Human Worker Lvl.28 Slot 7124 Human Worker Lvl.29 Slot 7125 Human Worker Lvl.30 Slot 7126 Human Worker Lvl.31 Slot 7127 Human Worker Lvl.32 Slot 7128 Human Worker Lvl.33 Slot 7129 Human Worker Lvl.34 Slot 7130 Human Worker Lvl.35 Slot 7131 Orc Worker Lvl.26 Slot 7132 Orc Worker Lvl.27 Slot 7133 Orc Worker Lvl.28 Slot 7134 Orc Worker Lvl.29 Slot 7135 Orc Worker Lvl.30 Slot 7136 Orc Worker Lvl.31 Slot 7137 Orc Worker Lvl.32 Slot 7138 Orc Worker Lvl.33 Slot 7139 Orc Worker Lvl.34 Slot 7140 Orc Worker Lvl.35 Slot 7141 Troll Worker Lvl.26 Slot 7142 Troll Worker Lvl.27 Slot 7143 Troll Worker Lvl.28 Slot 7144 Troll Worker Lvl.29 Slot 7145 Troll Worker Lvl.30 Slot 7146 Troll Worker Lvl.31 Slot 7147 Troll Worker Lvl.32 Slot 7148 Troll Worker Lvl.33 Slot 7149 Troll Worker Lvl.34 Slot 7150 Troll Worker Lvl.35 Slot 7151 to 7210 [Repeated Worker Runes for all races] [Not Transferable] 7211 Key to the Ancient Dwarf Mine Quest 7212 Key to the Portal into the Clockwork Crypts Quest 7213 Key to the Spider Gate Quest 7214 Air Coins Quest 7215 Key to Darwind Keep Quest 7216 Stone Tounge Quest 7217 Voucher Quest 7218 Gratification Quest 7219 Letter from Jyla to Endo Quest 7220 Dreamsand Quest 7221 Keystone for the Hall of Dead Quest 7222 Fire Coins Quest 7223 Key to the Exit Gate Quest 7224 Tana's Frozen Heart Quest 7225 Melody of Deception Quest 7226 Melody of Nightfall Quest 7227 Rigour's Bag Quest 7228 Melody of the Betrayer Quest 7229 Melody of the Messenger Quest 7230 Nazshar's Body Quest 7231 Scroll of the Spellbreaker Quest 7232 Portal Stone Quest 7233 Bloodfilled Vial Quest 7234 Quills of Memory Quest 7235 Shadow Crystal Quest 7236 Note for Tana Quest 7237 Parchments Quest 7238 Old Parchments Quest 7239 Note for Rigour Mortis Quest 7240 Ancient Parchments Quest 7241 Arcane Parchments Quest 7242 Key to Nazshar's Grave Quest 7243 Spellseeker Eyeglasses Quest 7244 Gemcutter for Portalstones Quest 7245 Vial for Lightchild Blood Quest 7246 Quills of Mermory Quest 7247 Shadow Ring [Its a Letter!] Quest 7248 Tana's Memory Quest 7249 Song of Deception [Letter] Quest 7250 Song of Nightfall [Letter] Quest 7251 Shadow Manifest Quest 7252 Song of the Betrayer Quest 7253 Song of the Messenger Quest 7254 Sigil of Nazshar Quest 7255 Glyph of the Spellbreaker Quest 7256 Null Invalid 7257 Null Invalid 7258 Null Invalid 7259 Null Invalid 7260 Null Invalid 7261 Null Invalid 7262 Null Invalid 7263 Null Invalid 7264 Null Invalid 7265 Null Invalid 7266 Null Invalid 7267 Null Invalid 7286 Null Invalid 7287 Null Invalid 7288 Spear - Damage 10-15, Range 1, Speed 100% Null 7289 Staff - Damage 8-12, Range 1, Speed 100% Null 7290 F**king Huge Hammer - Damage 6-15, Range 1, Speed 100% Null 7291 Ring of the Bards - Level 45, AC 50, STR 8, DEX 8, INT 8 CHA 7 Resistances: Fire Magic +30, Black Magic +30. Slot 7292 Messenger of Night - Level.45, AC 50, STR 10, AGI 10, INT 10, Resistances: Ice Magic +30, Mind Magic +30. Slot 7293 Null Invalid 7294 Key to the prison Quest 7295 Orc Worker Lvl.19 Slot 7297 Ring Quest 7298 Null Invalid 7299 Null Invalid 7300 Null Invalid 7301 Null Invalid 7302 Frog Leather Quest 7303 Dress Clasp Quest 7304 Null Invalid 7305 Null Invalid 7309 Null Invalid 7310 Null Invalid 7311 Null Invalid 7312 Purple Dust Quest 7313 Nightshade Silk Quest 7314 Riposte Spell 7315 Shift Life Spell 7316 Critical Hits Spell 7317 Sword of Diamond Quest 7318 Blue Rose Quest 7319 Sapphire Rose Quest 7320 Null Invalid 7321 Null Invalid 7322 Null Invalid 7323 Bank Seal Quest 7324 Tantaro's Glove Quest 7326 Rune Warrior Chandi Lvl.43 - Conditions: Level 50. Slot 7328 Rune Archer Finnian Lvl.43 - Conditions: Level 50. Slot 7330 Rune Mage Lemuel Lvl.43 - Conditions: Level 50. Slot 7332 Water Coins Quest 7333 Tantaro's Nailstick Quest 7334 Cursed Coboldcoin Quest Rune of the Pantheon - the effects of the set-items are increased by 50%. Conditions: Lvl.48 7335 Helmet of the Guardians - AC 51, STA 8, INT 10, WIS 8 Set 7336 Armor of the Keepers - AC 170, STA 20, STR 20, WIS 4 Set 7337 Greaves of the Guardians - AC 80, AGI 18, DEX 18 Set 7338 Mortars Quest 7339 Strange Mechanoid Quest 7340 Heart Quest 7341 Bowl of the Dryad Quest 7342 Phenomic Office Key [Phenomic] Strange 7343 Spellforce 2 Design Doc [Phenomic] Strange 7344 Spellforce Muckle Figurine [Phenomic] Strange 7345 Stone Tablet of Arne Quest 7346 Stone Tablet of Libi Quest 7347 Stone Tablet of Holger Quest 7348 Stone Tablet of Steffen Quest 7349 Stone Tablet of Sidonie Quest 7350 Stone Tablet of Jochen Quest 7351 Stone Tablet of Marcus Quest 7352 Stone Tablet of Michael Quest 7353 Libi's Guitar [Phenomic] Strange 7354 High Precision Milestone planning device [Phenomic] Strange 7355 Arne's Eyeglasses {Phenomic] Strange 7356 Earth Coins Quest 7357 Royal treasury Letter Quest 7358 Adamantinum Bar Quest 7359 Lava Ruby Quest 7360 Star-shaped Amulet Quest 7361 Null Invalid 7362 Null Invalid 7363 Null Invalid 7364 Null Invalid 7365 Null Invalid 7366 Null Invalid 7367 Null Invalid 7368 Sigil of the Norcaine Quest 7369 Bag with protection money Quest 7370 Bag with cursed coins Quest 7371 Null Invalid 7372 Null Invalid 7373 Null Invalid 7374 Null Invalid 7375 Null Invalid 7376 Null Invalid 7377 Null Invalid 7378 Null Invalid 7379 Null Invalid 7380 Claw of the Pickpocket Skill Quest 7381 Imperial Crossbow - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 13, Damage 25-28, Range 2-17, Speed: 80%. Slot 7382 Crossbow of the Master Archer - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 15, Damage 30-33. Range 2-18, Speed: 80%. Slot 7383 Steelbreaker - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 16, Damage 35-38, Range 2-19, Speed: 80%. Slot 7384 Bolt Thrower - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 18, Damage 37-41, Range 2-17, Speed: 80%. Slot 7385 Mechanical Crossbow - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 19, Damage 40-43, Range 2-16, Speed: 80%. Slot 7387 Willowspanner - Ranged Combat - Bows 18, Damage 22-28, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%. Slot 7388 Heratfinder - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 16, Damage 24-30, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%. Slot 7389 Bow of the Eternal Wanderers - Ranged Combat - Crossbow 18, Damage 28-34, Range 2-15, Speed: 100%. Slot 7390 Hirin's Bow - Ranged Combat - Bows 20, Damage 32-37, Range 2-16, Speed: 100%. Slot 7391 Mountaineer's Cap - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 14, AC 58, STR 10, STA 10, DEX 6. Slot 7392 Heavy Steel Armour - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 15, Armourclass 180, Black Magic +10 Slot 7393 Reinforced Adamatinum Greaves - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 16, AC 106, STR 14, STA 14, DEX 8, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +7, Ice Magic +7, Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +5. 7394 Skarvig's Masterpiece - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 20, AC 120, STR 25, STA 20, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Speed: Run -5%. 7395 Iron Guard - Heavy Combat Arts - Shields 20, AC 115, STR 30, STA 30, DEX 5, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +12, Ice Magic +12, Black Magic +12, Speed: Run -5%, Fight +5%. 7396 Mist Armour - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 17, AC 185, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 11, DEX 11, Speed: Run +5%, Fight +5%. Slot 7397 Cat Leglings - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 13, AC 80, AGI 15, DEX 15, Speed: Run +7% Slot 7398 Sandor's Fine Boots - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 15, AC 86, STA 4, AGI 15, DEX 15, Speed: Run +5%. Slot 7399 Ereon's Clarity - Any Magic Ability 20, AC 40, INT 20, WIS 20, CHA 10, Resistances: Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +15, Speed: Cast +10%. Slot 7400 Robe of Eternity - Any Magic Ability 19, AC 225, STA 22, INT 33, WIS 33, CHA 20, Resistances: Black Magic +20 Speed: Cast +5% Slot 7401 Shield of Dawn Mages - Any Magic Ability 13, AC 75, INT 15, WIS 15 CHA 15, Resistances: Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +10. Slot 7402 Tidal Shield - Any Magic Ability 17, AC 100, WIS 20, CHA 15, Resistances: Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10. Slot 7403 Shield of Thousand Suns - Any Magic Ability 20, AC 115, STA 20, INT 20, WIS 20, CHA 20, Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10, Mind Magic +10, Speed: Cast +5%. 7404 Moon Crystal - Any Magic Ability 16, Mana +75, INT 25, WIS 25, CHA 25, Speed: Cast +5%. Slot 7405 Null Invalid 7406 Null Invalid 7407 Null Invalid 7408 Null Invalid 7409 Null Invalid 7410 Gleaming Shield - Any Magic Ability 15, AC 85, INT 20, WIS 20, CHA 15. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +11, Ice Magic +11, Black Magic +4, Mind Magic +4 Speed: Cast +5%. 7411 Ceremonial Cap - Level 36, AC 44, STR 5, STA 5, INT 5, WIS 5, CHA 2. Slot 7412 Adventurer's Cap - Level 41, AC 48, STR 2, STA 5, INT 5, WIS 5, CHA 2, DEX 5. Slot 7413 Fine Robes - Level 43, AC 165, STR 5, STA 10, AGI 5, DEX 5, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 3. Null 7414 Imageless left-handed weapon - Damage 7-12, Range 2-14, Speed 100% Null 7415 Odd looking slotable [Towel Roll???] item w/o stats. Null 7416 Keeper Spear [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - and Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 12, Damage 33-41, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 7417 Sun Lance [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts 16 and Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 16, Damage 47-59, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 7418 Judgement of the Gods [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts 17 and Light Combat Arts - Piercing Weapons 17, Damage 54-64, Range 1, Speed 80%. Slot 7419 Null Invalid 7420 Null Invalid 7421 Lasura - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 13, AC 25, STR 10, STA 10, DEX 5, Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5. Slot 7422 Quetzalquar - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 15, AC 30, STR 14, STA 14. Slot 7423 Goramur - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 16 AC 33, STR 10, STA 10, DEX 8, Resistances: Black Magic +10. Slot 7424 Irimaldar - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 18, AC 40, STR 15, STA 15, DEX 5, Speed: Fight +5%. Slot 7425 Horrit - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 19, AC 45, STR 20, STA 17, Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5. Slot 7426 Grogorma - Heavy combat Arts - Heavy Armour 20, AC 50, STR 15, STA 15, DEX 10, Speed: Fight +5%. Slot 7427 Yxy - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 14, AC 28, STR 4, STA 5, AGI 8, DEX 8, Speed: Run +5%. Slot 7428 Mutabor - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 15, AC 30, STR 4, Sta 4, AGI 10, DEX 10, Resistances: Black Magic +4, Mind Magic +4. Slot 7429 Varimy - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 33, STR 8, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 8, Speed: Fight +5%. Slot 7430 Mirnor - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 18, AC 40, STR 5, STA 10, AGI 10, Dex 10, Speed: Run +5%. Slot 7431 Frobos - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 19, AC 45, STA 7, AGI 15, DEX 15. Slot 7432 Grindalf - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 20, AC 50, STR 10, STA 10, AGI 10, DEX 10, Slot Resistances: Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +5, Speed: Run +5%. 7433 Looks like Great Dawn Plate w/cloak [Yes! This has to be Urias Body Armour !!!] - AC 165, STR 16, AGI 16, DEX 16. Speed: Run +5% Fight +5%. Null 7434 Greaves - AC 86, STA 4, AGI 15, DEX 15, Speed: Run +5%. Null 7435 Yellow Blouse [Blop!] w/o stats. Null 7436 Yellow Pants [Blop!] w/o stats. Null 7437 Bliss - Level 30, AC 20, Mana +75. Slot 7438 Honeycomb Quest 7439 Null Invalid 7440 Imageless weapon - Damage 5-10, Range 1, Speed 100% Effect: Lifetap. Null 7441 Robe of Tenacity - Level 40, AC 210, STA 70. Slot 7442 Galeritus's Trousers - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 90, AGI 18, DEX 18. Slot 7443 Robe of Sublimation - Any Magic Ability 16, AC 180, INT 48, WIS 48. Slot 7444 Mana Tunnel - Any Magic Ability 16, AC 32, INT -4, WIS 50, CHA -4. Slot 7445 Assassin - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 16, AC 57, AGI 13, DEX 17. Slot 7446 Painfire - Light Combat Arts - Piercing weapons 18, Damage 24-31, Range 1, Speed 115%. Slot 7447 Harbinger of Decay - Light Combat Arts - Light Blunt Weapons 18, Damage 30-41, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 7448 Eliminator - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 14, Damage 18-33, Range 1, Speed 95%. Slot 7449 Black Death - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 16, Damage 26-40, Range 1, Speed 85%. Slot 7450 Frozen Wrath [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 13, Damage 26-39, Range 1, Speed: 87%. Slot 7451 Demonic Warlord [2H] - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 17, Damage 41-49, Range 1, Speed: 90%, Resistances: Black Magic -10. Slot 7452 Skullsplitter - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blade Weapons 20, Damage 36-48, Range 1, Speed: 82%. Slot 7453 Inferno - Heavy Combat Arts - Large Blunt Weapons 20, damage 32-48, Range 1, Speed 90%. Slot 7454 Guradon - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 14, AC 28, STR 5, STA 10, AGI 5, DEX 5, Resistances: Ice Magic +7, Mind Magic +10. Slot 7455 Zyrmar - Heavy Combat Arts - Heavy Armour 17, AC 36, STR 6, STA 12, AGI 6, DEX 6, Speed: Fight +7%. Slot 7456 Zarganiel - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 13, AC 25, STA 3, AGI 10, DEX 10, Speed: Fight +6%. Slot 7457 Myrrlit - Light Combat Arts - Light Armour 17, AC 36, STR 8, STA 8, AGI 8, DEX 8, Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Mind Magic +4. Slot 7458 Onzenga - Any Magic Ability 13, AC 25, INT 10, WIS 13, Resistances: Fire Magic +5, Ice Magic +5, Black Magic +5, Mind Magic +5. Slot 7459 Tar-Targuin - Any Magic Ability 16, AC 33, INT 16, WIS 16, Speed: Cast +7%. Slot 7460 Organon - Any Magic Ability 13, Mana +60, INT 30, WIS 30. Slot 7461 Orb of Voices - Any Magic Ability 15, Mana +70, INT 30, WIS 20, CHA 20, Speed: Cast +5%. Slot 7462 Orb of Dawn and Dusk - Any Magic Ability 18, Mana +85, INT 35, WIS 25, CHA 25, Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Ice Magic +10, Black Magic +10. Slot 7463 Orb of Mastery - Any Magic Ability 19, Mana +90, WIS 90, Speed: Cast +10%. Slot 7464 Shield of the Pit - Heavy Combat Arts - Shields 18, AC 105, STR 21, STA 27, DEX 15, Speed: Fight +7%. Slot 7465 Red Shield of Revenge - Any Magic Ability 18, AC 105, STA 17, INT 24, WIS 29. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +10, Black Magic +15, Mind Magic +10. 7466 Doublet of Eternity - Level 34, AC 125, STR 9, STA 9, DEX 5, INT 7, WIS 10. Slot 7467 Steelskin - Level 38, AC 145, STR 5, STA 5, AGI 8, DEX 8, INT 6, WIS 7, CHA 5. Slot 7468 Relictrion - Level 46, AC 175, STR 5, STA 6, AGI 13, DEX 13, INT 6, WIS 7, CHA 6. Slot Resistances: Fire Magic +11, Black Magic +11, Black Magic +8. 7469 Ajacar - Level 48, AC 185, STR 15, STA 4, AGI 4, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 6, Speed: Fight +5%, Cast +5%. Slot 7470 Staff of Voices - Any Magic Ability 14, Damage, 18-24, Range 1, Speed 86%, Mana +19 Slot 7471 Tidal Staff - Any Magic Ability 15, Damage, 18-26, Range 1, Speed 90%, Mana +24. Slot 7472 Staff of the Thaumaturgs - Any Magic Ability 16, Damage, 21-28, Range 1, Speed 86%, Mana +29. Slot 7473 Staff of Sublimation - Any Magic Ability 18, Damage, 24-31, Range 1, Speed 87%, Mana +38. Slot 7474 Staff of Eternity - Any Magic Ability 20, Damage, 27-35, Range 1, Speed 85%, Mana +48. Slot